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Do you have a link to the documentation/setup process of a conversion server?

Helmuts DNMUM.com

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Good morning,

I have searched through all the KVS site and this forum, and haven't been able to find a tutorial on setting up a conversion server.

Do you have a link to the documentation/setup process of a conversion server?

So far I have set up Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, have installed ffmpeg, imagemagick, yamdi (qt-faststart doesn't continue as ffmpeg is already installed), have set up fastpanel and added A record to the subdomain.

I understand that you offer this as an additional service for lazy people > I wish to set it up myself, and the documentation where all the information is at 1 place is needed.

Thank you in advance,


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Also done:

1) /admin/tools/remote_cron.php script taken from my KVS directory and uploaded to the conversion server.

2) played with several cron jobs with FastPanel (panel prefered by the KVS team):

cd /var/www/fastuser/data/www/conversion2.websiteaddress && /usr/bin/php remote_cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

and tried

cd /var/www/fastuser/data/www/conversion2.websiteaddress && /usr/bin/php remote_cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

>> config.properties fails to get created


Even created a dir: /conversion , gave it '777' permissions, moved the remote_cron.php file there and created a new cron > still the config.properties fails to get created

Am I missing something?

Thank you in advance,


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Yamdi and qt-faststart are not required, this is something very obsolete from previous life.

Please run the following command manually from the command line, what do you see (I guess you need to correct websiteaddress path to the real path)?

cd /var/www/fastuser/data/www/conversion2.websiteaddress && /usr/bin/php remote_cron.php


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