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Tech Support

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Everything posted by Tech Support

  1. Please use list_members block to render list of users. Template can be set like this: {{foreach item=item from=$data}} <a href="{{$config.project_url}}/members/{{$item.user_id}}/" class="item"> <img src="{{$config.content_url_avatars}}/{{$item.avatar}}" alt="{{$item.display_name}}"/> {{$item.display_name}} </a> {{/foreach}}
  2. Not possible, KVS doesn't keep the info which site user have been registered from.
  3. We will consider adding manual sorting for posts, but this will likely go to the new codebase. There is support for Order for channels, this column is just not enabled by default and you can enable it via column chooser functionality.
  4. This is not a question of design, but a question of ability to display the needed subset of data. We will add the needed functionality, and then you can use whatever design you need for it. Satellites do not require open source code option. KVS licensing approach doesn't allow using the same license on multiple domains, so if you need to run something on another domain this should be an additional fee - satellite fee in this case. If you activate payment only on satellite, users there will have to pay for registering. They will pay to access to a satellite site, but they would be able to use the same username / password to access main site (and any other satellites if needed). This is how satellites work, they share the same users across. In the next update 6.1.0. Not possible to tell the exact dates, we still have some big features planned for this release.
  5. This can be set using satellite license. Satellite is capable to accept payments, it will run on another domain and can also show completely different set of videos if configured. It was fixed. You can switch off any non-critical notification (including unexpected changes one) in Settings -> Personal settings. I think the question is how to separate short videos from other videos when displaying on site? Well, I see list_videos block is currently missing duration_from / duration_to static filters, so we will add this. We are already working to integrate huge advertising module into KVS, this would take some time. But the result would be impressive.
  6. We will make this configurable in future. You can use Other at the moment, and you can rename it in frontend in Website UI -> Texts section. If we add more specific values right now, there will be an issue for updating users, that can use new values in admin panel, but their themes will miss the needed texts.
  7. Then please use custom fields for that. This is their primary purpose.
  8. For video thumbnails you configure their compression in Settings -> Screenshot formats. There are imagemagick options there.
  9. For some reason we don't like the idea. Why not just using title for this? Sounds more logical than separate field.
  10. It depends on your settings. Typically for user avatars the fixed size is configured, e.g. 200x200, so it should resize the uploaded image to this size and at the same time compress them. But with some settings it may not resize, if your avatar settings are set to dynamic size and big size, when you want to keep the original image size, for example like this
  11. There is no simple solution for this, it will need some theme logic redesign, including templates, styles, URLs and so on.
  12. The easiest way would be to go to Website UI -> Global blocks -> Global block "Edit Channel Form" and wrap the whole its template code into this: {{if $smarty.session.status_id==6}} ... here goes the original code that was in that block template {{else}} <strong class="popup-title"> {{if $smarty.post.dvd_id>0}} {{$lang.edit_channel.title_edit_channel}} {{else}} {{$lang.edit_channel.title_create_channel}} {{/if}} </strong> <div class="popup-holder"> <div class="generic-error"> Creating channels is available for webmaster users only. </div> </div> {{/if}}
  13. Do you mean where to set JPEG compression level for them, or thumb size? Both are possible: 1) JPEG compression level can be set via /admin/include/setup.php in this option: $config['imagemagick_default_jpeg_quality']="80"; But please note it affects not only members, but other thumbs as well except video and album screenshots: models, categories, channels and etc. 2) Thumb size can be set in Settings -> Content settings.
  14. Please create support ticket for both questions. We will help to enable channel selection in video upload form. For external SMTP KVS doesn't have options now (this is a huge topic of future development), but we can manually configure that via some extension. For this we will need the following info from you (please submit into ticket as well): FTP to your project SMTP host, port, username and password
  15. Please create support ticket and specify fastpanel access, we may need to look into your nginx config then.
  16. It looks like your server doesn't have Apache installed, so mod_rewrite rules are not working. Please note that officially KVS requires Apache to be installed. If you plan to work on pure Nginx without Apache, please refer to this post:
  17. I think they could be just spamming the URL automatically (not checking if the option exists or not). So the first try I would recommend to change /feedback/ URL to something random. This should be done in 2 places: 1) Website UI -> Language files -> default, search for /feedback/ and change it to something: urls.feedback = /atsf34vddf/ 2) Then edit .htaccess file on your server FTP in website www root and change the pattern accordingly: RewriteRule ^atsf34vddf/$ index.php?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=feedback_feedback_form&global=true [L,QSA] If this doesn't solve the spam issue, then just comment out the rule in .htaccess file with adding # before it. Then your feedback option will stop working.
  18. KVS admin panel contains a lot of documentation itself, each field is described with hints, and many things are obvious. But you can always contact support if you don't understand some concepts. There are also a lot of articles here on different topics: https://forum.kernel-video-sharing.com/forum/13-educational-series/
  19. Please better contact KVS support, this information could be outdated.
  20. There is no standard nginx.conf file, as most of them are generated by server panels and have their own formatting. If your server doesn't have any panel, you can simply take the template of default config provided by your nginx installation. The nginx_config.txt file provided with theme archive is a list of URL rewrites in nginx syntax, in case you are not planning to use Apache. By default KVS requires Apache + mod_rewrite, so that URL rewrites are working via .htaccess file. But some clients opt to use pure nginx + php-fpm, in this case they will need URL rewrites being put directly into nginx config, and they can take rewrites from this file.
  21. It is possible via Memberzone -> Emailing feature (available in KVS Ultimate license only). You can mass send messages via internal messaging system, or via email, or export emails of your users for using external emailing system.
  22. Are you saying that there should be option to enable menu to be dropdown instead of aside? At the moment there is easy way to do this unfortunately due to specific of how KVS menu is generated.
  23. Our admins say Centos 7 is not recommended, because its repositories are outdated.
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