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Tech Support

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Posts posted by Tech Support

  1. I don't think this would be possible. FFmpeg should have the ability to bundle subtitles into video as a track, but there is not way from KVS to feed the subtitles file into ffmpeg, unless you want to include the same subtitles into every video and can specify global hardcoded filename into ffmpeg options


  2. The HTML title is displayed in header template like this:


    You can try to replace mb_ucfirst with ucwords function:


    But I think it doesn't support non-latin characters.

  3. Not possible to have 2factor auth in admin panel for now.

    To prevent sharing user passwords please go to Website UI -> Global blocks and open logon block for editing, there you can find options about banning users. However, using IP is not a good idea, since some users may have dynamic IPs and they can't use your site then.

  4. Yes, you can move the files and adjust paths in these places:

    1) /admin/include/setup.php

    2) Settings -> Storage servers (for all local storage servers)

    3) Settings -> Conversion servers (for all local conversion servers)

    4) Plugins -> Project backup


    Also in the main project's .htaccess file I think you need to change this line:

    RewriteBase /

    to this:

    RewriteBase /something


  5. KVS doesn't fully support subtitles at the moment. One of the customization option that we provide is to ability to specify either subtitles file URL in a custom field, or subtitles file contents in a custom field. And then it is possible to customize template to show subtitles from this file.

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