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  1. Thanks for your reply, where can I modify in order to properly style this section?
  2. {{insert name="getBlock" block_id="post_view" block_name="Post View" assign="post_view_result"}} {{assign var="page_title" value=$storage.post_view_post_view.title}} {{assign var="page_description" value=$storage.post_view_post_view.description}} {{assign var="page_keywords" value=$storage.post_view_post_view.tags_as_string}} {{if $storage.post_view_post_view.canonical_url!=''}} {{assign var="page_canonical" value=$storage.post_view_post_view.canonical_url}} {{/if}} {{include file="include_header_general.tpl"}} <div class="content"> {{$post_view_result|smarty:nodefaults}} </div> {{include file="include_footer_general.tpl"}} This is my post view smarty code.
  3. I created a new post for my KVS site, but for some reason the style of the post content isn't properly applied. I am using the all_responsive_metal.css.
  4. Is there a way to change the top right corner text indication of video resolution from 2k to FHD?
  5. I'm sorry, I understand that it is a possibility it would ruin the site, but I do want to try and enable it in my use case. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
  6. Is there a way to enable users to add models when they upload video or pictures, just like tags and categories.
  7. I'm also encountering this issue, just want to clarify, where exactly does this line of code is suppose to go?
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