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Tech Support

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  1. This can be done via alias license: https://www.kernel-video-sharing.com/en/services/#aliases However it requires open source code to be functional.
  2. We cannot reproduce this in our environment.
  3. Yes, we have a huge pack of album GUI fixes in plans, including this one.
  4. It can be many reasons, typically we need to check your admin panel settings first. Please create support ticket (when our ticket system will be up and fully operational).
  5. We are migrating ticket system to the new PHP version and may still experience some troubles today.
  6. It is only possible if they support FTP transfer protocol, otherwise not possible.
  7. It will need to be implemented in a specific way. There is no easy solution to copy something and make it easily working.
  8. KVS cannot use the same technique, because remote storage server script does not have any logic to download files.
  9. No, model grabbers still not supported.
  10. Sorry, we don't have time to work on themes. I guess this is permanent, as we have a huge overload on other KVS development tasks and need to push for nextgen implementation further. There are partners offering some new KVS themes, please check them out: https://kvs-themes.com/
  11. HLS format is not downloadable. If you want to provide download option you will have to keep MP4 files in addition to HLS. For example you have 1080p video. You can provide it in HLS in 1080p, 720p and 480p qualities, plus you can have 480p and 720p MP4 files for download. This will greatly increase your storage space, so kind of trade-off. Not much. The real power of HLS is that video quality is adjusted automatically based on user network speed, so that video plays without any slugging / delays. This is very important for long videos, and for mobile users with unstable network.
  12. You can add sponsors in Categorization -> Content sources, and you will have the same page.
  13. It is not clear what you are trying to do, please provide more details.
  14. Yes, we will add HLS support in future updates. Old projects will be able to switch to HLS for old videos (if enough disk space), or to only have this for new videos. Or to migrate old videos to new servers and create HLS formats for them. This requirement affects many functionalities in KVS, so need long time to do.
  15. You can do that via Settings -> Antispam Settings. You can configure that any new videos uploaded after the limit will trigger validation error, and you can customize its message like this (in Website UI -> Texts section): validation.video_edit.spam = Your uploading limit was reached for today
  16. If user didn't upload their avatar, theme CSS will show default image that you can customize in your CSS file in this style: .no-thumb { background: url("../images/kvs.svg") no-repeat center; } This also applies to categories, models and other categorization. So you may need to use some more specific CSS selector to specify image specific to members only.
  17. In Website UI -> Page components -> include_header_general.tpl find this block: {{foreach item="item" from=$lang.header.network_sites}} <li><a href="{{$item.link}}">{{$item.name}}</a></li> {{/foreach}} And add target="_blank" attribute into A tag: {{foreach item="item" from=$lang.header.network_sites}} <li><a href="{{$item.link}}" target="_blank">{{$item.name}}</a></li> {{/foreach}}
  18. This article provides step by step instruction on how to get categories dropdown in site header. Please note the CSS styles described here are not 100% perfect, as they in some way overlap with styles for upload item dropdown. Please adjust them as needed by your site design. Step 1. Go to Website UI -> Global blocks and click on Add block button at the bottom. In the new block line specify block name as Header Categories and under block type select list_categories. Save. Step 2. Open the newly appeared Header Categories block for editing. Configure block parameters as needed, e.g. items_per_page if you want to limit the number of categories displayed, and other filters if you want to limit which categories are displayed. Enter the following code into template code area and save: {{if count($data)>0}} <li class="drop"> <span>{{$lang.header.primary_menu_categories}}</span> <ul> {{foreach from=$data item="item"}} <li> <a href="{{$lang.urls.videos_by_category|replace:"%DIR%":$item.dir|replace:"%ID%":$item.category_id}}">{{$item.title}}</a> </li> {{/foreach}} </ul> </li> {{/if}} Step 3. Go to Website UI -> Page components -> include_header_general.tpl for editing. Find the <LI> node that renders categories menu item, similar to this: <li {{if $page_id=='categories_videos' || $page_id=='categories_albums'}}class="selected"{{/if}}> <a href="{{$lang.urls.categories_videos}}" id="item6">{{$lang.header.primary_menu_categories}}</a> </li> And replace it with this block insert: {{insert name="getGlobal" global_id="list_categories_header_categories"}} Step 4. To make styles look better, add the following basic styling into your theme CSS file: .navigation .primary .drop > span { display: block; position: relative; background-color: #e0dfdf; padding: 12px 38px 12px 17px; cursor: pointer; } .navigation .primary .drop > span:after { position: absolute; z-index: 1; content: "\e901"; font-family: "icomoon" !important; speak: none; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; text-transform: none; line-height: 1; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; font-size: 5px; top: calc(50% - 1px); right: 20px; will-change: transform; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(0); transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(0); -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s; transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s; transition: transform 0.3s; transition: transform 0.3s, -webkit-transform 0.3s; } .navigation .primary .drop:hover > span { background-color: #276fdb; color: #fff; } .navigation .primary .drop:hover > span::after { -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(180deg); transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(180deg); }
  19. There is no technical way to move files from one FTP to another FTP without copying them to primary server. If you want to move files yourself, you can do that by directly copying them from one server to another using server shell and then just run sync in KVS to make sure all files are checked.
  20. Please read what's new: It is possible to restore the old behavior in Settings -> Personal settings.
  21. Please go to Website UI -> Language files -> default and find these lines: header.network_name = header.network_sites.1.name = Site1name header.network_sites.1.link = http://google.com header.network_sites.2.name = Site2name header.network_sites.2.link = http://google.com These are where you can edit name and URL, and also you can easily add more items by using number 3, 4 and etc.
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