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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. When will KVS be able to play HLS format?
  2. so its not final update?
  3. Is the developer here?
  4. Who charged 30 dollars?
  5. How can I show 2 or 3 or 4 different company ads in one spot? like footer or header or player side
  6. viper

    Vast Ads

    What do you mean, one by one? suppose user first time see ad1 and user watch another video then see ad2
  7. How does it work when I add 4 vast ads from 4 Ad Company? Are they randomly showing?
  8. like this By Views during the last day: (only uploaded videos in 1 day or 24 hours) By Views during the last week: (only uploaded videos in 1 week) By Views during the last month: (only uploaded videos in 1 month)
  9. is it possible showing only 24 hours uploaded and 1 week uploaded most viwed videos (show only video upload by in 24 hours and 1 week)
  10. How is it possible to pay 120 USD for almost 11 TB HDD or SSD?
  11. Any news? is STATS option show how many real visitors daily?
  12. i did but page broken. Can you tell me what's wrong?
  13. Where can I view the next-coming update list?
  14. i did but not showing
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