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ahmed salama

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  1. Hello, my friends. I was wondering if you could help me out with something. Does raising the Internet connection in the server for displaying media make a difference in the speed of displaying content for users and reduce the load and slow playback of videos?
  2. Thank you for your response. What do you recommend or prefer for Object Storage or CDN service that offers the best service for the price?
  3. Welcome! I'd like to seek advice based on your experiences. What is the best CDN or Object Storage solution that offers the best performance-to-cost ratio? Costs have become very high lately. What are your top recommendations?
  4. He faced the same problem to a large extent. I hope we find a solution to it as soon as possible. I will try the first and second steps
  5. I'm having trouble uploading a video with an Arabic title. Here's an example of the title (https://www.mydomain.com/videos/10/274684afc508700b88e62240843a2311/). I need the URL of the video to have the same Arabic title. Note that it works correctly with titles in English. And another question: My site will work in Arabic. I want everything on the site to be in Arabic, including video URLs and texts.
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