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Installing KVS on localhost

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Hello. I am considering buying KVS Basic package. Will I be able to install it locally on my PC (I am using WAMP) to play around with it and get a hold of the features, and then install it on the "real" server? Or is it some kind of single machine license deal? Thank you in advance.

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KVS may not work on Windows platform, as it uses some specific Linux OS commands (such as nice) and relies on file locking, which may be filesystem / OS specific. While we have been able to successfully install and run KVS on Windows, we will not be able to provide support for it. Especially if installed locally. In general for support, we need to have access to a KVS to investigate issues, so support on local installations is difficult.

I would say the best way to install KVS locally is to use Ubuntu inside a VirtualBox, and you can easily google how to build dependencies such as ffmpeg, imagemagick and other.

With regard to licensing, the license is provided to a domain name. You can configure your domain name locally and run KVS there. Won't work on "localhost" address.

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