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KVS 3.9.1 implementation

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1. Search suggestion or correct missing word...

2. Verified badge For users then Admin can control in Memberzone

3. Plugin.. Models Profile Images Generator From videos

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1) Can you be more specific? What should be suggested and how missing words should be corrected?


2) This is already possible. In users you can set trusted flag, which will mean that all content posted by this user (comments, videos, albums and etc.) will be automatically activated and will not get into admin review notification.


3) We have been thinking about this plugin. However there is no way to automatically select thumb which will be a model (other than using some kind of face detection library to analyze video thumbs, this looks to be quite difficult task and will not work in 100% cases). One of the alternatives is to display a list of video screenshots from all videos with that model and allow admin to select which one should be better suitable to generate images. What do you think?

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1. Search suggestion means - http://searchengineland.com/how-google-instant-autocomplete-suggestions-work-62592

I know its Google work. but may be possible. The phpvibe script..they are pulled from Youtube's api.

may yandex is allow or others...


2. Blue color Verified badge means - If I set trusted flag for a user. a verification check mark on site like: on xvideos.com, Pornhub, YouTube For user


Its a feature of Tube site in today market users love that


3.Good and Great Idea yours. as I think. Its simple.

Just Import New one Screenshot Every day from the New Video If new video upload. its benefit is. site look update with content

otherwise you know better. you think better.

example: http://www.xvideos.com/pornstars

xvideos.com, If A model want to set Images manual then set. no prob.



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4.. Video thumbs scrolling on mouse over this feature is only work on Desktop

It should also work on mobile devices.. Like: xvideos.com feature they have enabled on even mobiles..



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
5. Metadata preload: Feature is fantastic

But some more work need.. like:https://gyazo.com/6bb1cc1986722ec416c7fe325ff3395d

If Metadata once loaded from server. it should loaded don't unload on click to back = Forward


The metadata and video data is controlled by browser, player has no control on it, so it can't unload it.


Perhaps support for SRT subtitles in new player? Flowplayer supports it. It would probably not be needed by most sites, but it fixes the issue of multiple subtitle languages, because you can only hardcode one language into the video.


Yes, KVS player also supports subtitles, but there is no way to upload them via admin panel, we will do that.

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New way to specify the number of timeline screenshots


In 3.9.1 we added support for specifying the fixed number of timeline screenshots in addition to their interval. Timeline screenshots can be used in player on timeline mouse over to provide previews of what is coming next in the video.




The interval is not very good when you upload long videos, since the number of timeline screenshot can be huge. For longer videos the alternate way can be to configure the fixed amount of screenshots and KVS tube script will automatically detect their interval based on video duration.


This new feature will require you to update API on all remote conversion servers, because timeline screenshots are created there.

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Support for access / promo codes in signup and upgrade


In 3.9.0 we added User accounts generation plugin which provided ability to pre-generate user accounts and sell them via online stores as username:password pairs.


Now in 3.9.1 we have further extended this plugin with ability to generate access codes, which can be used by users during registration process to get privileges from the access code being used. Also existing users can use access codes to upgrade their existing accounts with new privileges.


An access code can grant one of these:

- Unlimited premium access

- Limited premium access (N days)

- N tokens added to user's account


Using access codes is more convenient for users, since they do not need to stick to pre-generated usernames and passwords. Also you can use this functionality for promo purposes, for example post access codes on forums, or use in any other similar way.


Here is how the updated plugin looks now:




In order to enable access codes on signup you should go to signup block settings and switch on the enable_access_codes option:




Also you should update signup block template with access_code input (sample code is for KVS new theme):


{{if count($access_codes)>0}}
<div class="row">
<label for="signup_access_code" class="field-label">{{$lang.signup.field_access_code}}</label>
<input type="text" name="access_code" id="signup_access_code" class="textfield" placeholder="{{$lang.signup.field_access_code_hint}}"/>
<div class="field-error down"></div>


The $access_codes variable lists all available access codes haven't been used yet, so you can even display the number of available access codes this way:


We have {{$access_codes|@count}} more access codes available!


In order everything to be rendered correctly, you will also need to add these texts to your theme texts (Website UI -> Language files -> Add Text):


signup.field_access_code = Access Code
validation.common.access_code_invalid = The entered access code is not valid


If you want existing users to use access codes, you should do the same thing in upgrade block. The same parameter name and same HTML code will work.

However upgrade block in your case may also be used with payment options, so you should think about whether you want to combine them together with using access codes in the same GUI, or alternatively you can add another upgrade block for only using access codes.

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Tube scrappers / tube grabbers functionality update


In 3.8.5 we have added a beta version of tube scrapper / tube grabber plugin, which became very popular among our customers. In 3.9.1 we are further extending this plugin with some very important improvements. See details below.


1) It is possible now to limit the number of words or characters in the grabbed description.


2) It will be possible to skip videos with the same titles you already have in database. Duplicate title doesn't necessary mean duplicate video, but in many cases the same video is being added to multiple sites, so grabbers cannot see they are duplicates, since they are located on different sites and obviously their video files will be different. The new option can prevent from adding such videos.


3) The most important feature is to allow grabbing multiple qualities of the same video at a time. Many tube sites offer videos in multiple qualities and if you wanted to have the same on your site, earlier you would have to grab the topmost quality and create minor qualities at your end. Starting with 3.9.1 you will be able to grab any qualities you need at the same time and upload them all to your project without any conversion needed! See the screenshot:




For each video quality the source tube site provides, you can now select which KVS video format it should be uploaded into. Uploading directly into the format means that the downloaded video file will be stored without any processing and you will save CPU time.


NOTE: multiple formats are only supported starting from KVS advanced package.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, KVS player also supports subtitles, but there is no way to upload them via admin panel, we will do that.



Are there any plans to add Bitcoin support for memberships any time soon? Any KVS site could accept it, basically. I think it would be a good way to offer an ad-free plan through.

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Video screenshots now can be fully managed inside main video editor


Finally we have fixed the annoying issue reported many times that main video editor didn't allow deleting screenshots. Now the main video editor provides support for changing main screenshot and also deleting the unneeded screenshots.


Also we've changed screenshots layout to be responsive everywhere across the admin panel.




Video screenshots editor is still in place providing ability to replace individual screenshots.

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Using delete feeds in tube grabbers / tube scrappers


Now starting from 3.9.1 some tube grabbers will support ability to automatically delete videos which were deleted on source sites.

This option will only be available for sites that provide deleted videos feeds and it should be enabled manually for each grabber where supported:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest xvids

3) The most important feature is to allow grabbing multiple qualities of the same video at a time. Many tube sites offer videos in multiple qualities and if you wanted to have the same on your site, earlier you would have to grab the topmost quality and create minor qualities at your end. Starting with 3.9.1 you will be able to grab any qualities you need at the same time and upload them all to your project without any conversion needed! See the screenshot:


For each video quality the source tube site provides, you can now select which KVS video format it should be uploaded into. Uploading directly into the format means that the downloaded video file will be stored without any processing and you will save CPU time.


If I select only one Quality (480p), this will work same

means that the downloaded video file will be stored without any processing and save CPU time.:cool:

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If I select only one Quality (480p), this will work same

means that the downloaded video file will be stored without any processing and save CPU time.:cool:


Previously you could select only 1 file to download for each video, and if you had multiple formats the rest of files were created by KVS. Now you can download multiple formats, so that KVS will not create anything and will use the downloaded files.

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Text cuepoints are now possible with KVS tube script and KVS player


It will be possible now to configure player to display textual notes on timeline along with timeline screenshots. This can make a big sense for paysite owners to provide members easy-to-use way to navigate across long videos.


First you need to have timeline screenshots. For long videos it will not be required to generate huge amount of timeline screenshots anymore, it can be configured to a fixed number (see related post in this topic). Now KVS tube script will allow you to specify titles for arbitrary timeline screenshots:




Then you can enable cuepoints in player settings after enabling timeline screenshots:




And here how they look in the player for the end user:



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Guest xvids



I'm just asking, Please Don't mind

What About these Features


1. Search correction suggestions. means -




2. Blue color Verified badge means - If I set trusted flag for a user. a verification check mark on site like: on xvideos.com, Pornhub, YouTube For user


Its a feature of Tube site in today market users love that




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1) Search suggestions can be implemented using search_results block, which renders list of all search QUERIES (the block name is confusing, I know).

It is possible for it to list queries containing the entered query, e.g. like here:



There is search_results block which displays list of queries similar to "indian". You can use 3rd party javascript plugin to parse data from this block.


In order to do that you can create a global block (Website UI -> Global blocks) named Queries and of search_results type. Then enable var_query=query parameter in it and configure its template to return data list in the format readable by your plugin:



Then you can get list of similar queries using this approach:



And you get list of queries similar to "indian". Your javascript plugin can render them as a dropdown or as designed.


2) That's supported already.


In list_members block template you can use this code for each member to show badge:

{{if $item.is_trusted==1}}




In video_view / album_view block template you can use this code:

{{if $data.user.is_trusted==1}}




In member_profile_view block template you can use this code:

{{if $data.is_trusted==1}}



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