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Tech Support

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Posts posted by Tech Support

  1. Please check this if you need to set up verification at some level:


    If you just want to show verified badge, you can use trusted flag in admin panel for such users. And then in member list template (Website UI -> Page components -> include_list_members_block_common.tpl) you can show using this code:

    {{if $item.is_trusted==1}}Verified{{/if}}

    In profile page template (Website UI -> Page components -> include_member_profile.tpl) you can show using this code:

    {{if $data.is_trusted==1}}Verified{{/if}}


    • Like 1
  2. Yes, basically you need to create some flag (e.g. flag_name_model_video) and then use the following AJAX request on video page to notify model to admin:



  3. First you need to set up a billing in Memberzone -> Billings section. When the billing is set up and activated, you can switch theme to display signup popup which is designed with displaying payment options. This is done in .htaccess file in this rule:

    RewriteRule ^signup/$                               index.php?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=signup_signup_form_simple&global=true [L,QSA]

    You need to change signup_signup_form_simple to signup_signup_form_premium:

    RewriteRule ^signup/$                               index.php?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=signup_signup_form_premium&global=true [L,QSA]
  4. It can be done via Smarty modifier when displaying a value from variable. For example for video title inside video_view block template the title is displayed like this:


    You can change it to this:


    But this only works with English base letter, not working with other languages.

  5. This cookie is needed for IP-based protection on video file links, which is required for anti-hotlink working. You can switch it off by switching off IP protection in Settings -> Content Settings -> Video download script protection settings. Change Hotlink protection type to By referrer (50%). Then KVS will not install this specific cookie.

    6 hours ago, jungleland said:

    Will you plan in a future a plugin to make sites friendly with GDPR and gives the users the option of decline cookies?

    No, we don't think this is needed. There are plenty of nice 3rd-party cookie widgets that you can install on your site and ask user's consent to use these cookies for system functioning like many other sites do. For example this:



    As you can see every site has required cookies which is not possible to decline, but for KVS all cookies are required. There are no marketing / tracking / preferences cookies used by KVS.

  6. 7 hours ago, user1 said:

    Could you remove our. domain from the posts.

    We have removed the posts.

    7 hours ago, user1 said:

    What I mean is that everyone else seems to be getting this working and this doesn't seem to be working for us. Not sure what the difference is.

    Do you mean you don't see redirect when you try to open your old URL style as /videos/....? This is not normal if true.

    9 hours ago, mongoose657 said:

    You are not alone. My urls were already /video to begin with and I have over 100k deindexed still

    It might be many factors that influence this. I'm 100% confident this is done by AI, and nobody in Google understands how it decides which page is main video content, and which is not. They have fed it with millions of video pages and told this is main video content. And then again millions of other pages and told this is not main video content. Then AI analyzed everything possible and decided that main video content should be likely located on the URL that contains /video/ in it. Then it is more likely main video content if its H1 tag contains "Video" word. Then it may be even more likely if a <title> tag contains "Video" word. There should be other dozen of factors, like video player position relative to overall page, the amount of other content on the page and some more, could be even colors used in design.

    Now you should prove to Google AI that your pages are likely main video pages, so you should try adding more similarities with other video pages. But nobody knows which ones. For KVS default theme we found that it is only required to rename /videos/ to /video/. But we still have like 1300 pages for kvs-demo.com that are still not re-indexed after the change, and they are still marked as the issue.

  7. You need to check if the redirect is actually working or not.

    For example on our demo site you can try old URL (which contains /videos):


    and then it should open the one with /video/ instead in your browser address line:


    If this is working for your site, then your redirect is working and your rewrite URLs are correct.

    If redirect rules are not correct, you will see that URL with /videos/ is still opening in your browser without any redirect.

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