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Customize Uploader Video Page


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I want to customize the uploader video page for simple user 

and add the field premium near the private and public (Visibility)

and make the verified users to specify the number of tokens for the premium video 


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This can be customized in Website UI -> Pages, search for video_edit block. In this block there is this code:

<input type="radio" id="edit_video_is_private_0" name="is_private" value="0" class="radio" {{if $smarty.post.is_private==0}}checked{{/if}} {{if $is_locked=='true'}}disabled{{/if}}>
<label for="edit_video_is_private_0">{{$lang.edit_video.field_is_private_values.0}}</label>
<input type="radio" id="edit_video_is_private_1" name="is_private" value="1" class="radio" {{if $smarty.post.is_private==1}}checked{{/if}} {{if $is_locked=='true'}}disabled{{/if}}>
<label for="edit_video_is_private_1">{{$lang.edit_video.field_is_private_values.1}}</label>

You can add additional radio button with value = 2 for premium videos. Then you also need to add a text edit_video.field_is_private_values.2 into Website UI -> Texts, or you can just hardcode the word "Premium" right in template.

For verified users to add a number of tokens you can add this code:

{{if $smarty.session.is_trusted==1}}
	<div class="row">
		<label for="video_edit_tokens_required">Video cost in tokens</label>
		<input id="video_edit_tokens_required" class="textfield" type="text" name="tokens_required" value="{{$smarty.post.tokens_required}}"/>
		<div class="field-error down"></div>


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Thanks for your reply,

I just added this following code, but it does not work properly

<input type="radio" id="edit_video_is_private_2" name="is_premium" value="2" class="radio" {{if $smarty.post.is_private==2}}checked{{/if}} {{if $is_locked=='true'}}disabled{{/if}}>
<label for="edit_video_is_private_2">{{$lang.edit_video.field_is_private_values.2}}</label>


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