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Cannot login admincp and error "Database table "ktvs_friends" and sidebar not working


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This is really weird, I'm thinking I got hacked, I only do few things and I got logout, but I login again it said incorrect password (No user found with such data)

I've recovered through this guide: 


The only thing I did change before I cannot login was relate to this topic


I did replace font verdanaz.tff but I'm not sure it cause this or not, after that I restored by copy original verdanaz file from kvs zip file


After recovered my admincp, I checked activity log in Administration tab but I didn't see any strange IP, what is the cause for this?

I also check Audit and it shows this 



Right after I cannot login to admincp, the sidebar also not working, it closed by default instead open even though I tried to checked and unchecked it many times



I need a big help please :(

Does anyone experienced this? I tried to search but found nothing

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I found out why, it's my fault when copy original data folder system (/admin/data/system/) to restore /admin/data/system/verdanaz.ttf file, I'm an idiot :(

But error from table ktvs_friends is gone even though I didn't nothing, I really don't know why?

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3 hours ago, Tanjiro said:

I found out why, it's my fault when copy original data folder system (/admin/data/system/) to restore /admin/data/system/verdanaz.ttf file, I'm an idiot :(

No need to copy the whole directory, as it contains files that should not be modified manually.


3 hours ago, Tanjiro said:

But error from table ktvs_friends is gone even though I didn't nothing, I really don't know why?

This can happen from time to time, MySQL issue and often related to server reboot. KVS can automatically fix these within some time, but if you still see them, go to Plugins -> Database status and run a check there. If there are any errors, the will be an button to fix errors.


6 hours ago, Tanjiro said:

Why it got this error? How can I fix it? Please help me KVS :(

This is a know KVS 6.1.2 bug :( Some feedbacks will fail to be created. We may need to provide a patch for this, but what we noticed in some projects, usually spam comes into errors.

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16 hours ago, Tech Support said:

This is a know KVS 6.1.2 bug :( Some feedbacks will fail to be created. We may need to provide a patch for this, but what we noticed in some projects, usually spam comes into errors.

Lots of work to do for KVS team🙏

Btw, because I want to watermark text to video like "Uploaded by (user)" so I think the display name must be restricted at certain level, like number of character allowed, must be in symbols/characters allowed like 0-9, A-Z, a-z, '_', '-', '@' and '.'

is this possible ? I really need this, at the moment, user can put any characters or symbols (like chinese words or ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘) in display name option in Profile, they can change to anything they want, I need to restrict that because their name will be in watermark text, it would be a joke if people can put any display name in videos

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13 minutes ago, Tech Support said:

Display name is designed to be any, as it is displayed on your site. But you can show username instead, it is restricted to the exact set of characters that you need.

So I would like to disable Display name in Edit Profile, so member will only need Username when register, how can I disable "Display name", could you please guide me

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Please go to Website UI -> Theme settings and locate active link to modify Profile options at the bottom. It will bring you to modify member_profile_edit block, in template you need to find the row for editing display name and add hidden class to it:

<div class="row hidden">
	<label for="edit_profile_display_name" class="field-label required">{{$lang.edit_profile.field_display_name}}</label>
	<input type="text" name="display_name" id="edit_profile_display_name" class="textfield" value="{{$smarty.post.display_name}}" {{if $lang.memberzone.truncate_username_to>0}}maxlength="{{$lang.memberzone.truncate_username_to}}"{{/if}} placeholder="{{$lang.edit_profile.field_display_name_hint}}"/>
	<div class="field-error down"></div>


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9 hours ago, Tech Support said:

Please go to Website UI -> Theme settings and locate active link to modify Profile options at the bottom. It will bring you to modify member_profile_edit block, in template you need to find the row for editing display name and add hidden class to it:

<div class="row hidden">
	<label for="edit_profile_display_name" class="field-label required">{{$lang.edit_profile.field_display_name}}</label>
	<input type="text" name="display_name" id="edit_profile_display_name" class="textfield" value="{{$smarty.post.display_name}}" {{if $lang.memberzone.truncate_username_to>0}}maxlength="{{$lang.memberzone.truncate_username_to}}"{{/if}} placeholder="{{$lang.edit_profile.field_display_name_hint}}"/>
	<div class="field-error down"></div>


If someone view sources code they can still uncheck hidden (which is display:none) and the Display name box will appears again, can I comment {**} (or remove) this div?

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12 hours ago, Tanjiro said:

If someone view sources code they can still uncheck hidden (which is display:none) and the Display name box will appears again, can I comment {**} (or remove) this div?

Yes, they can actually do that. But this is not related to security anyway, and the chance that someone wants to do that is close to zero.

Unfortunately with the current code it is not possible to fully hide the field, this would produce error.

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