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  1. Sorry, we can't add this due to performance issues. There is no technical way we can easily check if the model has public or any other types of videos when displaying model list. You have to think about other way of design. For example if you don't want models from affiliates to be present, you can add them to some model group, and then use skip_model_groups filter in your general list_models blocks where you don't want these models to appear.
  2. KVS doesn't collect any tracking or commerce-related cookies, only necessary cookies are used to make sure site is operating normally and user preferences are remembered. Therefore it is not possible to switch off any cookies, as they are all needed for KVS functionality to work. But EU countries require sites in their area to inform users about cookie usage. If this is the case for your site, you can use the below steps to display basic cookie consent popup. Step 1. Download and copy this file to your project: https://www.kvs-demo.com/static/js/cookieconsent.min.js Step 2. Go to Website UI -> Page components -> include_footer_general.tpl and paste the following code before the closing </body> tag: <script src="{{$config.statics_url}}/static/js/cookieconsent.min.js"></script> <script> window.CookieConsent.init({ modalMainTextMoreLink: null, barTimeout: 500, theme: { barColor: '#1554b2', barTextColor: '#FFF', barMainButtonColor: '#FFF', barMainButtonTextColor: '#1554b2', modalMainButtonColor: '#1554b2', modalMainButtonTextColor: '#FFF', }, language: { current: 'en', locale: { en: { barMainText: 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.', closeAriaLabel: 'close', barLinkSetting: 'Cookie Settings', barBtnAcceptAll: 'Accept all cookies', modalMainTitle: 'Cookie settings', modalMainText: "Cookies are small pieces of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember information or to record the user's browsing activity.'", modalBtnSave: 'Save current settings', modalBtnAcceptAll: 'Accept all cookies and close', modalAffectedSolutions: 'Affected solutions:', learnMore: 'Learn More', on: 'On', off: 'Off', enabled: 'is enabled.', disabled: 'is disabled.', checked: 'checked', unchecked: 'unchecked', } } }, categories: { necessary: { needed: true, wanted: true, checked: true, language: { locale: { en: { name: 'Strictly Necessary Cookies', description: "We do not collect any tracking or personal data and use only necessary cookies to make sure you don't experience any issues while visiting our site.", } } } } }, }); </script> Adjust colors and texts if needed.
  3. This might be possible with posts that support flagging. Please create support ticket with more details what you want to do.
  4. First of all, the number of items per row in a list is not a fixed number but is adaptive to screen size. For example, on bigger screens it may be 3 or 4 per row, on smaller it can be down to 2 and even to 1. There is no easy way to modify this behavior: you should have a fair understanding of CSS, adaptive layouts, media queries and be very accurate to check all possible scenarios. In this article we will try to highlight the path to changing this. How CSS adaptive layout works in the first way Each list is displayed as a grid inside some container. Container has a width and this width depends on device screen size. Then each container list item is given a % of container size. For example in the given layout each item is given 25% of container size, so that 4 items can fit the space (4 * 25% = 100%): Depending on the amount of container space, the width of each item is given the different % of container width. For example on the page with toolbar each list item is given 33.33% of width so that only 3 items are displayed per row (3 * 33.33% = 100%): Finally on smaller devices there is no sense to display multiple videos in a row, so the list item size is given 100% of the container size: How do you know when it should have 4 per row, when 3, when 2 and 1? Well, this is decided by looking into site on different dimensions using browser DEV tools that allow displaying site under different dimensions. When you see the items are becoming too small, you may decide to reduce the number of items per row. And how about 5 per rows? Displaying 5 per row will be a problem. Your list has a certain number of total items displayed at once, and by default we use 12 or 24. 12 and 24 are both divisible by 4 and 3 and 2. So when you display 4 per row, you have 3 (or 6) full rows. When you display 3 per row, you have 4 (or 8) full rows. If you decide to display 5 per row, then your list displayable size should be 20, and you can use 5 per row, 4 per row and 2 per row. You can't normally use 3 per row, because 20 is not divisible by 3. Well, you can use 3 anyway, but this would mean that last line will always have 2 items instead of 3. Where it is all set This is defined as a big set of CSS rules in theme CSS file. In order to see which CSS file your theme is using just look into HTML page source: view-source:https://www.kvs-demo.com/ There you may see multiple CSS file are included on top, and the bigger one will contain the rules: <link href="https://www.kvs-demo.com/static/styles/all-responsive-white.css?v=9.1" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> Now you need to modify the whole set of layout rules, because there are different rules for different display cases and mobile resolutions. Please note, if your theme has dynamic style switch, it may be using multiple similar CSS files. For example KVS default theme has 2 CSS files: all-responsive-white.css all-responsive-metal.css They both have similar rules duplicated. So if both color themes are used in your project, you need to do similar changes in both files. Now let's look into more details how these rules are defined. In KVS default theme the list item style is defined by this pattern: .list-<list-type> .item { styles for item of <list-type> list } So the very first style definition of this pattern is this: .list-playlists .item, .list-models .item, .list-sponsors .item, .list-channels .item, .list-categories .item, .list-albums .item, .list-albums-images .item, .list-videos .item, .list-videos-screenshots .item { display: inline-block; text-align: left; background: transparent; vertical-align: top; cursor: pointer; margin: 10px 0 0 10px; width: calc(25% - 10px); cursor: pointer; -webkit-box-shadow: -1px 1px 5px rgba(207, 207, 207, 0.65); box-shadow: -1px 1px 5px rgba(207, 207, 207, 0.65); border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; background-color: #ffffff; } The most important part is this line: width: calc(25% - 10px); This lines says that all items of playlists, categories, models, channels, sponsors, albums and videos have layout 4 per row by default (25% * 4 = 100%). We need 10px offset because this style also uses margin of 10px from left. Then there are many overrides for this style. For example if a video list is displayed together with sidebar, its number of videos per row is reduced to 3 (33.33% * 3 = 100%): .sidebar + .main-container .list-videos .item { width: calc(33.33% - 10px); } Then at the bottom of CSS file there are media queries that override certain styles depending on user's device resolution. For example the next style is applied when screen resolution is below 1255px and it reverts back video list layout to 4 per row with a sidebar, mainly because starting from 1255px the sidebar is not displayed aside anymore and is moved to the bottom of page: @media screen and (max-width: 1255px) { ... .sidebar + .main-container .list-playlists .item, .sidebar + .main-container .list-videos .item { width: calc(25% - 10px); } ... } Note this style is applied to both video list and playlist list. Then at 640px it limits the amount of video items per row to 2 (50% * 2 = 100%): .list-videos .item { width: calc(50% - 10px); } And etc. Here are some key points that worth mentioning: In KVS default theme some lists have different settings depending on whether they are displayed together with sidebar or not. Sidebar may be switched on or off on some pages. Some styles are applied to different lists (like for videos and playlists above). So you should be aware that changing the width for such styles may also affect other types. If you want to override behavior for videos only, it may be easier to just add new styles for specific item type at the end of file (following the CSS cascade rules), rather then modify existing styles.
  5. The updates are in process of uploading, you can check if your license has an update archive available. No, there is no free update installation. We are physically not able to update all projects for free, even if working 24/7.
  6. Yes, you can do that. The indicator is rendered in Website UI -> Page components -> include_list_videos_block_common.tpl using this line: {{if $item.resolution_type==1}}<span class="is-hd">HD</span>{{elseif $item.resolution_type>0}}<span class="is-hd is-{{$item.resolution_type}}k">{{$item.resolution_type}}K</span>{{/if}} You can change it to: {{if $item.resolution_type==1}}<span class="is-hd">HD</span>{{elseif $item.resolution_type==2}}<span class="is-hd is-2k">FHD</span>{{elseif $item.resolution_type>0}}<span class="is-hd is-{{$item.resolution_type}}k">{{$item.resolution_type}}K</span>{{/if}}
  7. This is possible to display using list_comments block. If you put this block into [Memberzone] My Profile page and switch off mode_global parameter in it, this block will display comment of the logged in user in their profile page. Notifications and ability to reply comments will be part of nextgen development, when we switch comments blocks to nextgen. Could be next version already.
  8. Agree, but you can always see the ID from the video format group editor URL. Rarely needed. No, this is all correct now. The "Premium" video format group is just a name which came from previous KVS versions, you can rename it to anything else. It is not connected to access level anymore.
  9. Please create support ticket. This looks to be the side effect of migrating models to nextgen API, it will pull country from database now. I think this can be fixed via template.
  10. This is not possible with KVS at the moment.
  11. If the theme supports reCAPTCHA, then all changes in other places are already there. If it doesn't, this might be very old theme. Unfortunately we can't provide instructions for it, as the process would be very complicated as dozen of places would need to be replaced.
  12. No, users cannot add categories or models. They can only add tags. If you allow users adding models or categories, they will shit your categorization.
  13. No, KVS will automatically create 3 screenshots based on settings and merge them. You can only affect the offset of the first screenshot and the distance between them.
  14. KVS doesn't have any recommendation for Cloudflare. But since there are many KVS customers are successfully using Cloudflare with KVS, I guess some default settings should be fine.
  15. Starting from 6.2.1 update we added support for Cloudflare Turnstile captcha in addition to Google reCAPTCHA that was already supported before. However using Cloudflare Turnstile will need minor template changes. The changes are provided for KVS default theme, but likely they will also work with other themes (from kvs-themes.com) that have support for reCAPTCHA, at least we do not see any potential issues at the moment. First of all you should check if your theme version has support for reCAPTCHA, otherwise it won't be possible to use Turnstile as well. In order to check that you need to open Website UI -> Page components -> include_footer_general.tpl and check if you have this code block at the bottom: {{if $recaptcha_site_key!=''}} .... {{/if}} If this block is present, then you can follow this guide to add support for Turnstile. How to update a supported theme for Cloudflare Turnstile Step 1. Update theme JS file from here: https://kvs-demo.com/static/js/main.min.js NOTE: this file is minified and it is not expected that you've ever done any custom changes into it. If you did any changes there, they will be lost. Step 2. In Website UI -> Page components -> include_footer_general.tpl replace this block: {{if $recaptcha_site_key!=''}} .... {{/if}} with this: {{if $recaptcha_site_key!=''}} {{if $recaptcha_type=='google'}} <script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=explicit"></script> {{elseif $recaptcha_type=='cloudflare'}} <script src="https://challenges.cloudflare.com/turnstile/v0/api.js?compat=recaptcha"></script> {{/if}} {{/if}} Then your theme is ready for Cloudflare Turnstile captcha. You can go to their admin panel and create your site there. This will provide you a pair of Site key and Secret key, similar to Google reCAPTCHA. Input these keys into KVS Captcha plugin and switch to Cloudflare Turnstile. Then check your site's GUI that captcha is working.
  16. The only possible way without code changes would be to use max_duration and max_duration_webmasters combined. You can change status for whitelisted users to Webmaster. Then in video_edit block settings set max_duration = 1 (so that it is not possible to upload videos with bigger duration than 1 second) and at the same time set max_duration_webmasters = 9999999 (so webmasters can upload longer videos). It will also be possible to adjust error message in Website UI -> Texts. Find this text: validation.video_edit.content_duration_maximum = Video must be no more than %1% seconds You can change it some other message indicating that only whitelisted users can upload. Unfortunately not possible at the moment.
  17. Yes, you can filter videos list by Other -> Vertical filter, then choose Mass edit filtered videos at the bottom and in mass edit GUI run this option for them: This will replace screenshots for these videos with the merged 3-in-1 according to your new screenshot options.
  18. Yes, we think that PHP 8.1 was tested quite enough and all major issues were fixed in 6.2.1.
  19. Please go to Website UI -> Pages and search for video_edit. It should show you link to Video Edit block on [Memberzone] My Profile page. Then open it for editing and set format_video_group_id parameter to the ID of Original group (admin panel doesn't show this ID, you need to click to Original group and see the ID in the page URL). Then all videos uploaded from users will be automatically assigned to this format group.
  20. Please create support ticket. It may need to be required to enable debug logging to see details from the issue.
  21. Update status 6.2.1 update status is FINAL. We are currently uploading updates for public, this may take several days. We didn't run beta testing for this update, and it might be possible that it will have some bugs. In case of severe bugs we will re-upload the update, so if you updated earlier you may need to re-do the same update procedure once again to get the bugs fixed. Update requirements KVS 5.0.0+ (earlier versions should be updated to KVS 5.0.1 first). PHP 7.1 - 7.4, PHP 8.1. If you haven't yet updated KVS to 5.0.1, then please do, you can find KVS 5.0.1 update information here: KVS 5.0.1 update Important notes for 6.2.1 Please check important notes for 6.2.0 if you didn't yet update to this version. Please check important notes for 6.0.1 if you didn't yet update to this version. Please check KVS 5.5.0 and vertical screenshots issue in old projects issue if you didn't yet update to this version. Please check important notes for 5.4.0 if you didn't yet update to this version. Please check important notes for 5.2.0 if you didn't yet update to this version. 6.2.1 update procedure (please check for known issues section) Any project starting from 5.0.0 can be updated to 6.2.1 with one only procedure. Depending on your current KVS version, update procedure may contain additional steps for older versions. Known issues: For some reason on some ZIP archives you may see Windows antivirus alert for admin panel JS file inside the archive (/admin/js/admin.js). This looks to be a false positive alert due to randomly encrypted JS file. KVS update ZIP archive cannot make harm for your PC, because you are not intended to "run" anything on your local PC, and it even doesn't contain any executable files at all. You must use KVS update plugin in order to update your project. For update you will need: KVS update ZIP archive for your project and its hash code for update plugin (contact support in beta phase to get these). FTP connection to your project so that you can upload files. Update procedure has the following steps: Create backup using Project backup plugin. You may skip manual backup if you have automated daily backups enabled and you see the backup archive from today or yesterday in the list of available backups. Upload update ZIP into KVS update plugin and specify hash code. KVS update plugin will notify you if there are any custom changes in KVS system files, which will be overridden by update (player skins are not checked here, so they will be silently updated if have custom changes). KVS update plugin will update database automatically. KVS update plugin will ask you to copy files from the archive on top of your project using FTP or filesystem copy. Please make sure you are NOT USING sync functionality in your FTP client, which will delete many files on your server, because obviously update archive contains only part of all files. What you need is just to drag and drop files from update archive on top of your project root folder and confirm their re-writing (excluding _INSTALL folder, it doesn't need to be copied). KVS update plugin will verify the updated files and finalize update procedure. Use System audit plugin to verify that everything looks good. Whats new in KVS 6.2.1 Bugfixing for PHP8 support, support for Cloudflare Turnstile captcha, better support for S3 server connection, ability to cut videos via import / grabbers and some more enhancements and bugfixes. 1) In video import and in grabbers plugin it is now possible to manually specify offset from beginning and end of the downloaded video files when importing them with processing. This is normally needed to cut intro of the source site. 2) S3 storage connection was enhanced with ability to configure timeout and use path-like access points. 3) Advertising will be able to filter out display for known SEO bots if needed. 4) Content stats plugin now will count stats for video preview files, posters and categorization files. 5) S3 backup option was added into Project backup plugin. 6) Google reCAPTCHA plugin was renamed to "Captcha" and now also supports Cloudflare Turnstile captcha. Please note that activating Turnstile will require theme changes. 7) In importing feeds it is now possible to stop running feed at any time. 8) Added video and album stats grouping by user. 9) Added support for displaying satellite stats in admin panel start page. In order to have this, satellites should be also updated. 10) An option was added into storage server to skip SSL certificate validation, which may be useful in certain cases to avoid false-positive error reporting. Also false-positive errors should not appear anymore if site is protected with Basic authentication. 11) It will now be possible to edit search queries that were submitted to your site. 12) list_videos block can now filter videos of the specific format group, and sort videos by quality factor. 13) Nextgen list_xxx blocks now support ability to dynamically exclude data from specific categorization by passing excluded categorization in URL parameters (for example exclude models with the given categories). 14) Bugs that have been fixed: - [SEVERE] Dozens of bugs related to PHP 8 support. - [MEDIUM] An extremely old bug was fixed, which could result in missing object data in HTML titles in some rare cases. - [MEDIUM] Backup plugin settings could be reset without user consent. - [LOW] Lots of small bugfixes in different areas.
  22. In 6.2.0 we did a change that resulted in backward incompatibility with templates related to model gender. Previously KVS used model gender values as: 0 = female 1 = male 2 = other The new model gender values are these: 0 = unspecified / empty 1 = female 2 = male 3 = other Due to that change, there are 2 issues that may arise after updating to KVS 6.2.0+: 1) In model list there is a filtering possible in default KVS theme by model gender. This article provides info on how to fix the broken sorting. If template is not updated, this filter stops working correctly. 2) If your theme is customized to display model gender anywhere in other places, such as model list item, or model view block - the displayed value will be wrong due to value index shift. If you have this in place, please check your code and change model gender indexes as needed by shifting gender_id value by 1. Fixing model list filter A number of changes will be required: 1. Go to Website UI -> Language files and in every language files that you use you need to change this block: models.list_gender.0 = Female models.list_gender.1 = Male models.list_gender.2 = Other like this (basically incrementing the last number by 1): models.list_gender.1 = Female models.list_gender.2 = Male models.list_gender.3 = Other 2. Go to Website UI -> Pages -> [Categorization] Models Videos -> Models List block. In block template do changes: line: {{if $gender_id|strlen>0}} to: {{if $gender_id>0}} line: {{if $gender_id|strlen==0 || $gender_id!=0}} to: {{if $gender_id!=1}} line: {{if $gender_id|strlen==0 || $gender_id!=1}} to: {{if $gender_id!=2}} line: {{if $gender_id|strlen==0 || $gender_id!=2}} to: {{if $gender_id!=3}} Also these changes: {{$lang.models.list_gender.2}} to {{$lang.models.list_gender.3}} then {{$lang.models.list_gender.1}} to {{$lang.models.list_gender.2}} then {{$lang.models.list_gender.0}} to {{$lang.models.list_gender.1}} 3. Go to Website UI -> Pages -> [Categorization] Models Albums -> Models List block. In block template do the same changes as in #2 above. This step may be skipped if your project doesn't use albums.
  23. It is only possible via tokens. First of all you should have an active billing that supports tokens, and have some access packages that provide ability to purchase tokens. Users can then purchase tokens via billings and spend them on purchasing access to individual videos. This is supported by default theme and can be enabled in Website UI -> Theme settings as enable tokens option. Then in Settings -> Memberzone settings you also need to allow purchasing videos for tokens and configure their default price. In order to video being allowed to be purchased, its access level should be set to premium members (either using Access level option, or using Access type option that is configured to be accessible for premium members only). When a non-premium user opens a video which access is limited to premium members, AND tokens are enabled in theme, AND this video has price in tokens, the user will see a form to purchase access to this video with tokens. If there are not enough tokens on user's balance, they should see an option to buy tokens via billing packages. If there are enough tokens, they should see an option to confirm purchase, and once confirmed they will unlock access to this video. Also users can access the list of their purchased videos in their profile page (when tokens are enabled in theme).
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