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  1. Sure, you can create any aside files by yourself if needed.
  2. It is possible to use WebP for video screenshots, which is described here: For player preview images not yet possible, will be added in future.
  3. In exporting feeds constructor we added support for several new options: Ability to export data in JSON format, which could be easier to parse from the outside than XML or CSV Ability to activate random sorting Ability to download as file rather than display as text
  4. In Stats section of admin panel we added Today and Yesterday options into Period filtering: In the whole admin panel we changed the global logic of displaying object references in lists. Previously links were clickable to display their corresponding editors, e.g. in comment list if you click username it would show user editor for the clicked user. The new behavior will filter the list by the clicked value rather than opening its editor. Here is example from comments: The new behavior will be in effect right after update. For now we decided to keep old behavior available by using the option in Settings -> Personal settings:
  5. Looks good. Our demo site also shows higher than 90. I think updating player skins to stop using icon fonts would be also a good push. Also WebP support for player preview images, this will be added somewhere in future.
  6. This is standard procedure, please check with this page: https://www.kernel-video-sharing.com/en/services/#change_domain
  7. KVS demo won't allow anyone to hide news, this is specific behavior of demo site.
  8. This is strange, we don't see any reason for this. Please create support ticket.
  9. Please create support ticket for this issue, we need to take a look at logs.
  10. You can hide controlbar on pause using the following CSS: .kt-player.is-paused .fp-controls { display: none; } Player HTML node has unique classnames for each player state, so you can easily control GUI behavior with CSS.
  11. In video format settings it will now be possible to connect pre-roll and post-roll intros to video content source custom fields. This will provide ability to have different intros for videos from different content sources: In conversion server settings we previously added ability to configure which types of background tasks were allowed to run on a specific conversion server. But there was one exclusion that if conversion server is empty and has no running tasks, KVS would anyway put a task into it, even if this task has other type. Now we added additional option to configure whether you want this server to accept any types of tasks when free, or you want this server to exclusively work with specific task types and not accept other tasks.
  12. Sorry, but we don't have any similar concept like this in KVS and we won't be able to add this feature in the nearest future, it looks like a very custom requirement.
  13. OK, we will think about it. I think content sources and channels should already support models. Or not clear what you mean. Not sure what grabbers should link models and content sources. I don't agree that toolbar should be hidden on pause. But you can mimic the same behavior for yourself by creating custom player skin and hiding player control bar after 5 seconds of player being put into pause mode. When you pause player, you may see it should have a classname in HTML, "is-paused" or something like that (you can find out in devtools). So you can make controlbar display: none when there is is-paused class. To mimic 5 seconds delay you can use CSS transitions. Channels are only supported in videos, so while they can be considered as part of categorization, they can also be considered as part of videos. But I would better move channels to memberzone section, as they are part of memberzone also. However all customers already used to channels located under videos. When we start working with the new admin panel concept we will probably make possible to rearrange menus to whatever you want. PS: if you are using channels for "paysite" meaning, this is wrong usage of channels. Content sources should be used for this instead. Flags are not Website UI. Website UI section is theme and it is something that is unique on satellites for example. Flags are connected to content, they cannot be unique on satellites, therefore changing this would be irrelevant. GUI is something that you easily get used to, so we should be very accurate with moving things around and should never do it just for fun, this can make other customers feeling unhappy because they will need to change their usage paths.
  14. Content sources will now support synonyms similar to categories, models and tags: Synonyms are typically used to provide alternate naming for objects, so that content import didn't add new duplicate objects with same meaning but different spelling.
  15. It is not that function that is shown on your screenshot. The option is named "Enable links obfuscation". It is located under "Enable protection for video download script", but I think it is a bug in old version that disabling the overall protection doesn't disable obfuscation automatically. So you have to enable protection and then disable obfuscation option (it will only appear after you enable protection). Then disable protection again, if you want to have it disabled.
  16. You can remove it by deactivating links obfuscation option in Settings -> Content settings -> Video download script protection settings.
  17. It doesn't make any sense to preload player JS, because it is loaded right in the place where it is being used. The preload only makes sense for font resources due to this issue: Browser loads CSS stylesheet Your CSS stylesheet refers external resources such as web fonts Browsers applies CSS stylesheet without web font Browser loads web font Browser applies the loaded web font So here in this chain of events there is a short delay between 3 and 5, which is 4 to load external font resource. During this delay your site may be using default (fallback) font for a fraction of seconds, but this may be visible to the end user like site is blinking for a while, especially for users with slow internet connection. I'm sure you saw this many times on different sites, when first default font is loaded and then site will be a bit re-positioned with the final font, which may result in elements rendered with other sizes due to font metrics differences. This causes blinking effect. Therefore you can use preloading technique to preload font resource before including CSS stylesheet that will use it. In this case event #4 will be moved before event #1, e.g. you first preload web font and then browser will load CSS stylesheet and there will be no delay #4 in rendering. But even this doesn't make the whole page load faster. The loading time is the same, because the same set of resources is needed to render the page, they are just loaded in the different order. With regard to player there is no difference when player file is preloaded - either in the beginning of the page, or in the middle of the page (where it is set now), because it is used in the middle of the page right after it is being loaded. Moving player JS file to preload sequence will not make player appear faster.
  18. Thanks for posting this. KVS uses MyISAM by default, so it looks like you changed all your tables to InnoDB before that. With regard to disabling search stats, first of all you can do that from admin panel (Settings -> Stats settings). But without updating search stats you should consider that they will all be removed after some time. KVS doesn't keep search stats forever, they (if not manually created from admin) are kept for a certain period of time that you configure in stats settings. If you disable stats update, they will all be gone after some time. If you want to keep them forever in the current state as you have, you should better make sure they are all switched to manually created: update ktvs_stats_search set is_manual=1 PS: this is for 5.4.0 the latest version, previous versions may not have this flag and will automatically delete all search queries.
  19. In Settings -> Personal settings it will now be possible to mute some annoying notifications. Superadmins can mute only warnings and infos, and other admins can mute errors as well:
  20. There is no lazyload of poster in KVS player. This code is related to timeline screenshots.
  21. Yes, it was initially built on Flowplayer, but it is a custom implementation of Flowplayer, e.g. you can't easily replace it from Flowplayer because they are not compatible and KVS player has much more features than original Flowplayer.
  22. You can find it in /blocks/search_results/search_results.php
  23. Yes, this was fixed in terms of 5.5.0. But we still need some time to put other features in this version.
  24. Hello, for faster search we recommend using SphinxSearch: https://www.kernel-scripts.com/en/articles/kvs-and-sphinx-integration/ But not sure if it is working with Arab language, please check its features. Also you may need to switch off similar searches block, as the queries that you've posted are from it. This block slows down your search results, and there is no fix for this.
  25. We have just finished our so-called "nextgen" architecture for KVS and we will put it into 5.5.0 update with very low exposure in production projects for now. Why do we need this? - KVS was developed using iterative approach for more than 12 years; and many parts of KVS take origin from that old days. We were trying to keep the project stable and all new features were seamlessly put into the existing code with small or none architecture adjustments. Now we came to a point where it became very difficult for us to put new changes, especially into community, data management and performance areas. Finally we decided that we can't prolong the old architecture anymore and we need to start transition to the new architecture that will be designed based on our current knowledge of the business domain and requirements. What this means for you? - Nothing specific at the moment, some potential instability and more bugs than usual in the nearest future when we start to move more features to the new architecture; and finally tons of new features and unprecedented level of customization in the longer run, when all transition is finished. What will be affected in 5.5.0? - We moved the following rarely used site blocks to the new framework: list_categories_groups list_content_sources_groups list_dvds_groups list_models_groups dvd_group_view content_source_group_view These blocks are used only in very custom projects, so these changes will not affect most of projects for now. What will be affected in 5.6.0? - This is the major version when we will start massively pushing changes into production. The following blocks will be replaced and this will then affect 100% projects: all categorization blocks (list_categories, list_tags, tags_cloud and etc.) all comment blocks (video_comments, album_comments and etc,) and we also plan to add support for comment replies during this iteration. Then we will see how it goes and decide about the schedule for the rest of blocks. Does it mean that we will have to spend months each version working on new framework? - No, this initial long effort was required to create and rethink everything that we have in KVS and to make sure the new framework can handle this. Future changes will be gradual and will not require that much time. But since we will need to re-test many old features, this will definitely increase the amount of time we will need to prepare each version. Because in addition to some new features and bugfixes we will be working on transition of some old functionality into nextgen KVS. Does it mean we will not be doing any other new features? - No, we will continue adding new features as always. The only difference would be a bit slower pace, because in some areas we will also move them to nextgen architecture before adding new features. When do we think the transition will finish? - Hard to tell, but for now we are looking forward to finish frontend engine transition by the end of this year or close to that. Once frontend is fully switched, the next phase is nextgen admin panel.
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