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Multi Screenshot in Custom Grabber


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Hello TechSupport,

Can you please guide me how can i fetch multiple screenhot in custom grabber, right now it is set_screenshot only. I am trying to embed videos using custom grabber, it is limited to only 1 screenshot.

if there is a way to fetch multiple screenshots in custom grabber, please share the way how can i set it.


Edited by Nina
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I am trying to embed videos from XV

Sometimes the thumbnails which come by default don't resemble the video itself, are blurry, or display some site name. Especially when doing it with models or niche sites like blondes where the thumbnail does not depict any blondes.

If I was able to choose a thumbnail from the set of the available screenshots, I could distinguish it from other sites using the same default thumbs. This is better from SEO point of view as well.

I shall be highly thankful to ya if you release the API lil sooner.


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Good news, after looking into the code, it turns out that you can specify multiple screenshots by separating them using comma, e.g.:

$result->set_screenshot('http://domain.com/image1.jpg, http://domain.com/image2.jpg');

This was not done intentionally, but it might work. Please try that.

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