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Define new ad spot


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I've been trying to use the predefined ad spot for the playlist view 3 spot, and it appears the allotted sizes are too small for a Google responsive ad to appear, and size is defined by the "table". 

So my question is how can I either redefine this "table" to be a single or double position, same width, but long enough to have the ad spot.

Second part is how would one go about using the "Add Spot" menu feature, for us non programmers?

Thank you

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In CSS styles you can find this class that defines styles for this advertising block (we use "table" just to avoid adblockers from blocking it by class name):

.table {

what you probably need is to adjust this style.


6 hours ago, VidHooley said:

Second part is how would one go about using the "Add Spot" menu feature, for us non programmers?

Not sure, why you think you need programming skills for that? You can add advertising spot without any programming needed. It will then display you the insert code that you need to put into the desired template into the desired position. What you should actually know is basic HTML coding to understand where to put it and basic CSS styling to render its styles. No programming skills needed :)

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I am learning some very basic HTML coding (programming... :), but know very little about it, and basically nothing about CSS styling, since all this is still very new to me. Have had enough troubles doing my day job with machine logic, including multiple PLC programming languages, proprietary machine programming, and machine networks, yet I'm still trying to understand dos...LOL 

It will take some time to figure it all out, although I'm getting better and have been able to solve a lot of other issues I would not have been able to even 8 weeks ago. So I do greatly appreciate all the help so far, and hopefully can also give back to the KVS community once I'm more proficient.

Thank you!

Chris Elfert


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This should be the final question on the topic. 

I did look for the file containing the ".Table" style, but can't seem to find it. Can you direct me to the correct location? If nothing else, it would make a good example to work from to create my own. 


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