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A few questions from newbie


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Hi, I'm planning to buy KVS, but I want to ask a few questions, I'm a noob so I hope someone could answer, from staff would be great

  1. I saw Ubuntu 20.4 or Debian 10+ is recommended (in services, but I think it's typo too, 20.04 isn't it ?), should I use Ubuntu 22.04 because it's newer ? Or could I use Centos 7, is it good in running KVS ?
  2. I see KVS Player don't have speed control in demo, can I enable this or this feature isn't available ?
  3. Ultimate theme 1 is difference from default theme right ? (which mean I need to buy it ?)
  4. I see so much requirements to install KVS, is there a tool check to see which part is correct and which part is missing/error ?

I used one CMS before (Xenforo) but after tried KVS admin demo, it's so complex more than I imagine, I'm sure tons of questions will pop up after I buy it and try to get it up and running and maintaining it, but those are the questions I want to ask first, I hope someone will answer, thank you very much

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1) This is a typo, thanks. For now we recommend using Ubuntu 20.04 or Debian 10+. Centos is not recommended, as it has some issues with new server software versions and security.

2) Yes, at the moment KVS player doesn't support this in GUI, but we can add this ASAP if needed.

3) Ultimate theme 1 is a theme provided by 3rd-party vendor, they did some re-design of a default theme.

4) KVS has an audit plugin once installed, will check everything.

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On 12/21/2022 at 1:57 PM, Tech Support said:


1) This is a typo, thanks. For now we recommend using Ubuntu 20.04 or Debian 10+. Centos is not recommended, as it has some issues with new server software versions and security.

2) Yes, at the moment KVS player doesn't support this in GUI, but we can add this ASAP if needed.

3) Ultimate theme 1 is a theme provided by 3rd-party vendor, they did some re-design of a default theme.

4) KVS has an audit plugin once installed, will check everything.

Thanks for replying me, I just bought kvs, trying to get things up from zero literally and I have few questions again

  1. Could I use Mariadb instead Mysql ? Is Mariadb better than Mysql ? Should I use Mariadb 10.3 or 10.4 or 10.5 or 10.6++
  2. PHP 7.4 recommended ? Can I use PHP 8.0 ?
  3. In My Licenses, there is KVS Installation, do I have to provide my server login information for KVS team to install KVS ? What if someone want to install by themself ?

Thank you

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On 12/22/2022 at 2:04 AM, xFilm said:

Why Ubuntu 22.04 not recommended?

Asked our server administrators, need to wait for their reply.

2 hours ago, Tanjiro said:

Could I use Mariadb instead Mysql ? Is Mariadb better than Mysql ? Should I use Mariadb 10.3 or 10.4 or 10.5 or 10.6++

Yes, no problem with that.

2 hours ago, Tanjiro said:

PHP 7.4 recommended ? Can I use PHP 8.0 ?

Unfortunately PHP 8 is not yet supported.

2 hours ago, Tanjiro said:

In My Licenses, there is KVS Installation, do I have to provide my server login information for KVS team to install KVS ? What if someone want to install by themself ?

You can provide us FTP connection plus MySQL connection and we will install KVS for you. But this is optional, you can just provide license details and we will upload it anyway so that you can install yourself.

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20 hours ago, Tech Support said:

Asked our server administrators, need to wait for their reply.

Yes, no problem with that.

Unfortunately PHP 8 is not yet supported.

You can provide us FTP connection plus MySQL connection and we will install KVS for you. But this is optional, you can just provide license details and we will upload it anyway so that you can install yourself.

In Recommended configuration it said :

  • Nginx (configured with --with-http_mp4_module) and proxying Apache. Nginx is recommended for faster video streaming and for content protection.

Is that mean I just only need install Nginx or both Nginx and Apache ?

Is there any article that guide how to install/setup Nginx proxying ? I also searched how to install Nginx proxy, it mostly showed "How to setup an Nginx reverse proxy", is that same "How to setup Nginx Proxy" or different ? I'm so confused

Another question :


To enable content protection you will also need to add some custom rules into Nginx configuration.

Could you please guide me (and others) what rules that I need to add into Nginx configuration ? An education topic would be great

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Hi, I'm stuck at this step, can you help me please, I got white screen at step 6 in install instruction (I did chmod correct and already imported install_db.sql)



Do I need to modify 'localhost' (by what) or just leave it ?

Do I need to modify 'base' ? I don't even know what this mean and what its function

Is DB_LOGIN the username of the database ?

Here is my setup_db.php config :


define('DB_HOST','localhost'); (I leave it default)
define('DB_DEVICE','base'); (I leave it default)

And setup.php config :



$config['php_path']="/usr/bin/php"; (I used command "which php" to check)
$config['ffmpeg_path']="/snap/bin/ffmpeg"; (same, "which ffmpeg")
$config['image_magick_path']="/usr/bin/convert"; (same above)
$config['mysqldump_path']="/usr/bin/mysqldump"; (same above)



I also cannot run phpinfo(), before I upload archive I can run it 

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I got it, it was a noob fault from me 😭, nevermind

But previous question I still want to ask, plus I see in requirements :


PHP.ini disable_functions should not contain "exec"

In my phpinfo it has "pcntl_exec", is this okay ?

Plus, what parameter is recommend for memcached size ? Currently I set 512, my server is 8GB Ram

Hope you don't mind if I asked too much questions

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On 12/23/2022 at 10:44 PM, Tanjiro said:

Is that mean I just only need install Nginx or both Nginx and Apache ?

Both Apache and Nginx.


On 12/23/2022 at 10:44 PM, Tanjiro said:

Is there any article that guide how to install/setup Nginx proxying ? I also searched how to install Nginx proxy, it mostly showed "How to setup an Nginx reverse proxy", is that same "How to setup Nginx Proxy" or different ? I'm so confused

It is a typical configuration for Nginx + Apache and you can find tons of guide online, for example this:



On 12/24/2022 at 2:51 PM, Tanjiro said:

Do I need to modify 'localhost' (by what) or just leave it ?

Do I need to modify 'base' ? I don't even know what this mean and what its function

Is DB_LOGIN the username of the database ?

Normally you keep localhost, but modify username, password and database name. They are custom when you create MySQL database in your server panel, you define them as you want.


On 12/24/2022 at 3:25 PM, Tanjiro said:

In my phpinfo it has "pcntl_exec", is this okay ?

Yes, KVS doesn't use this function, so it doesn't care about it.


On 12/24/2022 at 3:25 PM, Tanjiro said:

Plus, what parameter is recommend for memcached size ? Currently I set 512, my server is 8GB Ram

512 is fine. It can adjusted later if needed, but this happens rarely and is only important for really huge traffic.

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