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Chrome enforcement of 'Misleading functionality' report for <domain> starts on Mar 1, 2020


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Last week I received this email from Google.

To the owner of <domain>,

The Google systems have found misleading functionality on your site. To protect the visitors of your site, Google Chrome prevents from 1-Mar-2020 that the site can open new windows or tabs. In addition, Chrome then starts deleting all ads unless the issues are resolved.
You can solve the problem as follows:

Identify the misleading functionality

Go to the "Misleading functionality" report to identify the found functionality that violates the policy.

Remove the misleading functionality

Together with your web development team, develop a strategy to solve these problems.

Request an assessment

As soon as your site no longer contains misleading functionality, request a review. Add details or documentation to help us understand the changes you have made.
Need more help?
• View more information about misleading functionality and requesting assessments in the Web Tools Help Center.

I know what the problem is that is my popunder, but this form of advertisement I pay all server costs. I'm a bit worried now "how am I going to solve this", has someone a good idea / solution, otherwise this is the end of mine hobby.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Kind regards,


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It is recommended to check with your advertising company what they recommend.


As a general recommendation - do not install popunder for everything on your site, e.g. make sure that navigation does not trigger popunder. Also you can try to switch to popunder in KVS player settings, which is triggered when users click on player. However this will only work if you have the display URL for your popunder, unlike you typically add some javascript code that also includes popunder logic and the actual popunder URL is hidden somewhere in the code.


Also you can try to change popunder with Interstitial ads.

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