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How to split channels by groups


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I'm looking to separate channels groups  so  I can display on different pages each group.

Example Groups: TV series , Movies,  Music Videos.

Maybe adding on top menu each group and using display filter to display each group with common template.

Or if you have a easier solution let me know


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It works in the same way in all cases.

1) First you need to modify list_dvds block that renders list of channels - to add support for filtering by channel group:

https://kvs-demo.com/admin/project_pages.php?action=change_block&item_id=channels||list_dvds||channels_list&item_name=Channels List

In block parameters you need to enable var_dvd_group_dir=group, and after doing so you will be able to filter this list by passing channel group directory in group parameter in the URL:



2) Next, it doesn't show block title correctly, it doesn't consider filtering there. Then you need to update this block template as well. The block title is set by this line:

{{assign var="list_channels_title" value=$lang.channels.list_title_by_sorting[$sort_by]}}

Should be changed like this (e.g. if we are rending list by group, then take title from group title, otherwise use default title):

{{if $list_type=='dvds_groups'}}
    {{assign var="list_channels_title" value=$dvd_group_info.title}}
    {{assign var="list_channels_title" value=$lang.channels.list_title_by_sorting[$sort_by]}}


3) Finally, similar title logic should be probably applied to the page itself, for HTML title:


Instead of this line:

{{assign var="page_title" value=$lang.html.channels_title}}

Use this:

{{if $storage.list_dvds_channels_list.list_type=='dvds_groups'}}
    {{assign var="page_title" value=$storage.list_dvds_channels_list.dvd_group_info.title}}
    {{assign var="page_title" value=$lang.html.channels_title}}


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