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  1. Most of KVS themes come with popups for utility forms, such as login and signup. If you need to refer login or signup popups, you can do that without actually having them as separate pages: https://kvs-demo.com/?login https://kvs-demo.com/?signup If you want to create separate pages for them with custom design, you can also do that by following this guide. Creating login page Step 1. In Website UI -> Pages create a new page with the following template code: {{assign var="page_title" value=$lang.html.login_title}} {{assign var="page_canonical" value=$lang.urls.login}} {{include file="include_header_general.tpl"}} <div class="content"> <div class="main-content"> <div class="main-container"> {{insert name="getBlock" block_id="logon" block_name="Logon Form"}} </div> </div> </div> {{include file="include_footer_general.tpl"}} Set page External ID to login, you can set title to Login, this is only title for admin panel. NOTE: if you have error message saying that there are no permissions to create files, you have 2 choices: Either put 777 permissions on the directory where KVS is installed (using FTP client or server File manager tool) Or manually create /login.php file in the document root with the following code: <?php require_once("admin/include/process_page.php");?> Step 2. After you saved page in Step 1, you should see Logon Form block added to this page's blocks list at the bottom. Open it for editing. Now open another browser tab and go to Website UI -> Global blocks -> Logon Form and copy template code and block parameters from there into the settings of Logon Form on the new login page. Step 3. In /.htaccess file in the root directory of your project find these 2 lines: RewriteRule ^login/$ index.php?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=logon_logon_form&global=true [L,QSA] RewriteRule ^login-required/$ index.php?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=logon_logon_form&global=true&error=only_for_members [L,QSA] and change them to these: RewriteRule ^login/$ login.php [L,QSA] RewriteRule ^login-required/$ login.php?error=only_for_members [L,QSA] Step 4. In Website UI -> Texts add new text for rendering title of your newly selected login page: External ID: html.login_title Default: Login Page Title Now you should be able to click on login link in header and see your new login page. Do you still see it is open in popup instead of separate page? If yes, please update this file on your server with a newer version from kvs-demo.com (only for KVS default theme): https://kvs-demo.com/static/js/main.min.js Creating signup page Step 1. In Website UI -> Pages create a new page with the following template code: {{assign var="page_title" value=$lang.html.signup_title}} {{assign var="page_canonical" value=$lang.urls.signup}} {{include file="include_header_general.tpl"}} <div class="content"> <div class="main-content"> <div class="main-container"> {{insert name="getBlock" block_id="signup" block_name="Signup Form"}} </div> </div> </div> {{include file="include_footer_general.tpl"}} Set page External ID to signup, you can set title to Signup, this is only title for admin panel. NOTE: if you have error message saying that there are no permissions to create files, you have 2 choices: Either put 777 permissions on the directory where KVS is installed (using FTP client or server File manager tool) Or manually create /login.php file in the document root with the following code: <?php require_once("admin/include/process_page.php");?> Step 2. After you saved page in Step 1, you should see Signup Form block added to this page's blocks list at the bottom. Open it for editing. Now open another browser tab and go to Website UI -> Global blocks -> Signup Form XXX and copy template code and block parameters from there into the settings of Signup Form on the new signup page. NOTE: There are multiple different signup forms support in KVS themes: Simple signup form is default, Simple2 signup form requires email as a login, Advanced signup form renders additional profile fields on signup; finally Premium signup form renders paid access options. Choose the form that you need and copy its template and settings. Step 3. In /.htaccess file in the root directory of your project find this line: RewriteRule ^signup/$ index.php?mode=async&function=get_block&block_id=signup_signup_form_simple&global=true [L,QSA] and change it to this: RewriteRule ^signup/$ signup.php [L,QSA] Step 4. In Website UI -> Texts add new text for rendering title of your newly selected signup page: External ID: html.signup_title Default: Signup Page Title Now you should be able to click on signup link in header and see your new signup page. Do you still see it is open in popup instead of separate page? If yes, please update this file on your server with a newer version from kvs-demo.com (only for KVS default theme): https://kvs-demo.com/static/js/main.min.js
  2. This is strange, because by default KVS has good compression quality. Most probably you upload videos in very poor quality and it is not possible to create good quality screenshots from them. Please create support tickets and provide an example of what you think is a bad quality, as this is very subjective.
  3. You don't need ioncube loader installed when you purchase KVS open source code option.
  4. There is no such direct option, but it is possible to use feedback block to ask users to request something. Feedbacks support custom fields that can be used to allow users to select inquiry 'type', for example request to be a model. In KVS it is possible to separate models VS normal members by changing their status to webmaster.
  5. HLS requires many changes in KVS, we can't spend the whole time on it, because many customers do not care about this (most KVS customers have small videos 5-10 minutes and HLS makes no difference for them). So we are working in iterations and doing some things that will further be required by HLS. When we do all the minor things together, we will make the final push to make HLS possible. Unfortunately we can't tell when exactly. If HLS is critical for you, you may need to consider using another CMS, but later you won't be able to migrate to KVS most probably.
  6. We never investigated this, but we know for sure there are some Arabic sites working on KVS, so it should be possible at some level.
  7. No, we changed plans a bit as we decided to start our nextgen refactoring. We are planning to change comments to nextgen architecture in 5.6.0, and will add support for hierarchical comments. Not sure about notification system yet.
  8. I see what you mean, there is no support for anything like this.
  9. Yes, default theme has all the functions, but it is not designed as a paysite, it is a tube theme.
  10. Yes, you can limit for specific countries only. Didn't you find the right option next to speed limit configuration in video format format settings?
  11. This is a problem with MP4 format and long videos, the solution is to use HLS format, but KVS doesn't yet support this.
  12. Mobile devices should also work. Themes are not updated with KVS updates. We won't put this into initial theme design, as we don't see much use for majority of customers.
  13. In Memberzone -> Billings -> <The billing you are using>, there is a Re-post URL, which should be set to Postback URL of the bonus site of the same billing.
  14. Paysite theme doesn't have image logo, its logo is based on text that you can input into Website UI -> Theme settings. If you want to render custom image logo, you can do that via CSS. Find this class in your CSS style and add background option there: .logo a { color: #1b1b1d; background: url('/static/images/logo.png'); } And put logo image under this URL.
  15. OK guys, we added this feature in theme JS file, you can update it from here: https://www.kvs-demo.com/static/js/main.min.js Then you can add this code into pagination template to render the needed control: <li class="page"><input type="number" min="1" max="{{$nav.page_total}}" name="page" size="3" data-action="inputpage" data-pagination-var="{{$pagination_variable|default:"from"}}" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_pagination" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="{{if $pagination_custom_parameters!=''}}{{$pagination_custom_parameters}};{{/if}}sort_by:{{$sort_by}}"/></li> The control will update list to the entered page after pressing "Enter" key.
  16. NATS supports only executing 1 postback. So NATS should be configured to execute postback of your primary site. Then primary site can be configured to re-post every NATS postback to bonus site 1, then bonus site 1 can be configured to re-post every re-posted postback to bonus site 2 and etc. All NATS postbacks, including member access expiration and rebills should be re-posted to the chain.
  17. We later replied that it will be possible to chain postbacks from billings to another URL via KVS settings. This will allow keeping user database on site #2 in sync with site #1. Another option is to use satellite license for 'bonus' site, as satellite shares the same database of users. However satellite also shares the same database of content, so this network configuration will be quite difficult to manage and this is not flexible in terms of users. Finally it can also be possible to use SSO login to auto-login all users from primary site to 'bonus' site using specially signed links. Such users can't login to 'bonus' site directly, because they won't have their password set there, but they can login to the primary site and then login to 'bonus' site using specially crafted link for them.
  18. For disallowing some terms on your site you can use Settings -> Website settings -> Blocked words and auto-replacement. This also affect new searches. If you want to delete existing searched with some words, you have to do it manually in Stats -> Search queries. But when some terms are added into blocked words, they should not appear in new search queries anymore.
  19. This doesn't mean that users will not be able to search on any specific queries. Users are allowed to search on what they want, but the question is whether you want to ask SEO to only index the queries that you added manually in admin panel. If you want to configure that, you can use the following code in header template that will render meta noindex for ALL queries that were submitted by users and not added manually by admin: {{if $storage.list_videos_videos_list_search_result.list_type=='search' && $storage.list_videos_videos_list_search_result.search_keyword_info.is_manual==0}} <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> {{/if}} NOTE: you should know what you are doing by putting this, as this may severely affect your project SEO and we are not SEO advisors.
  20. KVS will put new screenshots to the path that is specified in /admin/include/setup.php in this option: $config['content_path_videos_screenshots']="... path to screenshots storage directory ..."; If this path points to CDN, then KVS will put new screenshots on CDN. If this path points to local server, KVS will put new screenshots on local server.
  21. KVS default theme provides twitter cards for video pages. You need to go to Website UI -> Theme settings and specify your twitter account, as it is needed for generating twitter code.
  22. We were thinking of this as well, but grabbers can work in multiple files download mode, while video_edit can't. Therefore there is no clear way to add download option.
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