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Tech Support

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Everything posted by Tech Support

  1. Do you mean this link contains other domain name than yours? Then likely you are using 3rd-party embed codes for your videos, and these URLs are embed codes. For example this URL is embed code: https://www.kvs-demo.com/embed/123 By default robots.txt prevents indexing these URLs, as normally they are duplicates of your video pages and they refer your original video pages via canonical: <link href="https://www.kvs-demo.com/videos/123/tdwp-danger-wildman/" rel="canonical"/>
  2. KVS doesn't have this issue with default theme: https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-www-kvs-demo-com/3cudm5v0tv?form_factor=mobile What affects this greatly - Google Analytics, 3rd-party advertising.
  3. It is not possible to update existing videos via grabbers. It can only import new videos. So the only way would be to delete the imported videos and re-import them again. But you will also have to enable this option in grabber settings to allow importing deleted videos again: But then there may be another issue, if you don't like some videos that were imported by grabber and decide to delete them from your site, the grabber may import them again as new videos. So there is no win-win situation here, better leave the old videos as embed and download new videos, or just delete them and import other videos instead.
  4. Please create support ticket. Have to move these posts to another topic, as this doesn't seem to related to the original post.
  5. Sorry, I don't understand your point here. The player shows time, sound and volume, and what is the problem please?
  6. Please create support ticket, not possible to guess from picture.
  7. This popup can be working for members, so I guess you need this code in Website UI -> Page components -> include_header_general.tpl: {{if $smarty.session.status_id!=3}} {{* do not show this link for premium users *}} <a data-href="{{if $smarty.session.user_id>0}}{{$lang.urls.upgrade}}{{else}}{{$lang.urls.login_required}}{{/if}}" data-fancybox="ajax">Remove Ads</a> {{/if}}
  8. Grabbers in KVS do not support grabbing trailers. For quality I didn't understand your question.
  9. You need to modify header template for this. In Website UI -> Page components -> include_header_general.tpl inside this block: {{if $lang.enable_header_network=='true'}} ... {{/if}} Add target="_blank" to <a> tag. But please note that some adblockers may automatically disable all links with this attribute.
  10. Please go to Website UI -> Language files -> default and find this block: header.network_name = header.network_sites.1.name = Site1name header.network_sites.1.link = http://google.com header.network_sites.2.name = Site2name header.network_sites.2.link = http://google.com
  11. Please do not start URL with // in storage server settings. While KVS should fully support this syntax, other systems may not support it, and it actually exclusion when this is supported. You need to specify full URL starting with https:// PS: or this is not in storage server settings, but in setup.php I guess.
  12. KVS separates admins and site users. As admin you can only login into admin panel (https://kvs-demo.com/admin). If you want to login under the context of any user, you can do so from admin panel Memberzone -> Users -> Login as user.
  13. It is possible to do in Website UI -> Pages -> View Video page -> video_view block. First you need to enable show_next_and_previous_info parameter and choose sorting option for it. Then in template you can use the following code to show: <p> <label>Random video</label> <span> <a href="{{$config.project_url}}/random_video/">Random video</a> </span> </p> {{if is_array($next_video)}} <p> <label>Next video</label> <span> <a href="{{$next_video.view_page_url}}">{{$next_video.title}}</a> </span> </p> {{/if}} {{if is_array($previous_video)}} <p> <label>Previous video</label> <span> <a href="{{$previous_video.view_page_url}}">{{$previous_video.title}}</a> </span> </p> {{/if}}
  14. Do you mean something in <meta name="keywords"> tags? Typically KVS uses video tags to render there. For example you can see this: view-source:https://www.kvs-demo.com/videos/64/ravenface-isolation/ It is showing these meta keywords: <meta name="keywords" content="Metal Music, metalcore, hardcore, heavy metal, melodic death metal, death metal, 2009"/> Then if you open this video in admin panel, you can see from where these meta keywords are coming from: https://kvs-demo.com/admin/videos.php?action=change&item_id=64
  15. Right, but there may be a way to generate expired signed URLs, at least this documents seems to describe the similar concept: https://developers.cloudflare.com/r2/api/s3/presigned-urls/ But you will need to hire a PHP dev to do that. Missing the content protection may result in others hotlinking your videos and leaching your money.
  16. What do you exactly mean by "keywords"? In KVS there are tags, they can be added into every video. Is that what you need?
  17. Please create support ticket.
  18. It depends on where high LA comes from. If it comes from MySQL, can be solved by adjusting caching.
  19. KVS doesn't provide customization services. Please refer to this article for an alternative: For the grabbers please create support ticket with some details what is not working.
  20. Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this. Wordpress data is not structured, and you always need to analyze it and create some code. We have a migration service for this task: https://www.kernel-video-sharing.com/en/services/#migration
  21. This sounds like some networking issue on your server, please check with hosting support about resolving this.
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