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  1. any 'expert' that claims this, is just a fraud. Its up to the service when it gets indexed or not.
  2. Awesome! I am interested in this. any news on the HLS part? 😇
  3. Just curious what would be available in the next update? I have alooott of changes to the original so I would need to redo the entire thing for php 8.x, I am not updating to this version since there are no features that I am interested in.
  4. it seems you F*cked up mate with the domain. Not interested.
  5. what exactly do you think this is worth? 43270 videos with 6k traffic in 30 days generates about 0,60 cent in the best geo? I give you 5 bucks there is no profit here.
  6. Thats not really the question though. Any webserver can serve HLS. I like to keep the configs simple. plain NGINX will do. Its just that the player from KVS doesn't support it.
  7. Is simple DRM encryption that kaltura/nginx-vod-module uses with a simple key not an option? Or are you talking about direct urls? Because right now there is no protection either. Jdownloader as an example can scrape any KVS website with just a simple copy paste of the home page.
  8. Only the active config needs to be added. If you type php --ini in cli it will display the loaded configuration file. Thats the only one that needs it. For future reference.
  9. Ofcourse I don't expect any support this should be up to the user. I thought it was against the ToS to do something like this in terms of licensing. Because technically you would need only 1 license in order to run 10 webservers. But I guess if licenses are purchased it shouldn't matter. Thanks for the answer. I will try the DFS approach and report back on how that runs. and if that fails I will try the above.
  10. Right now I have the approach of having 3 seperate servers with 2 sattelites. But the cache generation constantly generating 100k files each server is just a hassle. Running 3 seperate crons adding unessecary CPU and IO cycles. Development on the website is also a pain sinds I need to go to 3 seperate servers to change the files, clear cache, clear opcache. and then check all 3 servers with a hostfile to see if its correct. I was just curious if the other solution would work. And adding the main server on top of a distributed file system and letting the webserver server the same filesystem seems to work fine. (ceph or glusterfs). The only thing stopping me right now is the licensing. What if I just purchase the licenses for every frontend server that I have? Is there any development roadmap where this is addressed? I am at a point where I need 2 more webservers and going through 5 different webservers just to see if my js file has updated is going to be a nightmare.
  11. Well if you have mysql and ffmpeg on the same server then its obvious you are going to get 100+ load.
  12. Ow ye that works aswell but seems like alot of manual work XD Is there any reason why the choice was made that there isn't a separate cron for this? Or is it how it has grown and hard to get out of?
  13. Is there any other way to speed up the process? This definitely seems like a design choice.
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