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Tech Support

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  1. First of all, you are looking into the wrong options. These are not screenshots created automatically, these are screenshots uploaded manually. And with the Imagemagick options for screenshots created manually the following are used by default: -strip -resize %SIZE% %INPUT_FILE% -quality 80 %OUTPUT_FILE% I think the only possible way you can reduce compression here is to increase quality from 80 to 90 or 100. However this won't make it much better, as you have noted already that they provide already compressed screenshots, and it is not possible to make them less compressed.
  2. I think from the ticket you already said that you found a solution, it was download speed limit configured.
  3. Hm... I'm not sure how to adjust this, it looks like you are using some kind of DB access tool.
  4. Yes, this is the case. But you can re-generate directories for all videos using mass edit GUI, it is the very first option:
  5. Sure you can edit titles in database directly, ktvs_videos.title column.
  6. First of all, if you are able to copy link to another browser and access it, your access levels are configured incorrectly. You can configure access levels of each video files in Settings -> Video formats. If you expect that some video files (for example full-length video files) should only be available to members, then you need to configure access level for these video formats accordingly. Another thing is, even if you don't configure that, you will not be able to publish this link anywhere just because by default it is IP-encoded. So you can copy it from 1 browser to another and access it there, but if you send it to anyone with another IP, the link will not work. There are 2 types of video file links with KVS: 1) Protected link, the link that verifies access restrictions, e.g. IP lock, login lock and etc, it looks like this: https://www.kvs-demo.com/get_file/1/c007b252ec74075337a50fa416908fc95f7a879d02/0/373/373_360p.mp4/ BTW, if you can try to open it - it will show you error, because this link is only be working for my IP address. 2) Direct link, which points to the file on the filesystem like this: https://www.kvs-demo.com/contents/videos/0/373/373_360p.mp4 BTW, this link is not working as well, because we have Nginx installed and have activated "protect videos from direct access" rules in Nginx config. If you don't have Nginx installed, the 2nd link will be fully available to everyone, no protection will be ever implied. So this is the reason why you need Nginx to be installed. Even if you are not able to add custom rules into Nginx config, you can still protect it by changing storage directory: https://www.kvs-demo.com/contents/videos to some random directory name, so that nobody can guess it. And with Nginx the direct link will never be exposed to the end user.
  7. We updated Wordpress plugin to 1.0.8, and it now supports post status to be set to Draft.
  8. I would be very careful of blocking empty referrers, as this doesn't affect download managers / download plugins (they are sending referrers of cause). But this could affect some legit users with security settings that do not send any referrers. Not sure I understand what is the reason of adding this into htaccess. The first line definitely makes no sense, since Apache (where htaccess is running) is not serving mp4 files and this redirect will never happen.
  9. No, at the moment KVS doesn't support blob URLs, so not possible to hide that.
  10. Good news, after looking into the code, it turns out that you can specify multiple screenshots by separating them using comma, e.g.: $result->set_screenshot('http://domain.com/image1.jpg, http://domain.com/image2.jpg'); This was not done intentionally, but it might work. Please try that.
  11. Unfortunately grabbers API does not support multiple screenshots. Why you need this? We can update API, but long time to wait for this.
  12. No, this is not designed to export Wordpress data into KVS. There is a problem with Wordpress, its data is not structural, and many videos are uploaded via different plugins, post types, techniques and so on, so it is not possible to create a general-type export into KVS.
  13. This issue is not related to the case when your configure Nginx + Apache, as Apache will make sure that all needed directories are protected. It will only be an issue when you have pure Nginx + PHP without Apache. This is not officially supported by KVS, but still technically possible and many big projects have this configuration (due to some performance gains which could be important for huge traffic projects). With regard to content protection, after installing Nginx you will also need to update your project's domain nginx config with a small inclusion that protects video files from direct access. You can find this inclusion syntax in Settings -> Storage servers under each storage server, but in order to see it you need to switch Streaming type to Nginx: Before installing Nginx, your storage server has another Streaming type, 302 redirect, which simply redirects to the video file without any protection.
  14. Yes, definitely, but not sure if will be a possibility to add it in the upcoming update.
  15. Feedback form is actually a contact form, or what do you mean exactly by contact form? What should it provide?
  16. Please use the following workaround: 1) Create an advertising with some HTML comment code in this advertising spot and specify these 2 countries for it <!--empty ad--> 2) Create another advertising in this spot with the real advertising code and do not specify any countries. Empty countries in advertising settings means that this advertising will be displayed in all cases, except that countries that you specified in the first advertising. And advertising with empty code will be displayed for only these 2 countries.
  17. Not possible for now, will provide an update soon.
  18. We already announced somewhere that during 5.5.0 development we decided to start creating the new code structure and moving different code fragments to the new code structure. Therefore new features will take more time, basically we only add new features for the functionality which we move to the nextgen code structure. We were already thinking about moving comments and thus adding all the necessary functionality there, but... changed efforts to the new admin panel design, which we are still struggling right now as too many changes everywhere in the code. Once this is done, we will do a beta release and return back to nextgen code changes and hopefully comments will be in this cycle.
  19. In your case it is also embed player. The links that you posted in ticket when discussing this were embed links. So it is just a matter of how the site you are embedding implements their embed player. Some sites may put intensive ads or try to redirect every click to their original pages. Other sites may show only few advertising. But still they have to earn something from your visitors, otherwise they will go bankrupt for paying their servers without any income.
  20. Would be interesting to hear from others on this. Previously nobody ever asked us about adding support for video platforms, and thus we never heard of them. I think the author doesn't understand the terminology here and thinks that these platforms are providing hosting for video files, but instead they provide ability to upload videos to them and embed / link from your own site. This is pretty supported by KVS using the following content types: Embed code for embedding their player Pseudo video for linking their video page
  21. Hello, KVS admin panel doesn't have functionality to edit static design files, such as images, CSS and JS files. It is expected that these files are edited from the server side. One possible way is to use File Manager function in your server panel, typically most of server panels allow to edit files in some file, typically this function is called File Manager. Another option which is much popular is to use FTP client, for example Filezilla to connect to your site and modify files there.
  22. Yes, we have this in mind. However it is not as easy as you think and can't be done at the moment. The reason is - performance. In order to not show personal videos in common lists, we will have to add another filter, which will be added in addition to already 2 filters that KVS currently uses (status + publishing date). Having 2 filters is already heavy and actually initial bad design, so we need to replace it with the only 1 lightweight filter: is_published=1. If we want to change filter to only 1, we will have to create a new Publisher module, which will be used to publish videos when their publishing time come (right now this is not needed because we have publishing time in the filter). This module is not simple itself, and it should have several options, like to allow configuring auto-publishing randomly 10 per day, and etc. - there can be many use cases for it. This is the whole concept change for KVS, and thus requires a lot of effort from our side. While simply adding 3rd filter could be a huge performance overhead for sites that are already running at border point. We do not want to do that, otherwise updating for them could turn down their sites.
  23. We are adding coinpayments.net right now. Not yet, still up to 1 month to finish all the concepts.
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