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Tech Support

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Everything posted by Tech Support

  1. Yes, this was fixed in terms of 5.5.0. But we still need some time to put other features in this version.
  2. Hello, for faster search we recommend using SphinxSearch: https://www.kernel-scripts.com/en/articles/kvs-and-sphinx-integration/ But not sure if it is working with Arab language, please check its features. Also you may need to switch off similar searches block, as the queries that you've posted are from it. This block slows down your search results, and there is no fix for this.
  3. We have just finished our so-called "nextgen" architecture for KVS and we will put it into 5.5.0 update with very low exposure in production projects for now. Why do we need this? - KVS was developed using iterative approach for more than 12 years; and many parts of KVS take origin from that old days. We were trying to keep the project stable and all new features were seamlessly put into the existing code with small or none architecture adjustments. Now we came to a point where it became very difficult for us to put new changes, especially into community, data management and performance areas. Finally we decided that we can't prolong the old architecture anymore and we need to start transition to the new architecture that will be designed based on our current knowledge of the business domain and requirements. What this means for you? - Nothing specific at the moment, some potential instability and more bugs than usual in the nearest future when we start to move more features to the new architecture; and finally tons of new features and unprecedented level of customization in the longer run, when all transition is finished. What will be affected in 5.5.0? - We moved the following rarely used site blocks to the new framework: list_categories_groups list_content_sources_groups list_dvds_groups list_models_groups dvd_group_view content_source_group_view These blocks are used only in very custom projects, so these changes will not affect most of projects for now. What will be affected in 5.6.0? - This is the major version when we will start massively pushing changes into production. The following blocks will be replaced and this will then affect 100% projects: all categorization blocks (list_categories, list_tags, tags_cloud and etc.) all comment blocks (video_comments, album_comments and etc,) and we also plan to add support for comment replies during this iteration. Then we will see how it goes and decide about the schedule for the rest of blocks. Does it mean that we will have to spend months each version working on new framework? - No, this initial long effort was required to create and rethink everything that we have in KVS and to make sure the new framework can handle this. Future changes will be gradual and will not require that much time. But since we will need to re-test many old features, this will definitely increase the amount of time we will need to prepare each version. Because in addition to some new features and bugfixes we will be working on transition of some old functionality into nextgen KVS. Does it mean we will not be doing any other new features? - No, we will continue adding new features as always. The only difference would be a bit slower pace, because in some areas we will also move them to nextgen architecture before adding new features. When do we think the transition will finish? - Hard to tell, but for now we are looking forward to finish frontend engine transition by the end of this year or close to that. Once frontend is fully switched, the next phase is nextgen admin panel.
  4. For KVS player it is coming from Settings -> Player settings, most probably you have this option enabled: If you deactivate this option, then poster image will most probably be defaulted to preview_360.mp4.jpg, which is taken from the default video format configured in player settings under video formats: But if you want it to be set to preview_preview.mp4.jpg, which looks to be a small preview format that is not intended for player, you can't have this set via settings. In this case you will need to manually adjust video_view block template (Website UI -> Pages -> View Video page -> View Video block) around this line: kt_player('kt_player', '{{$config.project_url}}/player/kt_player.swf?v={{$config.project_version}}', '100%', '100%', flashvars); Before this line you will need to add this to force player load another poster image: flashvars['preview_url'] = '{{$data.screen_url}}/preview_preview.mp4.jpg';
  5. Do you mean for KVS player or JW player?
  6. You can use {{$flashvars.preview_url}} for poster URL and {{$flashvars.video_url}} for video file URL.
  7. What exactly is blocking? Actually you can use any player with KVS, you just need to replace KVS player code with 3rd-party player code, but we do not provide any support for 3rd-party players.
  8. Last couple of month we were busy with some crucial changes in KVS architecture, so this was the cause of new development slowdown.
  9. It is not supported for now, but we have plans to add support for S3 in future updates.
  10. There is no such option to ban a member in KVS. There is an option to deactivate a member, which will prevent member from logging in. But this doesn't mean that the user behind this member will not be able to create another account.
  11. You can create an XML file on your server and use it for VAST URL: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <VAST version="3.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/InteractiveAdvertisingBureau/vast/master/vast3_draft.xsd"> <Ad> <InLine> <AdSystem>Custom</AdSystem> <AdTitle><![CDATA[Advertising1]]></AdTitle> <Creatives> <Creative> <Linear skipoffset="00:00:05"> <Duration>00:00:20</Duration> <VideoClicks> <ClickThrough><![CDATA[http://google.com]]></ClickThrough> </VideoClicks> <MediaFiles> <MediaFile type="video/mp4"> <![CDATA[/files/vast.mp4]]> </MediaFile> </MediaFiles> </Linear> </Creative> </Creatives> </InLine> </Ad> </VAST> Replace: http://google.com - with your desired click URL /files/vast.mp4 - with URL to your video file Delete skipoffset="00:00:05" if you don't want this ad to be skippable
  12. Please create support ticket on this, and provide the following details: How do you separate which users should be checked, and which users should be allowed to upload without any check. How do you know which site should be checked? Is this URL set somwhere in user's profile?
  13. No, KVS doesn't have this type of visibility yet.
  14. The global list of banned emails / IPs can be managed in Settings -> Anit-spam protection. There are also some convenient shortcuts to add new banned emails / IPs when you work with content approval (videos / albums / posts): We are currently missing the same functionality for comments.
  15. Please create support ticket.
  16. We would think a bit about this, maybe we add ability to specify an additional local connection path and conversion server will check if this local path is available and describes the actual storage server, then it will use this path to copy files instead of using FTP.
  17. Storage server set up in KVS should use its IP address for FTP connection. In this case conversion server will also use this IP address. It is not possible to specify storage server as local, while in fact it is a remote server. Because multiple different server may need to connect to it, including your primary server, your conversion server (which may be physically the same server as storage), or your another conversion servers (which may be physically different servers). So in order to facilitate all these usage scenarios your must specify server connection equally for all.
  18. Here are steps that you can have these buttons on member's profile page. NOTE: this is only for KVS Default Theme. Step 1. Please check your theme version in Website UI -> Theme settings. If it says KVS Default (8.4) or above, then skip this step. If its version less than 8.4, then update these 2 files on your server: https://www.kvs-demo.com/static/js/main.js https://www.kvs-demo.com/static/js/main.min.js Step 2. Edit member profile template in Website UI -> Page components -> include_member_profile.tpl and add the following code at the very end: {{if $data.user_id!=$smarty.session.user_id && $lang.donations}} <div style="margin-top: 10px"> {{foreach item="donation" from=","|explode:$lang.donations}} {{assign var="donation" value=$donation|trim|intval}} {{if $donation>0}} <div style="display: inline-block; padding: 5px"> <form data-form="ajax" data-success="message" data-message="{{$lang.memberzone.success_message_donate|count_format:"%tokens%":$donation|replace:"%display_name%":$data.display_name}}"> <div class="generic-error hidden"></div> <input type="hidden" name="function" value="donate"/> <input type="hidden" name="tokens" value="{{$donation}}"/> <input type="submit" class="submit" value="{{$lang.memberzone.button_donate|count_format:"%tokens%":$donation}}"/> </form> </div> {{/if}} {{/foreach}} </div> {{/if}} Step 3. Go into Website UI -> Texts and add the following 4 texts: donations = 1, 5, 100 validation.common.tokens_not_enough_tokens = You don't have enough tokens to donate. memberzone.button_donate = Donate [count]%tokens% tokens || 1: 1 token[/count] memberzone.success_message_donate = Thank you! Your donation of [count]%tokens% tokens || 1: 1 token[/count] was send to <b>%display_name%</b>. The first one lists possible donations in tokens, adjust it to get more or less donation buttons with the needed amounts.
  19. Please reset your superadministrator username and password by using the password reset script: http://kernel-scripts.com/files/reset_admin_password.zip You will need to copy the PHP file from this archive to your site's root folder and run this script from the web: http://domain.com/reset_admin_password.php After that, your username and password will be reset to admin / 123. IMPORTANT! Remember to delete the script afterwards.
  20. We didn't yet start on this, working on other things.
  21. Looks like the list of links the plugin extracts contains redundant links to some other playlists maybe, or to user profiles. You should filter it out and only keep video links.
  22. Please try this plugin https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/link-klipper-extract-all/fahollcgofmpnehocdgofnhkkchiekoo?hl=en It says: I guess with Youtube you can scroll your page down to have all 300 videos appear / load on the page and then try to select this area and see if it populates all the links.
  23. It was never possible to parse full lists in Youtube. The reason is that Youtube doesn't provide public pagination controls, so there is no way to parse their site and find new videos. Youtube grabber can only parse some last videos, typically this was 24 videos. If your channel, playlist or search page contains more you will have to manually list (copy-paste) all videos to grab them.
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