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3dz last won the day on April 5 2023

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  1. Have you done stress tests or benchmarks comparing KVS in PHP 8.1 and 7.4? Do you know how much the system's performance improves with PHP 8.1? If there's no significant improvement, it might not be worth upgrading to PHP 8.1 yet.
  2. This is cheap, but not viable. Our niche generally adults easily have 1tb of daily traffic. I see cloudflare stream as a better solution. They don't charge for bandwidth and this is crucial for us. I don't know of other CDNs that don't charge for outbound traffic.
  3. I use pure nginx and i got a solution for this with this code in the nginx configuration. location / { index index.php index.html; if ($uri !~ /$) { rewrite ^(.*)$ $1/ permanent; } try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } I had a bug with the fonts and I solved it this way, I hope this helps someone. location ~* \.(eot|ttf|woff|woff2)$ { try_files $uri =404; if ($http_origin ~* (https?://(es|en)\.MYSITE\.com(:[0-9]+)?$)) { add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin"; } } location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg|js|css|mp3|ogg|mpeg|avi|zip|gz|bz2|rar|swf|ico|7z|doc|docx|map|ogg|otf|pdf|tff|tif|txt|wav|webp|xls|xlsx|xml)$ { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } Now I'm going to implement this rich media code that support provided. I'm using ultimate theme 1 and it doesn't have this configuration.
  4. That's not exactly what I meant. Use the most searched videos on the internet wisely, for example "Mia Khalifa" you can just call "Sensual Teacher" and create a keyword that keeps dmca agents away. Just an example. You need to be aware of trends in the adult world, to have the video on your homepage when it goes viral. This will keep the user on the site and improve your ranking in the results. But if you want to stay in compliance with the adult industry the DigiRegs plugin will check your videos, and flag you if they are copyrighted. Get backlinks from the sites you mentioned that are top in the results. It doesn't have to be the first, but it has to have a good reputation on SemRush. These are some of the alternatives that work for me.
  5. Hello, first I'm not an expert, but I want to help with my experience. - One of the practices that can improve your ranking in the results is to acquire quality backlinks, but do not abuse this mechanism or you will be punished by the algorithm. [Use SemRush] - Try to be listed in directories like ThePornDude. [Search for porn directories] - Rewrite titles and descriptions differently from those that already exist. [Seo optimize, easy for adult content] - Don't use keywords that DMCA agents keep removing, this is not your war. If anyone has more tips, please share.
  6. It must have been an isolated issue, they provided me with support for a problem with the thumbnails, they are excellent. One tip, for those who acquire this theme, the search queries are not active in the sitemap, you can add them by following the tutorial here on the forum, it significantly increased my traffic.
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