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Offering bonus sites


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recently I purchased multiple KVS licenses.
In paysite business, it is very common to offer multiple bonus sites along with the main paysite. I checked with KVS techs, they said this is not possible with their system. You can't sign up for one website and get free access to other (bonus) websites with the same username/password. 
I was wondering, is there anybody who runs KVS-based paysites and offering bonus websites? How this could be done?
Thank you

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We later replied that it will be possible to chain postbacks from billings to another URL via KVS settings. This will allow keeping user database on site #2 in sync with site #1.

Another option is to use satellite license for 'bonus' site, as satellite shares the same database of users. However satellite also shares the same database of content, so this network configuration will be quite difficult to manage and this is not flexible in terms of users.

Finally it can also be possible to use SSO login to auto-login all users from primary site to 'bonus' site using specially signed links. Such users can't login to 'bonus' site directly, because they won't have their password set there, but they can login to the primary site and then login to 'bonus' site using specially crafted link for them.

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understood, and i am glad to hear there is a way.  I was also wondering, when you chain the postbacks, will it work the other way around, when a member is deleted or expired, will there be another chain of postbacks so the member can't no longer log in to main and the bonus sites? Or how this chain of postbacks work ? 

Thank you

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NATS supports only executing 1 postback. So NATS should be configured to execute postback of your primary site.

Then primary site can be configured to re-post every NATS postback to bonus site 1, then bonus site 1 can be configured to re-post every re-posted postback to bonus site 2 and etc.

All NATS postbacks, including member access expiration and rebills should be re-posted to the chain.

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