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Tech Support

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Everything posted by Tech Support

  1. We don't have deadlines, not possible to fulfill them. Do you mean with resize option? Yes, this would be possible with the new API as well, as we are planning to extend custom file fields to restrict file types and also have ability to resize them to the desired size.
  2. This was added long ago as a feature, not UI template.
  3. I see what you mean, but this should be replaced with normal emailing feature. Email headers will not be required anymore, they will be auto-populated based on settings. But hard to tell when this feature will find its way into version.
  4. Update status 6.0.1 update status is FINAL. You can download update in KVS client zone for all your licenses: Update requirements KVS 5.0.0+ (earlier versions should be updated to KVS 5.0.1 first). PHP 7.1 - 7.4 (PHP 8 is not yet supported). If you haven't yet updated KVS to 5.0.1, then please do, you can find KVS 5.0.1 update information here: KVS 5.0.1 update Important notes for 6.0.1 There is a small issue during update procedure that comes from changing to the new admin panel code - admin panel will show you unexpected error after you copy update files to your server. This is because your browser still have the old admin panel JS in memory - so what you need is page refresh to load the new admin panel JS. Please check KVS 5.5.0 and vertical screenshots issue in old projects issue if you didn't yet update to this version. Please check important notes for 5.4.0 if you didn't yet update to this version. Please check important notes for 5.2.0 if you didn't yet update to this version. 6.0.1 update procedure Any project starting from 5.0.0 can be updated to 6.0.1 with one only procedure. Depending on your current KVS version, update procedure may contain additional steps for older versions. You must use KVS update plugin in order to update your project. For update you will need: KVS update ZIP archive for your project and its hash code for update plugin (contact support in beta phase to get these). FTP connection to your project so that you can upload files. Update procedure has the following steps: Create backup using Backup plugin. Upload update ZIP into KVS update plugin and specify hash code. KVS update plugin will notify you if there are any custom changes in KVS system files, which will be overridden by update (player skins are not checked here, so they will be silently updated if have custom changes). KVS update plugin will update database automatically. KVS update plugin will ask you to copy files from the archive on top of your project using FTP or filesystem copy. Please make sure you are NOT USING sync functionality in your FTP client, which will delete many files on your server, because obviously update archive contains only part of all files. What you need is just to drag and drop files from update archive on top of your project root folder and confirm their re-writing (excluding _INSTALL folder, it doesn't need to be copied). KVS update plugin will verify the updated files and finalize update procedure. Use System audit plugin to verify that everything looks good. Whats new in KVS 6.0.1 Beta testing bugfixes plus several new features: more token features in internal messages, more filters for videos and albums, highlighting of mentioned videos in feedbacks for easier DMCA handling. 1) In memberzone settings you can now configure individual internal message pricing for different members groups. Also members will now be able to earn a share of paid tokens from other users messaging to them. 2) Site feedback GUI will now highlight videos that were mentioned in message text via hyperlinks with ability to filter all these videos in one click. 3) Embed player profiles will allow using partial domain match for specifying their domain names. 4) Video and album lists in admin panel now support filtering by category groups, model groups, content source groups and channel groups. 5) When validating import data, KVS will allow skipping lines with invalid data format if any. Previously you would have to correct or remove them before moving forward. 6) Bugs that have been fixed: [LOW] Player poster should display video title in alt attribute. [LOW] Access code transaction auto-closing revoked premium status in some rare cases, when was not necessary. [LOW] Several minor issues in 6.0 reported during beta testing.
  5. This is provided by Videos -> Exporting feeds feature: https://www.kvs-demo.com/admin/feeds/test/
  6. Support for content sources will be added for posts soon (maybe 6.1 already). This is part of nextgen refactgoring that will happen automatically due to code generalization. For models we do not see logic to connect models and content sources. But the nextgen framework will allow your customize this with 2 lines of code. Description is already in content sources. Main content is not needed, as content source supports custom fields and you can enable one of them and name it "Main content". This will also happen automatically with nextgen refactoring when posts are migrated to nextgen framework.
  7. Yes, we will consider this in future, as we are building the whole new advanced advertising feature. Not sure why you decided to replace AND with OR logic? The code was designed for AND logic, not OR. So it is not working as expected. Unfortunately this is not possible.
  8. We don't see the need in this option, because you control where the ad spot is being inserted in template. If it is inserted into header or footer, you can simply check which page ID is it: {{if $page_id!='dmca' && $page_id!='index' && $page_id!='privacy' && $page_id!='terms'}} insert ad spot {{/if}}
  9. It is the same for tags, just replace list_categories block with list_tags block. The only issue with this, is that tags are usually in huge number (unlike categories), so the logic of such display is questionable.
  10. Yes, this is the last issue that we couldn't find the reason. Please create a support ticket and provide FTP. Several other users reported it, but didn't provide FTP for us to check what is wrong. This happens in only rare cases.
  11. This could be HTTPs / HTTP issue, please create support ticket with more details.
  12. In order to use KVS player API you need to make sure that player object is assigned to some variable (this happens in new themes already): window['player_obj'] = kt_player(...); Then you can use this code to listen for adblock detected event: window['player_obj'].listen('ktAdblockDetected', function() { log('ktAdblockDetected'); });
  13. I think this will become possible with the nextgen backend code. However we still need to update many places to have this being fit automatically. Same for posts. We do not want to add more duplicate code in many parts, we want this to be part of framework that does everything automatically.
  14. We fixed all these I think. But still when you specify a tag or a list and press Enter, it will have to validate them at the server, because the new GUI shows whether the item is "new", or it is an existing item and then it pulls a link to open its details. Please create a ticket for this with FTP details. We can't see that in our DEV env. Which problem are you referring to? KVS doesn't support HLS at the moment neither at player, nor at system design level, I think they have custom solution. We are working with this.
  15. Thanks, we will review these and see if they can be fixed.
  16. No, the grid editor also needs backend changes, at the moment these changes are still ongoing and we will start pushing them from categorization (more simple objects), later posts, albums, videos.
  17. This is because we didn't update theme on our demo site for a long time. Now we fixed it, you can check it now: All new theme version already have this. If you don't have it on your project, you need to add the following code into Website UI -> Page components -> include_header_general.tpl anywhere under <head> section: {{if $storage.video_view_video_view.video_id>0}} {{assign var="duration_hours" value=$storage.video_view_video_view.duration_minutes/60|intval}} {{assign var="duration_minutes" value=$storage.video_view_video_view.duration_minutes-$duration_hours*60}} {{assign var="duration_seconds" value=$storage.video_view_video_view.duration_seconds}} <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.title|json_encode|trim:'"'}}", "description": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.description|default:$storage.video_view_video_view.title|json_encode|trim:'"'}}", "thumbnailUrl": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.preview_url}}", "uploadDate": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.post_date|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d"}}", "duration": "PT{{$duration_hours}}H{{$duration_minutes}}M{{$duration_seconds}}S", {{assign var="postfix" value=$lang.videos.sitemap_format_standard}} {{if $storage.video_view_video_view.is_private==2}} {{assign var="postfix" value=$lang.videos.sitemap_format_premium}} {{/if}} {{if $storage.video_view_video_view.formats[$postfix].file_url!=''}} "contentUrl": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.formats[$postfix].file_url}}", {{else}} "embedUrl": "{{$config.project_url}}/embed/{{$storage.video_view_video_view.video_id}}", {{/if}} "interactionStatistic": [ { "@type": "InteractionCounter", "interactionType": "http://schema.org/WatchAction", "userInteractionCount": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.video_viewed}}" }, { "@type": "InteractionCounter", "interactionType": "http://schema.org/LikeAction", "userInteractionCount": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.rating_amount}}" } ] } </script> {{/if}}
  18. OK, will add support for wildcard domain match in embed profiles.
  19. I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to ask, but possibly you are asking if it makes sense to run multiple conversions at a time? Yes, this could make sense to increase usage of your server CPU to the maximum. But in order to do that you will need to add some more local conversion servers into the neighbor directories (/admin/data/conversion2, /admin/data/conversion3). I would suggest to use max 2-3 local conversion servers. You can find more details here:
  20. I have no idea how to use different colors as well... It is more like design question.
  21. You can use this to display the first letter of the profile name: {{$replaceme|substr:0:1|strtoupper}} The $replaceme variable will be different in different contexts, but should define display name, for example it will be $item.display_name for list_members block.
  22. Not sure if it is actually useful. Content sources are themselves source of advertising, it is a common practice to specify advertising code right in the content source custom fields. So if you need to specify specific advertising spots for specific content sources, you are doing something wrong against how it was initially designed. Models also look strange here. I can imagine you have like 30-40 categories and you want to specify some specific ad for specific category, but I can't imagine that you have 30-40 models, you will likes have 1000s of models. And ability to customize something specific for 1 out of 1000s seems strange.
  23. The number of tokens for the user currently logged in can be displayed like this: {{if $smarty.session.user_id>0}} You have {{$smarty.session.tokens_available}} tokens {{/if}}
  24. Yes, we can add these filters are well. This is something that can be done with custom fields: Settings -> Customization and enable some text field for content sources. For now won't be possible to specify field type, but we are planning to add it in future, so you can change to date. Not sure about how the conversion would be done, but I think that if you just specify date in some common valid format, like "January 1, 2022" it would probably be possible to auto-convert that in future. Anyway we will have to provide some kind of error reporting to make sure no data is lost, and if some data is not possible to convert it will be indicated.
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