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KVS 5.5.0 development

Tech Support

Summary of results from feature poll  

  1. 1. The most wanted features for 5.5.0

    • User notification system, ability for users to get notifications about some events (new comments for their videos for example)
    • Ability to reply comments (e.g. hierarchical comments)
    • User achievements, badges (for example after posting XX comments, or uploading XX videos)
    • Support for user groups and privileges (for example configure that users from group A are not allowed to comment, or rate, or download and etc)
    • Video subtitles support
    • Content sheduler (ability to specify how many new content you want to publish each day and KVS will follow these settings)
    • Support of S3 protocol in storage servers (should allow using Amazon S3 for content storage and streaming)
    • Better custom fields (ability to specify their type, required, value range)
    • Grouping of video timeline screenshots into a single sprite image (should result in faster timeline loading) + optional timeline sources (should save disk space)
    • Support for WebP in albums
    • Ability to disallow individual videos for certain countries
    • Ability to use Google translate service (paid) to create localized titles / descriptions for content and categorization
    • Better synonymizer plugin that will support complex expressions
    • Support for importing / exporting feeds for albums same as for videos
    • Ability to import / export categorization objects

This poll is closed to new votes

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In video format settings it will now be possible to connect pre-roll and post-roll intros to video content source custom fields. This will provide ability to have different intros for videos from different content sources:



In conversion server settings we previously added ability to configure which types of background tasks were allowed to run on a specific conversion server. But there was one exclusion that if conversion server is empty and has no running tasks, KVS would anyway put a task into it, even if this task has other type. Now we added additional option to configure whether you want this server to accept any types of tasks when free, or you want this server to exclusively work with specific task types and not accept other tasks.


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In Stats section of admin panel we added Today and Yesterday options into Period filtering:



In the whole admin panel we changed the global logic of displaying object references in lists. Previously links were clickable to display their corresponding editors, e.g. in comment list if you click username it would show user editor for the clicked user. The new behavior will filter the list by the clicked value rather than opening its editor. Here is example from comments:



The new behavior will be in effect right after update. For now we decided to keep old behavior available by using the option in Settings -> Personal settings:



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In exporting feeds constructor we added support for several new options:

  • Ability to export data in JSON format, which could be easier to parse from the outside than XML or CSV
  • Ability to activate random sorting
  • Ability to download as file rather than display as text


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In 5.5.0 we decided to update site engine to automatically disallow opening your site in iframes (using X-Frame-Options header). In most cases this would be used to somehow trick you, so this protection is the desired behavior. This doesn't affect embed codes, which are kept as legal way to embed your content and their behavior can be configured in Settings -> Embed player settings.

NOTE: we are aware of some rare situations when customers will need to put iframes to KVS pages themselves, by embedding KVS upload functionality into forums and blogs. For such cases you will need to go to Settings -> Website settings and allow iframing your site using the new option:


But this is not needed for 99% of projects, therefore we decided to automatically activate this protection for all.


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In export and exporting feeds functionality we added new options to control whether ALL or only ACTIVE categorization should be printed in exported data. Previously KVS would always print ALL categorization (e.g. categories, tags and etc.) even if some of them have inactive status and are not visible on site. Now you can choose if you want only active categorization to be exported:



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Hi team,


Any hope for the 2 missing features from Community,

1.) Private video Privacy for only me for only friends,


2.) Block access to a video for review no one can't watch until hear from Uploader that He has the right to upload, when received a copyright Flag,



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12 hours ago, xvids said:

1.) Private video Privacy for only me for only friends,

No, this is not in the upcoming plans.


12 hours ago, xvids said:

2.) Block access to a video for review no one can't watch until hear from Uploader that He has the right to upload, when received a copyright Flag

I think you can deactivate video and then contact uploader via internal message? It is possible to update template so that inactive videos cannot be played.

Basically we are working with integrating DMCA library into KVS, so that all uploaded videos can be checked against their database; and this should greatly reduce the number of copyright issues. The info will be posted soon.

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One of the major features in 5.5.0 is integration with DigiRegs.com, DMCA service provider. The main reason of adding this is the increased number of DMCA requests that many tube sites now have to deal with every day. DigiRegsDigiregs.com provides a paid access to their video copyright API that allows detecting video copyright holder for every uploaded video. Basically this is the same model they use to automatically scan your sites for videos that infringe copyrights and then send you requests for deleting copyrighted videos.

The plugin is designed to interfere with video conversion process and identify copyrighted videos before they actually get converted. Then several possible options exist:

  • Automatically delete any copyrighted videos
  • Automatically truncate copyrighted video to the allowed duration (some copyright holders allow publishing their copyrighted videos if they are truncated to 7 minutes, or 5 minutes or other - this duration limit is also available from DigiRegs API)
  • Automatically create and assign content sources for copyrighted videos (some copyright holders may allow publishing their copyrighted videos if you post a backlink to their site under the video)
  • Automatically deactivate all copyrighted videos or mark them with admin flag, so that later you can decide for them manually
  • Automatically disallow videos from specific copyright holders in 100% cases (some copyright holders never allow publishing their videos under any conditions).

When using this plugin it is expected that you will mostly forget about DMCA requests (depending of the quality of DigiRegs API of cause, but only time will show), and your tube will only allow to pass videos that are fully legal and allowed by their copyright holders for public use. Or at least the number of DMCA issues will be greatly reduced.

Plugin will also allow processing all existing videos and deactivate them if needed or truncate to the allowed duration if the videos infringe their respective copyrights.

Here is the plugin GUI that brings some light of what the configuration options are:


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Just one feature request in this update, If possible please add,

User Deleted video/album should stay at same URL , because If It was Popular then Its render 404 page which taking time, increase server load,

All tube website don't show 404 page for all king of delete video. metadata should delete, but not URL.

You can try at YouTube by changing IDs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fuowcx


2. How I can Display related video in embed Player, when 404 video not found.


	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #000; color: #fff">
<div style="width: 100%; text-align: center; position: absolute; top: 49%">{{$lang.error_404.title}}</div>


Edited by xvids
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2 hours ago, xvids said:

User Deleted video/album should stay at same URL , because If It was Popular then Its render 404 page which taking time, increase server load,

This is a very good idea, thanks for proposing. We decided to change default behavior when users delete their videos or albums from site area. The new default behavior would be - mark as deleted instead of real deletion. If someone would want to have the deleted content being fully deleted right a way, they could activate delete_mode option in list_videos block that handles member uploaded video management:



2 hours ago, xvids said:

2. How I can Display related video in embed Player, when 404 video not found.

What is "related videos" to a 404 error?

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4 hours ago, Tech Support said:

mark as deleted

This feature I requested long time ago, and you added it. many thanks, the request was for SEO purpose, but when my tube was not popular in market, now I learn a new thing related to this feature, and the thing is that If some copyright holder requesting to remove their contents, they are also wanted to remove metadata and HTTP-410 for SEO,
or they will submit their report to Google for remove from search,
*This is just suggestion*

Now in KVS should have two option, 

Mark delete + Real Deletion, is same, I think, because If I delete a video, and video_ID is 12345, then KVS is not gonna generate again this ID for video in future, am I right?

Real deletion = means Its should not render 404 page, It just keep the URL, because 410 is better than 404 for SEO and L.A etc...,

And Mark delete means Its should delete everything related to the video and header HTTP-410, just keep URL,


I'm just trying to make fast the 404.php page, because I know, Its load last day on my website, me and user delete total 15 videos which is popular after that server L.A goes to 100-180, and I try to add same videos IDs but couldn't find any method.

Currently I'm Using JavaScript and PHP for metadata and HTTP-410 Instead remove to hide,

in Video View block

<script type="text/javascript">
	document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
	document.getElementsByClassName("video-info")[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
	document.getElementsByClassName("video-info")[0].style.height = "1px";
	//document.getElementsByClassName("related-videos")[0].style.display = "none";
	document.getElementsByClassName("social")[0].style.display = "none";
	document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].style.display = 'none';
	document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerHTML = 'This Video was deleted';


And in Header


{{if $storage.video_view_video_view.status_id==5}}
{{php}}header( "HTTP/1.1 410 Gone" );{{/php}}


5 hours ago, Tech Support said:

What is "related videos" to a 404 error?

Sorry not Related video, just display some Videos list in player(embed player), when Video marked delete,

Example: "domain.com/embed/12345/" someone embed a video from my website to their website, and the video I deleted from my website,

then KVS just displaying a error page, here is the template code. so I just want to display some other Videos in Player, If the video is not visible then User can any other video from player:





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11 hours ago, xvids said:

Mark delete + Real Deletion, is same, I think, because If I delete a video, and video_ID is 12345, then KVS is not gonna generate again this ID for video in future, am I right?

No, IDs that were already used will never be used again.

KVS has 2 ways to delete content:

  1. Full delete, which means that KVS "forgets" about this content as if it never existed. This is useful when you test something, add many videos and then found that they were added as errors and should not be there. So in this case you don't actually want their URLs to be available with any status. Then you completely delete them and KVS never remembers they ever existed (except logs). Such URLs will return 404 HTTP errors in all cases.
  2. Mark as deleted, which means that KVS keeps content pages available via direct URLs so that you don't lose traffic that already comes to these pages, either from SEO, or from bookmarks. Such URLs were returning 200 HTTP status code.

So your proposal is to make it configurable and return 410 HTTP errors in case #2. We agree to that and added a new option inside Settings -> Website settings -> Content statuses availability option:



The default setting is that Active / Deleted videos are available via direct URLs. And we added Active option here, which will mean that only Active videos will return HTTP 200 status code, while Deleted videos will return HTTP 410 status code, and all other cases (Inactive, Error, In-process, non existing) will return HTTP 404 status code.

So if you want some videos to return 410 status code, you should change this option to Active and then Mark these videos as deleted. If you want some videos to return 404 status code, then you should Delete them.

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11 hours ago, xvids said:

Sorry not Related video, just display some Videos list in player(embed player), when Video marked delete,

The only possible way to do that is to use AJAX and pull some videos via Javascript from any existing page, or create a new page.

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5 hours ago, Tech Support said:

The only possible way to do that is to use AJAX and pull some videos via Javascript from any existing page, or create a new page

AJAX will take time as I tested, 

<script src="/static/js/main.js"></script>



This Option is not Possible. 



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An important enhancement was done for KVS player - we added support for WEBP format in player preview images; plus player will now automatically choose the best-sized preview image based on device screen size.

The number of available preview images depends on the video formats that you have (e.g. 480p, 720p and etc). KVS creates preview image of different size for each video format + it keeps preview source file taken from video. For example this is source file:

preview.jpg (1920x1080)

And these are preview images for different formats:

preview_360p.mp4.jpg (640x360)     preview_480p.mp4.jpg (852x480)     preview_720p.mp4.jpg (1280x720)

They all have different dimensions. Previously KVS player displayed the format file that was configured as default player format and this was bad, because the same file doesn't work well for all types of devices - for desktops, where player GUI is big it makes sense to display 720p preview, while for mobiles with much smaller player GUI it makes sense to display 360p or 480p previews.

So with the new update KVS will automatically display different preview images for different devices. This should also work extremely well for Google Performance Review tool, which uses mobile testing device to test website performance on slower internet connections and much time is spent on loading big player previews.

In addition to providing smaller images for mobile devices, KVS will also keep all preview files in WEBP format, except preview source. This should increase Google Performance score even more, because WEBP is 30-50% smaller than JPEG.

Since we think this is extremely important and desired for all projects, this all will happen automatically after updating KVS to a new version. Update plugin will submit special background task to re-create all your player preview files for all old videos in WEBP format. If your server doesn't support WEBP, this is not a problem and task will delete itself without changing any existing files. However it is highly recommended to have WEBP support enabled in your ImageMagick installation, because Google seems to put this in the topmost ranking factors.

If you are using 3rd-party player, this could be an issue for you. KVS will change its behavior in terms of {{$flashvars.preview_url}} variable, that will now always display source preview in JPG format, while there will be additional variables listing WEBP smaller preview files. This may require you to change template logic of rendering both WEBP / JPG (please check with your player vendor how to do that).

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Please make load balancing on main server available.

or write a guide on how to do it with current KVS version, All support do is increasing page cache time and disabling search suggestions. It will reduce website usability, They are not real solution. (search suggestion was great feature )


Please provide a real solution on how to load balance high traffic website on KVS


Thank you

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10 hours ago, leonrak said:

Please make load balancing on main server available.

This requires to completely rewrite all KVS architecture. We have started working with this in the current version and will iteratively do that, please refer to this post earlier in this topic:


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8 hours ago, Tech Support said:

This requires to completely rewrite all KVS architecture. We have started working with this in the current version and will iteratively do that, please refer to this post earlier in this topic:


Thats great

will main server load balancing be available in KVS 5.5.0 ?

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4 hours ago, leonrak said:

What are current solutions for load balancing main server?

The only possible solution is to use satellite installed to some subdomain (e.g. s1.domain.com) and configured to have site on primary domain (domain.com). So that you will have 2 installations: (1) installed on server 1 and domain.com, (2) installed on server 2 and s1.domain.com, but configured to have alias for domain.com to be used in DNS load balancing.

It will anyway require satellite in the future, due to the following 2 reasons:

  1. KVS license agreement officially allows using only 1 installation. Installing multiple KVS copies on different server (or even the same server) is violation of KVS license and is not allowed. Satellite is another license, so you can install as many satellites as you want because every satellite is another license.
  2. KVS support team and yourself will need to login to admin panel to check for issues, do administration and etc. Therefore each of the cluster installations should have a separate admin panel accessible at any time without affecting local DNS, so it should also be accessible via subdomain.

So we think that satellite approach will be used in future as well, as this is the most convenient approach to install and manage cluster installations from our point of view. However the main issue with satellite approach now is that it will double database load due to dividing caching into 2 or more parts. This is something that we don't have any workaround now and thus will need to change KVS architecture to also support using individual databases for satellites and primary installation. Once this will be possible, it will allow unlimited horizontal scalability.

You can use satellite now, but as we said if your database is already overloaded, satellite will make it event worse.

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