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Tech Support

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  1. Unfortunately we won't have time to consider this in the current DEV cycle. We will include it into the next voting to see demand.
  2. You can use whatever external ID you want, but you should then also change accordingly in the SQL query: sql_update("update ktvs_videos set admin_flag_id=coalesce((select flag_id from ktvs_flags where external_id='uploaded_from_satellite'), 0) where af_custom1=1"); It could be possible if you didn't update 'uploaded_from_satellite' in the query correctly to match the external ID of the flag you've created.
  3. It is possible to add icons via CSS styling, for example you can consider using data URI for SVG icons via CSS code: https://css-tricks.com/lodge/svg/09-svg-data-uris/
  4. We have this already, please check Showing separate template code for different devices under the same domain here:
  5. This is possible to do now without any changes in KVS. Please go to Website UI -> Pages section of satellite admin panel and search for video_edit block. Inside video_edit block settings activate set_custom_flag1 option and set it to 1 for example. This will mean that all videos uploaded from this satellite will have af_custom1=1 in database. Then go to Categorization -> Flags and create a new flag for videos with external ID = uploaded_from_satellite and enable its Use this flag as administrator's flag for content option. Then you need to add the following line into /admin/include/cron_custom.php to automatically assign all videos with af_custom1=1 to have this admin flag (find add custom code here marker to put this code to): require_once 'functions_base.php'; sql_update("update ktvs_videos set admin_flag_id=coalesce((select flag_id from ktvs_flags where external_id='uploaded_from_satellite'), 0) where af_custom1=1"); This will mean that all videos uploaded from satellite will be auto-assigned admin flag that you've created with (uploaded_from_satellite). Finally go to Administration -> Administrators and update your admin user to have access only to videos marked with this admin flag (uploaded_from_satellite). This will force this admin user to only have access to videos that were initially uploaded from the satellite. If you need this for multiple satellites, you can repeat the same steps, but create another admin flag and in video_edit block settings set another value for set_custom_flag1 option (e.g. 2 instead of 1); and change the above code a little bit to use "where af_custom1=2" and change uploaded_from_satellite with another flag ID.
  6. KVS currently doesn't have any affiliate program functionality.
  7. There is no much use to see other's templates here, as every project has their own needs of what data should be imported and in what way. We would say that default import settings are configured to be suited best for the most users, so the only thing that you should select is data columns that will match your import data. And some basic examples of importing data you can also find in this article:
  8. Album source images do not support watermarks. Why is that? Because you may change your mind later and use another watermark, or do not use watermark at all. If source images are watermarked, you can't change this anymore. So in order to have watermarks on big album images please create another album format with size 10000x10000 and dynamic size option, and watermark set up. This should create watermarked files. Then please go into Website UI -> Theme settings and change Albums images format option to use this new format instead of Source images. This will switch theme to display watermarked images to users.
  9. You can display this field by using {{$data.release_year}} in video_view block, or {{$item.release_year}} in list_videos block.
  10. At the moment this theme is not under work, so we don't have any ETA for it.
  11. There is direct link to login: https://www.kvs-demo.com/?login Using login link is better, because: It indicates that user needs to be logged in It will allow user log in if user already has account It has a link to signup if user needs to create new account
  12. Thanks, we already have this fix for 5.5.0 schedule.
  13. This is typically set in PHP.ini under PHP timezone. But you can also configure that in /admin/include/setup.php using this line: date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); You can find list of supported timezones here: https://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
  14. In Website UI -> Page components -> include_list_videos_block_common.tpl you can change this: {{if $item.is_hd==1}}<span class="is-hd">HD</span>{{/if}} With this: {{assign var="hd_format_postfix" value="_1080p.mp4"}} {{if $item.formats[$hd_format_postfix].postfix}}<span class="is-hd">HD</span>{{/if}} It is expected that you have video format with postfix "_1080p.mp4" (as by default KVS installation), otherwise please update this with your postfix format that you actually have for 1080p. Please also note that HD term is 720p and upwards (The number of lines in the vertical display resolution. High-definition television (HDTV) resolution is 1,080 or 720 lines): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-definition_video PS: in player cannot change this and HD icon will be both for 720p and 1080p. For 2160p it should show 4k icon.
  15. Right, it is expected that this filtering will appear everywhere. Please read this step carefully, it says that you should activate those parameters in all list_videos blocks in all pages, except related videos.
  16. Due to the complexity of AJAX filtering in the default theme, we won't explain this in details. Using this advanced filtering requires deep understanding of default theme JS internals. This is just a working example that can be configured in default theme. Step 1. In Website UI -> Pages run a search by list_videos to filter out only list_videos blocks. Open every list_videos block and activate the following parameters: var_duration_from = duration_from var_duration_to = duration_to var_is_hd = is_hd It is recommended to ignore list_videos block named Related Videos and Player Related Videos, as these anyway won't render filtering and changing their parameters may result to performance overload for some period of time. Step 2. In Website UI -> Page components -> include_list_videos_block_common.tpl add the following code under <div class="headline"> after header display: {{if $duration_from>0}} {{assign var="list_videos_custom_sort_parameters" value="`$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters`;duration_from:$duration_from"}} {{/if}} {{if $duration_to>0}} {{assign var="list_videos_custom_sort_parameters" value="`$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters`;duration_to:$duration_to"}} {{/if}} {{if $is_hd==1}} {{assign var="list_videos_custom_sort_parameters" value="`$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters`;is_hd:$is_hd"}} {{/if}} <div class="sort"> <span class="icon type-hd"></span> <strong>{{if $is_hd==1}}HD{{else}}All{{/if}}</strong> <ul id="{{$block_uid}}_hd_list"> {{if $is_hd==1}} <li> <a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_hd_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="{{if $list_videos_custom_sort_parameters!=''}}{{$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters}};{{/if}}sort_by:{{$sort_by}};is_hd:">All</a> </li> {{/if}} {{if $is_hd==0}} <li> <a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_hd_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="{{if $list_videos_custom_sort_parameters!=''}}{{$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters}};{{/if}}sort_by:{{$sort_by}};is_hd:1">HD</a> </li> {{/if}} </ul> </div> <div class="sort"> <span class="icon type-duration"></span> <strong>{{if $duration_to==600}}0-10{{elseif $duration_to==1800}}10-30{{elseif $duration_from==1800}}30+{{else}}Duration{{/if}}</strong> <ul id="{{$block_uid}}_duration_list"> {{if $duration_to>0 || $duration_from>0}} <li> <a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_duration_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="{{if $list_videos_custom_sort_parameters!=''}}{{$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters}};{{/if}}sort_by:{{$sort_by}};duration_from:0;duration_to:0">All</a> </li> {{/if}} {{if $duration_to!=600}} <li> <a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_duration_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="{{if $list_videos_custom_sort_parameters!=''}}{{$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters}};{{/if}}sort_by:{{$sort_by}};duration_from:0;duration_to:600">0-10</a> </li> {{/if}} {{if $duration_to!=1800}} <li> <a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_duration_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="{{if $list_videos_custom_sort_parameters!=''}}{{$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters}};{{/if}}sort_by:{{$sort_by}};duration_from:600;duration_to:1800">10-30</a> </li> {{/if}} {{if $duration_from!=1800}} <li> <a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_duration_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="{{if $list_videos_custom_sort_parameters!=''}}{{$list_videos_custom_sort_parameters}};{{/if}}sort_by:{{$sort_by}};duration_from:1800;duration_to:0">30+</a> </li> {{/if}} </ul> </div> Step 3. In Website UI -> Page components -> include_pagination_block_common.tpl add the following code in the template beginning: {{if $duration_from>0}} {{assign var="pagination_custom_parameters" value="`$pagination_custom_parameters`;duration_from:$duration_from"}} {{/if}} {{if $duration_to>0}} {{assign var="pagination_custom_parameters" value="`$pagination_custom_parameters`;duration_to:$duration_to"}} {{/if}} {{if $is_hd==1}} {{assign var="pagination_custom_parameters" value="`$pagination_custom_parameters`;is_hd:$is_hd"}} {{/if}}
  17. Sure, looks like a bug and will be fixed in the final 5.4.0 update.
  18. If you already changed this recursively, there is no way to change back without breaking the working site. The initial settings were considered as the most safe.
  19. Frontend pages are not KVS. Frontend pages belong to theme. You are free to design your own theme as you want. KVS team is focused on KVS development.
  20. Hello, it says you should manually copy file 1 into file 2 to have page created. Another possible option to have it auto-copied by KVS is to put 777 permissions on the specified directory directory. You could not have errors before because your filesystem permissions were different at that point.
  21. Please check the first section here, it explains how to find which CSS file is used in your theme:
  22. In CSS styles you can find this class that defines styles for this advertising block (we use "table" just to avoid adblockers from blocking it by class name): .table { ... } what you probably need is to adjust this style. Not sure, why you think you need programming skills for that? You can add advertising spot without any programming needed. It will then display you the insert code that you need to put into the desired template into the desired position. What you should actually know is basic HTML coding to understand where to put it and basic CSS styling to render its styles. No programming skills needed :)
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