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KVS 5.5.0 discussion and poll

Tech Support

Please vote for your 2 desired features in 5.4.0 (we already know for HLS / adaptive streaming, so it is not included)  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Please choose your most wanted feature

    • Ability to reply comments (e.g. hierarchical comments)
    • User notification system, ability for users to get notifications about some events (new comments for their videos for example)
    • Support for user groups and privileges (for example configure that users from group A are not allowed to comment, or rate, or download and etc)
    • User achievements, badges (for example after posting XX comments, or uploading XX videos)
    • Ability to re-order album photos in any album
    • Support for importing / exporting feeds for albums same as for videos
    • Support for WebP in albums
    • Content sheduler (ability to specify how many new content you want to publish each day and KVS will follow these settings)
    • Better custom fields (ability to specify their type, required, value range)
    • Grouping of video timeline screenshots into a single sprite image (should result in faster timeline loading) + optional timeline sources (should save disk space)
    • Video subtitles support
    • Support of S3 protocol in storage servers (should allow using Amazon S3 for content storage and streaming)
    • Ability to disallow individual videos for certain countries
    • Ability to use Google translate service (paid) to create localized titles / descriptions for content and categorization
    • Better synonymizer plugin that will support complex expressions
    • Ability to import / export categorization objects
  2. 2. Please choose your another most wanted feature (same set)

    • Ability to reply comments (e.g. hierarchical comments)
    • User notification system, ability for users to get notifications about some events (new comments for their videos for example)
    • Support for user groups and privileges (for example configure that users from group A are not allowed to comment, or rate, or download and etc)
    • User achievements, badges (for example after posting XX comments, or uploading XX videos)
    • Ability to re-order album photos in any album
    • Support for importing / exporting feeds for albums same as for videos
    • Support for WebP in albums
    • Content sheduler (ability to specify how many new content you want to publish each day and KVS will follow these settings)
    • Better custom fields (ability to specify their type, required, value range)
    • Grouping of video timeline screenshots into a single sprite image (should result in faster timeline loading) + optional timeline sources (should save disk space)
    • Video subtitles support
    • Support of S3 protocol in storage servers (should allow using Amazon S3 for content storage and streaming)
    • Ability to disallow individual videos for certain countries
    • Ability to use Google translate service (paid) to create localized titles / descriptions for content and categorization
    • Better synonymizer plugin that will support complex expressions
    • Ability to import / export categorization objects

This poll is closed to new votes

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On 5/26/2021 at 2:00 AM, Justin said:

Please please please implement this feature for the next update :-) !!!

There should be a poll for next update once the current 5.5.0 gets finalized.

Depends on the poll results, the features will be added

but I'm not expecting it to happen this year tbh

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys!

I will describe my idea for developing tags on your engine. I have 600 tags on one of my paysites right now. And when I add new content, it is very difficult and long to check the appropriate tags for it. But this process could be significantly easier if there was some smart sorting. For example, there are tags that will definitely stand together on the content unit, since they mean the same thing (but they should be as a separate directory on the site becuase SEO), for example: 2160p /4k / ultra hd.  It would be cool if they could be combined into a mini group and select a key tag that will be visible in the admin panel when adding or editing content, and the rest would be automatically put together with it.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/28/2021 at 3:33 AM, Tech Support said:

Last couple of month we were busy with some crucial changes in KVS architecture, so this was the cause of new development slowdown.

and that's totally ok, because when you are concentrated on one thing it gets better rather then more in a time
I think you got the idea

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 12/19/2020 at 4:40 AM, Tech Support said:

There is a workaround for this with using rsync or NFS mount, so not something we won't to consider as other features do not have workarounds.


The code {{$item.xxx}} is for using in list blocks, for profile you should be using {{$data.is_trusted}}, for video / album pages if you want to display this for the user who uploaded video is {{$data.user.is_trusted}}



I want to show the verified text inside the profile in: /my/ I have tried the 2 codes but it does not show how could I put it?


I also have this code to show not verified but it does not work, it would be correct:


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3 hours ago, Tech Support said:

{{$data.is_trusted}} should work inside member_profile_view block template.

{{$data.not_trusted}} - there is no such variable.


{{$data.not_trusted}} - there is no such variable.

😅 I wanted to know if there is any way to show the same thing but if it is not verified that a text or an X appears.


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On 12/10/2021 at 2:31 PM, Tech Support said:

You can render it like this:

{{if $data.is_trusted!=1}}Not trusted{{/if}}


Perfect thanks!


It works very well, now I am putting it in header in the menu, I have tried all the mentioned codes but they work but it shows the 2 options verified + not verified both together.

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On 12/11/2021 at 6:03 PM, davex said:

It works very well, now I am putting it in header in the menu, I have tried all the mentioned codes but they work but it shows the 2 options verified + not verified both together.

If you want to show for the current user (the user that is logged in), then you should use the value from user's session:

{{if $smarty.session.is_trusted!=1}}Not trusted{{else}}Trusted{{/if}}
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  • 6 months later...
On 12/10/2020 at 10:50 AM, Tech Support said:

Live streaming is not something that is on our radar at all.

Hi, has anything changed 2 years later?

I am really curious about live streaming, and would absolutelly love to stream on our tube site.


  • saves time on downloading & re-uploading the recorded stream
  • all the traffic can be directed to the kvs (instead of other sites where the stream goes to)
  • live comments are Gold


.. if not > what would be the best alternative solutions? thank you

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1 hour ago, Helmuts DNMUM.com said:

Hi, has anything changed 2 years later?

Nothing changed. We still have a huge plan to re-do everything in KVS, this will take us 2-3 years. Such features as live streaming will not be considered, as they are not demanded with majority of our customers.

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31 minutes ago, Tech Support said:

Nothing changed. We still have a huge plan to re-do everything in KVS, this will take us 2-3 years. Such features as live streaming will not be considered, as they are not demanded with majority of our customers.

No problem ay all. And, thank you for a quick reply. Then we will proceed operating as before :)

Best wishes, H

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  • 4 months later...

Hi guys! A ask you to unify the site admin panel and add the existing functionality for other similar objects. In particular:

1. "Content Sourcers" for Models and Posts

2. "Description" and "Main content" for Content Sources (what you have for Posts)

3. Choosing "Post Type" same as choosing "Group" by Content Sources (NOT drop down menu). And may be rename Post Types to Post Groups.

Thank you!

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On 11/18/2022 at 6:20 PM, Alex said:

1. "Content Sourcers" for Models and Posts

Support for content sources will be added for posts soon (maybe 6.1 already). This is part of nextgen refactgoring that will happen automatically due to code generalization.

For models we do not see logic to connect models and content sources. But the nextgen framework will allow your customize this with 2 lines of code.

On 11/18/2022 at 6:20 PM, Alex said:

2. "Description" and "Main content" for Content Sources (what you have for Posts)

Description is already in content sources. Main content is not needed, as content source supports custom fields and you can enable one of them and name it "Main content".

On 11/18/2022 at 6:20 PM, Alex said:

3. Choosing "Post Type" same as choosing "Group" by Content Sources (NOT drop down menu). And may be rename Post Types to Post Groups.

This will also happen automatically with nextgen refactoring when posts are migrated to nextgen framework.

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On 11/21/2022 at 9:25 AM, Tech Support said:

Support for content sources will be added for posts soon (maybe 6.1 already)

It sounds great. What are your approximate deadlines for 6.1?
And it would be just perfect if you added Screenshots also for Posts!


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On 11/23/2022 at 8:45 AM, Alex said:

It sounds great. What are your approximate deadlines for 6.1?

We don't have deadlines, not possible to fulfill them.

On 11/23/2022 at 8:45 AM, Alex said:

And it would be just perfect if you added Screenshots also for Posts!

Do you mean with resize option? Yes, this would be possible with the new API as well, as we are planning to extend custom file fields to restrict file types and also have ability to resize them to the desired size.

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  • 1 month later...

Guys, could you add a URL Display Name field for Contens Sources. See my screenshots. The referral link needs to be hidden and it is better to set the necessary beautiful name for it.
Of course there are custom fields, but they are very low, and it would be perfect to have this field next to the URL field so that editors do not forget to fill it in.



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14 hours ago, Alex said:

Guys, could you add a URL Display Name field for Contens Sources. See my screenshots. The referral link needs to be hidden and it is better to set the necessary beautiful name for it.

For some reason we don't like the idea. Why not just using title for this? Sounds more logical than separate field.

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