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same channel videos on video....


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11 hours ago, Tech Support said:

Sorry, not possible to understand what you are trying to say.

sorry! translate.


each video below shows related videos. The same when the video is a pornstar, because if there is a channel of that video it also shows: other videos of the channel.

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2 hours ago, Tech Support said:

Please create support ticket and put more details, for example screenshots of what you mean.

user: I think he is asking if possible to show related videos from the same channel of the video user is viewing if that video belongs to a channel.

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You can do it in related videos template:

https://kvs-demo.com/admin/project_pages.php?action=change_block&item_id=view_video||list_videos||related_videos&item_name=Related Videos

Add this code:

{{if $storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title!=''}}
	{{if $related_mode==5}}
		<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:5">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_sponsor|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title}}</a></li>


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6 minutes ago, Tech Support said:

You can do it in related videos template:

https://kvs-demo.com/admin/project_pages.php?action=change_block&item_id=view_video||list_videos||related_videos&item_name=Related Videos

Add this code:

{{if $storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title!=''}}
	{{if $related_mode==5}}
		<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:5">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_sponsor|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title}}</a></li>


Perfect! thanks!

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2 minutes ago, Tech Support said:

Most probably you affected other parts of this template that are rendering links for models.


this is what my related videos block look like.

<div class="related-videos" id="{{$block_uid}}">
	<ul class="list-sort" id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list">

		{{if $related_mode!=4 && $related_mode!=1 && $related_mode!=5}}
			<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_default}}</a></li>

		{{if count($storage.video_view_video_view.models)>0}}
			{{assign var="models_title" value=$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_model|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.models[0].title}}
			{{if count($storage.video_view_video_view.models)>1}}
				{{assign var="models_title" value=$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_models|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.models[0].title|replace:"%2%":$storage.video_view_video_view.models[1].title}}
			{{if $related_mode==4}}
				<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:4">{{$models_title}}</a></li>

		{{if $storage.video_view_video_view.content_source.title!=''}}
			{{if $related_mode==1}}
				<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:1">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_sponsor|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.content_source.title}}</a></li>

		{{if $storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title!=''}}
			{{if $related_mode==5}}
				<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:5">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_sponsor|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title}}</a></li>
	{{assign var="list_videos_hide_headline" value="true"}}
	{{include file="include_list_videos_block_common.tpl"}}
	{{assign var="pagination_use_load_more" value="true"}}
	{{include file="include_pagination_block_common.tpl"}}


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4 hours ago, Emilia said:


there seems to an issue that randomly pops up now. Please see this gif.

Channel: Girl Scout Nookies 1
Model: Bella Rose

The error happens when I click on "more from dvd" link



What you show in the video also happens to me the same if there is a model + channel when you change it is hidden. you will tell me if you solve it

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Sad to say, but we have no solution to stabilize this. The whole thing (to allow switching between different related videos via ajax) is a hack over KVS site engine that doesn't work in 100% cases. It might work in 99% cases, but not in 100%. So you may expect that in most cases this will work, but in some cases it will show glitches like this due to caching.

For now we don't see any good and reliable way to potentially fix this in future without affecting performance or stability.

BTW, we have a bug for this created like 5 years ago and didn't yet fix due to small win / effort ratio.

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Would it be possible to make a playlist (automatically) of the videos in same channel/dvd and show it on the right side of the player when any one of that video is being played?

Kind of like youtube does it



or this hentai site, I've censored most of it



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1 hour ago, Emilia said:

Would it be possible to make a playlist (automatically) of the videos in same channel/dvd and show it on the right side of the player when any one of that video is being played?

Yes, this is same as related videos. Like when the OP asked to create a link to show related videos from the same channel, this is the needed list. But only displayble via AJAX on click.

If you want to show the same statically aside, then you need to insert another list_videos block on this page and pass its code to video_view block, because you will probably need to render this code inside video_view block (and it is not possible to directly use one block from within another block in KVS). Should be done in the same way video_comments block is used on this page - this is just example of what you already have in view page template code. First video_comments is inserted and saved into assign="video_comments" variable. Then this variable is passed to video_view block, so that it can internally output it in its own template:

{{insert name="getBlock" block_id="video_comments" block_name="Video Comments" assign="video_comments"}}
{{insert name="getBlock" block_id="video_view" block_name="Video View" assign="video_view_result" var_video_comments=$video_comments|smarty:nodefaults}}


1) Similar to this, first insert list_videos block and assign it to variable:

{{insert name="getBlock" block_id="list_videos" block_name="Videos Same Channel" assign="videos_same_channel"}}

2) Then pass this variable into video_view block that should be located below:

{{insert name="getBlock" block_id="video_view" block_name="Video View" assign="video_view_result" var_video_comments=$video_comments|smarty:nodefaults var_videos_same_channel=$videos_same_channel|smarty:nodefaults}}


So the whole top of template should look like this:

{{insert name="getBlock" block_id="list_videos" block_name="Videos Same Channel" assign="videos_same_channel"}}
{{insert name="getBlock" block_id="video_comments" block_name="Video Comments" assign="video_comments"}}
{{insert name="getBlock" block_id="video_view" block_name="Video View" assign="video_view_result" var_video_comments=$video_comments|smarty:nodefaults var_videos_same_channel=$videos_same_channel|smarty:nodefaults}}


Then go to the created Videos Same Channel block and configure its parameters:

  • items_per_page = the needed number to display
  • sort_by = sorting
  • mode_related = by DVD (e.g. channel)
  • var_video_id = id
  • var_video_dir = dir

The last 3 parameters are under related videos group.

And also configure template for it to display in the way you need it to be.


The finally go to video_view block template and add the output of channel videos HTML to the needed layout position:

{{if $data.dvd.dvd_id>0 && $data.dvd.total_videos>1}}
	{{* this video has a channel, so its "videos same channel" block has something to show if its total_videos more than 1 *}}
	<div>More videos from {{$data.dvd.title}}</div>


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