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Tech Support

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  1. Please create support ticket for this question, it looks like we will need some example from you to understand what you need to do.
  2. Please go to Website UI -> Texts and search for videos.sortings_general in External ID. It should give you this: videos.sortings_general = array(post_date, video_viewed, rating, duration, most_commented, most_favourited) Change like this: videos.sortings_general = array(post_date, rating)
  3. We also added Smarty and basic HTML syntax highlight when editing templates. See Template editors section in the original post.
  4. It doesn't matter how much storage space individual servers have, KVS is always looking into the space the group has, it is has the minimum space from all servers.
  5. In KVS there is no built-in support for country restrictions. The main reason is that KVS caching engine doesn't allow having these restrictions along with site caching, so for now we don't have any way to add this feature. However, if you discount caching aspect, it is possible to activate this feature with few theme adjustments. Disabling caching could have negative impact on your database load. But in this case you will only disable cache for video_view block, which is not the hardest block to be rendered. Step 1. First of all you need to switch off caching for the View Video page and video_view block on it. In order to do that go to Website UI -> Pages and search for video_view there. This will show you all pages that have this block (by default your theme will only have one page and block with caching time set to 3600 on both). Set caching time to 0 in both page and block fields (by default it will have 3600) and use Save caching option: Step 2. Go to Settings -> Customization and activate some custom text field in Videos. This will be the field where you need to list country codes of the countries where a specific video should be blocked. The format of the data is comma-separated list of 2-symbol country codes, for example like this: NOTE: the actual formatting doesn't matter, possible to specify in lower case, or without space between commas. Step 3. In Website UI -> Pages -> View Video page -> video_view block template find this fragment: {{if $data.status_id==5 || $data.status_id==2 || $data.status_id==3}} <div class="no-player" style="width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: {{$player_size[1]/$player_size[0]*100|replace:",":"."}}%; background: black"> <span class="message">{{$data.delete_reason|default:$lang.videos.video_player_deleted}}</span> </div> {{elseif $is_limit_over==1}} .... Add the following block right before it: {{assign var="blocked_countries" value=","|explode:$data.custom1}} {{assign var="is_blocked_by_country" value="false"}} {{foreach from=$blocked_countries item="country_code"}} {{if $country_code|trim|strtolower==$smarty.server.GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE|strtolower}} {{assign var="is_blocked_by_country" value="true"}} {{/if}} {{/foreach}} {{if $is_blocked_by_country=='true'}} <div class="no-player" style="width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: {{$player_size[1]/$player_size[0]*100|replace:",":"."}}%; background: black"> <span class="message">This video is not available in your country</span> </div> and it order to make the smarty syntax complete you should changed {{if}} with {{elseif}} in the mentioned before block in the first line: {{elseif $data.status_id==5 || $data.status_id==2 || $data.status_id==3}} <div class="no-player" style="width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: {{$player_size[1]/$player_size[0]*100|replace:",":"."}}%; background: black"> <span class="message">{{$data.delete_reason|default:$lang.videos.video_player_deleted}}</span> </div> {{elseif $is_limit_over==1}} .... IMPORTANT! If you fail to insert this block into the correct place, or to correct the IF -> ELSEIF logic, your template code may become broken and in this case it will stop rendering player. Then go to Website UI -> Change history to find the previous template version and restore it.
  6. Yes, we added already https://www.coinpayments.net as a billing into KVS, but it will be part of the upcoming update.
  7. This can only be done massively via direct DB update (use phpmyadmin or other MySQL client): update ktvs_videos set embed=replace(embed, 'src="http://', 'src="https://') where load_type_id=3 and embed like '%src="http://%';
  8. It is hard to integrate and support a billing that doesn't have support (e.g. self-hosted). In many cases there are issues from billing side, and we normally redirect those issues to billing support and get replies / hints. With self-hosted billings we will be the only in charge, so most likely this will never be added into KVS, due to possible support nightmare.
  9. We will add ability to customize styles in personal settings, so that you can adjust admin panel styles without the need to modify CSS file.
  10. It is not possible to watermark source images, as we think source images should be untouched (for example in future you may decide to re-brand, or change watermark). Therefore one of the workaround for this is to create a new album format with 9999x9999 size and dynamic size option, and define your watermark there. This will create another set of images with the same size as source images, but with your watermark. Then in Website UI -> Theme settings you need to change theme from using album source images to using images of this 9999x9999 format.
  11. Yes, we added already https://www.coinpayments.net as a billing into KVS, but it will be part of the upcoming update.
  12. Synonyms are the correct way. Please go to Settings -> Content settings and make sure that attach old tags as synonyms option is enabled. Then open azzparade tag in the tags list and rename it into azz-parade. What should happen is these 2 tags will be merged into a single tag azz-parade (and all content that referred azzparade tag before will start referring the new azz-parade tag), plus azzparade should be added as a synonyms to azz-parade (please double check that). Then any new case when azzparade tag will be tried to be used, it will be auto-changed to azz-parade. KVS is still missing ability to show 301 redirects for synonyms to the original tag URL, but I think we will add this in future.
  13. For specific questions that require looking into your site please always create support tickets.
  14. Nothing changed. We still have a huge plan to re-do everything in KVS, this will take us 2-3 years. Such features as live streaming will not be considered, as they are not demanded with majority of our customers.
  15. Could be your theme is custom and this block is not among global blocks. Then please search for member_profile_delete block in Website UI -> Pages. You should have this block somewhere, otherwise you wouldn't receive profile removal requests...
  16. Do you mean you want to allow free users to upgrade to premium? That's possible, you can render this link anywhere in header like this: {{if $smarty.session.status_id==2}} <a data-href="{{$lang.urls.upgrade}}" data-fancybox="ajax">Upgrade to Premium</a> {{/if}} For the 2nd part, I'm not sure I get what you mean, could you please create support ticket with example on your site.
  17. It depends how you configured payment button at Paypal admin. If you configured it as a recurrent payment every N days, it will automatically do that unless the user manually cancel it in their Paypal acount.
  18. Yes, but this is not connected to admin panel GUI. We will put this into our future plans.
  19. Are you sure your server doesn't have Apache? We don't actually provide support for Nginx, because this is not easy and convenient - you have to modify Nginx config with the root user and then login to server panel to restart Nginx. This is better from performance view, but bad from usability and support. So we do not provide any support for this. But if your project has Apache, you don't need to do this. You can simply add this rule into the primary .htaccess file (in the www root directory): RewriteRule ^test_page/$ test_page.php [L,QSA] As a bonus to that, you don't have to care about slash at the end, because by default this is already considered and your .htaccess file contains global redirect for all non-slash URLs.
  20. It actually checks server storage space when choosing server group. At the time KVS decides which server group to choose, there is 100% enough disk space on it. Not sure which exact issue you mean, but this could be a bug and we may need to look into logs to see what happens and how we can fix it. Please create support ticket and specify which video is that, and let us check your logs.
  21. By default KVS doesn't allow users to remove their account automatically. This is done because of mainly SEO factor, for example you have a user who uploaded 100s of videos that receive SEO traffic and anyway popular with other users. And if this user wants to remove their account, then the videos should also be removed. So KVS allows users to request their account to be deleted, and then you need to decide this manually. If these users do not have any content uploaded, or you simply don't care - just remove their accounts from admin panel and that's it. If these users have some videos uploaded, you may want to move these videos to other user's account, just to not lose them from your site. It is also possible to configure that users can delete their accounts automatically with all content without your consent, or they can only automatically delete their accounts if they don't have any content uploaded. This can be configured in Website UI -> Global blocks -> Delete Profile Form parameters.
  22. I think you need to check with SEO specialists, or ask a question on SEO forum. Google could have noticed that your site design was changed, and it removed your site from ranking for a bit of time to calculate the new ranking (I'm just guessing here, since don't have actual knowledge).
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