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Everything posted by hbarnetworks

  1. just an FYI if you use R2 for the sole purpose of video streaming you might get banned due to high egress fees. They have cloudflare stream for streaming Source: Can we serve video with r2? - Developers / Storage - Cloudflare Community
  2. Well S3 integration isn't a thing yet with KVS
  3. HSTS means that every connection going to your domain needs to be HTTPS. For instance, if you have an ad network on your domain that lists a random iframe that comes from an http (non-ssl) the request is blocked.
  4. You should have https redirect enabled. If your NGINX/Apache config doesn't do that by default. Set encryption to FULL. and enable HSTS However, these options have nothing to do with bots. Just with man in the middle attacks.
  5. If you have a backup of all your data, go Raid 0. Even if 1 drive fails in Raid 1 it will take months to recreate the RAID and the performance of your server will be so bad you might as well reinstall. PS raid is never a backup solution. YOUR WEBSITE NEEDS A BACKUP SOLUTION!
  6. HSTS just requires all your internal and external links to be HTTPS there is no specific requirement. If you fail even 1 link your page will not load. That is HSTS. Not sure what you mean by firewalling, but Iptables is plenty just open port 443 that is all KVS requires. If you need remote access open SSH on a different port and enable Fail2Ban.
  7. There is no way to stop bots and scrapers from reaching your site. There is always a way.
  8. Let me tell you this. What does your site bring to the table that litterly millions of other sites dont? Thats what google looks at. Do you have a specific model thats scarce on other sites but alot heavy on your site than thats your lifeline keyword. You are not gonna rank on mainstream keywords. If you only focus on mainstream keywords than you will never get traffic, thats useless SEO the biggest networks have already claimed those.
  9. There is no point in doing this. Yes you then have a replica but thats all it is. Nothing will be read from this server. You cant simply do a round robin either using dns because this will cause data mismatching in the databases. best bet is to get atleast 3 MySQL (3 is minimum for galera) activate-galera (comes preinstalled with the latest mariadb). Make only 1 of the servers writeable this is easily done use proxySQL and then use proxySQL as the main SQL connection to do the loadbalancing. Setup like this can easily be googled on how to do it. FYI: this does require to set your database engine to INNODB. kvs uses MyISAM by default.
  10. Sort indexes barely use any IO. it seems the problem is that either your storage solution just sucks. Or your you SQL config lacks memory to process the queries in memory. Either get SSD's in that thing. There is different Config needs with INNODB vs MyISAM they dont use the same cache settings. I use a 6 core 12 thread server with 32GB of ram. and i can pull 400k daily users. 4-7 LA something is clearly screwed in your setup.
  11. For anyone wondering. Changing the engine of the database to InnoDB still seems that everything works nothing is broken. It has reduced the overall CPU usage from 80% overall to 10% spreading it over 3 servers using galera and using proxySQL to loadbalance between these 3 servers. So far this has speed up the website 5x Before I did 900 queries a second now It pulls over 3000 using a stress test. And thats not close to its limits. If anyone is interested in how I did this let me know.
  12. Oright I will do some tests with Innodb and clustering it so see if I can get it to work. I did mean front-end loadbalancing but if its possible with satellites then I will give that a shot. Thanks for the answer
  13. Do you guys have any timeframe on when to add sort of scaling options? For instance: I cant use Galera type cluster because myisam is in use. Do you guys have any plans to move it to innodb? Kinda confused why Myisam was chosen as a design choice. I cant use any form of loadbalancing because that would be against the license agreement. I am kinda struggling to scale the website I have because the SQL server is struggling to keep up. There is no scaling to be done here.
  14. Hey man, I have been playing around with WP-script aswell. Solution is pretty simple. in the custom fields of the KVS plugin set shortcode = [kvs_player id={%id%}] Make sure to delete [kvs_player id={%id%}] from the post template.
  15. For everyone's information, read the fine print before you go in with this CDN. The prices are not fixed. even though it looks like it is.
  16. I can vouch for there guys, Did and still do terrific work for me.
  17. Selfhosting is very expensive. it isnt really the storage thats the problem its usually the bandwith
  18. Hestiacp is your best bet. self managed. self controlled.
  19. Do you guys have a little information on what this 'nextgen' includes? Is it only the admin interface or does this include features like loadbalancing or dockerizing or something like that?
  20. I am just gonna tell it to you straight. You are gonna need to hire a developer for this. And sinds you cant even afford a dedicated server, This is a failed business model. I suggest you to not use KVS for this setup.
  21. If you want them all in one folder you gotta use raid 0. Its not recommended though. See here: Configuring MegaRAID for RAID Level 0 | OVH Guides
  22. How are you guys doing on the development front?
  23. I think there are some translation issues :D 5. Click pe numarul de sub videos6. Acum iti va afisa toate video din acel canal7. Scroll in jos si la sectiunea Batch actions alege Mass edit filtered Videos (numarul de video) and click Execute
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