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  1. Please create support ticket.
  2. Into one of the Format "XXX" based on which file quality you upload.
  3. Please create support ticket with domain details for us to take a look.
  4. No, this cannot be the cause of upload issues in admin panel.
  5. Sorry, this is beta 6.2.0 bug with PHP8. Please ignore it for now, since the group is deactivated then videos will not be adding there anyway. After updating to next version you will be able to remove it.
  6. In your .htaccess file inside a www root you need to find this rule: RewriteRule ^videos/([^/]+)/$ view_video.php?dir=$1 [L,QSA] and change it like this RewriteRule ^video/([^/]+)/$ view_video.php?id=$1 [L,QSA] Then you can go to Settings -> Website settings and change Video page URL pattern option to video/%ID%/ For SEO effect we don't know.
  7. Please try also from other PC / network provider.
  8. It is not possible to add Smarty tags inside advertising, because advertising is a plain HTML code, no Smarty there. There is currently no way to show different advertising for different languages.
  9. There is no easy way to do that... First of all KVS default theme should automatically add Page number, for example like here: https://www.kvs-demo.com/latest-updates/2/ This is done by the following code in each page where applicable: {{if $storage.list_albums_common_albums_list.page_now>1}} {{if $page_title!=''}} {{assign var="page_title" value=$lang.html.default_paginated_title|replace:"%1%":$page_title|replace:"%2%":$storage.list_albums_common_albums_list.page_now}} {{/if}} {{if $page_description!=''}} {{assign var="page_description" value=$lang.html.default_paginated_description|replace:"%1%":$page_description|replace:"%2%":$storage.list_albums_common_albums_list.page_now}} {{/if}} {{/if}} The code is different for every page, but looks very similar. You can find all such places by going to Website UI -> Search in theme and searching for $lang.html.default_paginated_title in templates. This will give a list of page templates with similar code blocks. Now for adding noindex, you need to put the following line inside the first {{if}} condition: {{assign var="page_noindex" value="true"}} E.g. for the above example of code it should become like this: {{if $storage.list_albums_common_albums_list.page_now>1}} {{assign var="page_noindex" value="true"}} {{if $page_title!=''}} {{assign var="page_title" value=$lang.html.default_paginated_title|replace:"%1%":$page_title|replace:"%2%":$storage.list_albums_common_albums_list.page_now}} {{/if}} {{if $page_description!=''}} {{assign var="page_description" value=$lang.html.default_paginated_description|replace:"%1%":$page_description|replace:"%2%":$storage.list_albums_common_albums_list.page_now}} {{/if}} {{/if}} Then you need to go to Website UI -> Page components -> include_header_general.tpl and add this block anywhere inside <head> section: {{if $page_noindex=='true'}} <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> {{/if}}
  10. Please create support ticket with details.
  11. This is a bug in beta 6.2.0 with PHP8. Please create support ticket and provide FTP access.
  12. Logging out from admin panel? Then he has dynamic IP, should go into Settings -> Personal settings and switch off IP protection option.
  13. Sorry, no time to look into this right now.
  14. Step 2 should be done as well, otherwise URLs will not be changed. I guess he was trying to say he didn't add "Video" to the H1, which is step #3 in this guide:
  15. It looks like this removed this from menu, but from what I can see you can access it here (should be logged in): https://www.paypal.com/buttons/ You can use Buy now for 1 time purchase, and Subscribe for subscriptions:
  16. It will do 301 redirect automatically if video URLs on your project are using video IDs like this: https://www.kvs-demo.com/video/265/soul-sanctuary-afterlife/ You can write whatever you want in the directory path, it will always do redirect: https://www.kvs-demo.com/video/265/asgkjhagstmabfgadfhadfg/
  17. 1) Go to Paypal admin into Pay & Get Paid -> Accept Payments -> Paypal Buttons menu. In the appeared list of button types choose "Subscribe" (not Smart Subscribe). For each of your access option (e.g. 30 days access for $19.95) you will need to create this type of button. Each button may be one-time purchase (e.g. subscription for 1 year, or pack of KVS tokens), or may be recurring purchase if you need this payment to be automatically repeated each period. For one-time purchase choose "Buy Now" as a button type, for subscription choose "Subscriptions". Please note that when setting a payment button in Paypal, you should not use multiple prices for the same button, which Paypal allows. If you want to allow user to use multiple payment options (e.g. 30 days access for $19.95, 90 days for 39.95$), please create individual payment button for each option. For subscription button types you can also activate a separate trial option if needed. After creating a payment button in Paypal admin it will present you with HTML code to insert this button to your site. Please copy the ID of this button (the value of "hosted_button_id" parameter) from the given code, as you will need it for further KVS configuration. If you are not able to identify the button ID, please create support ticket for us and paste the button HTML code provided by Paypal. 2) Next Go to KVS admin panel -> Memberzone -> Billings -> Paypal. In Paypal settings add access packages as many as needed, they should be set accordingly to payment buttons you've created in Paypal: for each Paypal payment button you should add one access package in KVS admin panel. In each access package you should specify its title, duration and rebill duration if needed for expirable access packages, or number of tokens for token access packages; and finally these 2 fields: - External package ID: specify payment button ID that you've copied from button HTML code in Paypal. - Payment page URL: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXX (replace XXXXXXXXXXXXX with the same payment button ID that you've copied from button HTML code in Paypal). When all access packages are configured, you can activate Paypal billing in KVS admin panel. 3) Now return back to Paypal customer zone and follow this guide to enable IPN (Instant Payment Notification): https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api-basics/notifications/ipn/IPNSetup/#setting-up-ipn-notifications-on-paypal As a Notification URL you should used the Postback URL that you can copy in KVS admin panel in Paypal billing page (KVS admin panel -> Memberzone -> Billings -> Paypal).
  18. The import allows you to modify data of any video queried by ID. Your import data should be like this: 123|new-directory-value 124|new-directory-value2 Then choose these options in import settings: Other options do not matter, keep them as default. Then it will update directories as you specified in import data for the specified videos.
  19. No, at the moment you need to create another Paypal account to connect with multiple KVS sites.
  20. So basically you need to mass modify video directory field by video ID? You can do that via Videos import function in update mode.
  21. What do you mean by video URL that you want to change? Which field in KVS admin panel is this?
  22. Is it a question to KVS? Why don't we use Apple icon in our themes? But we can't provide any icons, as they are custom made for every site. You need to add this yourself. We are putting default favicon.ico when empty space only to get rid of 404 error, because many browsers will query favicon.ico file automatically, regardless of it being specified in HTML or not.
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