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  1. I've never heard of the nginx-vod-module—interesting! As for your question, have you looked into Apache Traffic Server? It operates exactly the way you want, but I haven't configured it with HLS because KVS doesn't support HLS yet.
  2. Hello, This is completely normal, unless you've had a day with significantly more Nocookie traffic than usual. If that's the case, it could indicate an attack aimed at overloading your website.
  3. Hello, I don’t want to give a too complex answer since it depends on the scenario, geolocation, desired quality, and the number of users to be served. So, I will just share my figures: I manage to operate across two continents, offering fast downloads & without streaming delay, at an approximate cost of $0.10 USD per TB, regardless of the resolution. My approach is efficient and effective, yet there’s still room for improvement, though it’s not a current priority. KVS's load balancing really helps, but it still has many limitations that required me to implement additional automations. I hope this helps. In my opinion, $5 per 1TB is too expensive, and it's generally a good way to run into financial trouble. I would recommend setting a very strict bandwidth consumption limit for all formats. Following that, if you're considering this approach, why not opt for 1GBPS unmetered? (Please make sure to check that there's no fair usage policy in place.) For those curious, one simple and useful feature I would have liked to see in KVS Load Balancing is the ability to limit bandwidth per server, right next to the server weight.
  4. Hi, This is a somewhat ambiguous question. The server where the KVS installation is located should ideally not serve media if possible (if we're considering production-wise scenarios). This is because your central server cannot span multiple regions and may not have the necessary bandwidth compared to servers whose primary purpose is to distribute videos. Additionally, if the central server isn't necessary for basic needs (like images, CSS, JS), you could always use a CDN like Cloudflare.
  5. I've never really questioned it since KVS is sufficiently optimized for all uses. However, I am curious about how you managed to share/synchronize the /tmp directory? So, do you believe the issue is solely related to caching? And if it's just about caching, why not change how the caching behaves? Maybe through a plugin or a server cache? I understand it’s easier said than done, but I'm curious about your approach.
  6. Hello, you can see in my Bash script how IonCube is installed; the process is quite similar otherwise. I also recommend using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS if possible, or upgrading to it. Additionally, consider using NGINX and Memcached. https://github.com/MaximeMichaud/KVS-install
  7. Currently, I'm using Cloudflare R2 quite extensively. There was a mention on the forum that streaming shouldn't be done on R2 as it's better suited for Cloudflare Stream. However, other users on the Cloudflare forum seem to suggest that streaming is not an issue and that you'll simply be charged the standard egress fees. In my opinion, for long-term use, the best approach might be to set up your own S3-compatible storage using something like MinIO. This does require some technical know-how and would probably be more justified for significant needs that warrant the investment in time and resources.
  8. I need to check this; I know the demo uses NGINX (you see it in the header), but it must be that NGINX is only used as a reverse proxy while Apache2 is also in use.
  9. Hello, Since S3 is a standard, I've never used Contabo's Object Storage. However, I wouldn't recommend it for CDN use. There are too many limitations for it to be advisable for that purpose. It's more suitable for backup use. Why do I say this? Please see the documentation here: Contabo Object Storage Limits. Bandwidth is limited and regularly adjusted. The default limit is 10 MByte/s (=80 Mbit/s). Please be aware that the actual bandwidth depends on various circumstances, e.g. personal internet connection speed. Number of S3 API requests are by default limited to 250 requests / second.
  10. This reminds me of a similar issue I've noticed and added to my list, but have not yet reported or published a fix on the forum. Please visit the following URL: https://www.kvs-demo.com/video/207/iron-maiden-the-final-frontier/ If you remove the slash at the end, it automatically adds it back. Now, try this on a KVS site other than the demo. If we remove the slash, it either leads to a 404 not found page or show homepage. I haven't investigated why yet, but I have tried it on a clean version of 6.2.1, and it still happens. Upon further investigation of the NGINX conf, I found some issues related to another problem. I will contact you directly about this :) In the meantime, I'm curious about your thoughts on the slash issue mentioned in this post.
  11. Hi, I strongly recommend setting up customized settings for Kernel Video Sharing sites using Cloudflare. While the default settings might work, they are not optimized for the best performance and security. Recently, improvements in IPV6 handling mean it is no longer necessary to disable it to avoid logging issues in the KVS admin panel. I am considering creating a tutorial covering all the necessary configurations, particularly concerning security, which requires careful attention, and performance, which usually involves simply checking the right boxes. However, I advise against using Rocket Loader as it can cause serious issues with JavaScript. If you opt for a simplistic approach and don't configure any specific settings, make sure your web server is configured to return the real IP address of the user. Failure to do this can lead to significant problems. You might find these guides helpful for configuring your server and whitelisting necessary IP addresses: Restoring Original Visitor IPs on Cloudflare: https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/troubleshooting/restoring-visitor-ips/restoring-original-visitor-ips/ Cloudflare IP Addresses: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/concepts/cloudflare-ip-addresses/ KVS could potentially develop a plugin to automatically and quickly configure settings via the Cloudflare API for your zone, but it does not seem to be a priority for them at this time.
  12. Hello, I've responded to your query privately, but here's a brief overview for clarity. Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to test S3 with KVS, and generally, I find S3 more expensive than the solutions I've developed. You might want to look into MinIO if you have the time and expertise. It could potentially offer a scalable alternative. Please keep me updated if you achieve significant results with it. Regarding video conversion, handling 100 to 1000 videos daily depends heavily on various factors such as video quality and your ffmpeg settings. Personally, I optimize for smaller file sizes without significantly sacrificing quality, which uses more CPU and takes more time. An opinion based on my experience where bandwidth costs outweigh processing time costs. While KVS is an application-level CMS and not a server solution, it would benefit from application-level load balancing features, such as setting request or bandwidth limits per server. This would add diversity and simplify management without too much complexity. As for server specs, KVS can run on almost any CPU as it is quite efficient. The major demand for resources usually stems from your custom plugins or poorly optimized themes. Even a basic server can handle significant traffic if you employ strict security rules and minimize resource-intensive admin panel activities. For example, during a very brief transitional phase when I had the worst possible server setup (0.5GHz 1vcore OpenVZ HDD mass storage with 1GB RAM, no swap capability), image generation was slow, yet the site still supported 40,000 monthly users. This was feasible due to KVS’s effective caching capabilities. There’s considerable debate regarding the use of SSD/NVME storage. From my perspective, such storage is vital not just for essential tasks but for overall performance enhancement, especially when you consider that media files, such as screenshots, will be stored in the same location as the CMS and can consume significant space with many videos. For session management, a strategic approach involves creating a RAM disk for PHP sessions and configuring PHP-FPM so that this RAM disk writes to the disk partition, ensuring no data loss during reboots. Regarding MYSQL/MariaDB, I've not needed to scale this myself. KVS still defaults to using MYISAM, which is faster but has significant drawbacks. If MYSQL becomes a bottleneck, you could revert to using an older version of Sphinx (the version supported by KVS, not the newer paid version), which requires manual setup but is effective for large-scale sites. I'm also working on a Docker project to set up a conversion server quickly, using the processing power of a robust CPU VPS. This project isn't complete or public yet, but you can follow its progress here. This setup allows for rapid deployment and integration with KVS to maximize performance efficiently. I hope this helps, and feel free to check back for updates on the conversion server project.
  13. I have a question and am unsure about something. Maybe you can help. Do we need to edit only include_footer_general.tpl, or are there other files to be modified, such as in the blocks? I have yet to update and check the new code responsible for reCAPTCHA. You have typo in post reCAPCTHA ==> reCAPTCHA
  14. Thank you for your message, I'm glad you found the script useful! It will also be updated soon with new features :)
  15. 6) Google reCAPTCHA plugin was renamed to "Captcha" and now also supports Cloudflare Turnstile captcha. Please note that activating Turnstile will require theme changes, we will highlight the needed changes in a forum post. Great news, glad to see this feature implemented! Where can we find the modifications needed for theme support for Turnstile?
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