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Everything posted by davex

  1. delete menu sites: admin + website IU + theme settings: "enable sites section"
  2. thanks, it works fine I am going to translate so it shows verified in all languages. as it can be done to show it within the user's profile. above where the name of the user indicates I have tried with the same code but it does not work.
  3. Thanks! referred to in step 4, in all-responsive-metal.css ? I have added the text at the end: h1 img.flag { vertical-align: middle; } but the flag icon is not centered.
  4. but I see that if you leave the mouse over the video it is never hidden, I with mac + safari the mouse hand icon always shows.
  5. I believe that the owner of the website that had that code has been hacked into their website. addthis their codes are never like this: z.moatads.com It is an advertising company like any other.
  6. It is very rare for addthis to advertise, with all these years I have never seen this. yes it is true that with the addthis catches the speed is sometimes somewhat slower.
  7. (the problem is that the file does not exist: posts_for_news.php, from the files I received from kvs )
  8. thanks, .htaccess I use the file and it works fine, I have nginx but I have created new pages and I have created new rules in .htaccess and they work on the web. without touching ngnix. I'm going to see if there is any other problem.
  9. thanks, I have created "news" but from admin I get an error: File not found. url: /admin/posts_for_news.php or: admin/posts_for_news.php?action=add_new File not found.
  10. I'm sorry I don't explain myself well. I'm going to check why the flash player message comes out. thanks.
  11. When publishing the embed code in forums or websites, the flash module is missing. I am going to check that it is not a problem on the web where my embed are published. thanks.
  12. hi, i see that kvs still uses flash player for embed videos, something very old and incompatible for many sites and browsers. As of December 2020, the flash player will no longer be available. when will that be updated?
  13. thanks, perfect the anti spam module will be much better. Looking forward to the update that I see will bring many incredible improvements!
  14. Because there are many webmasters that upload videos without limit every day and in the end more than half have to be removed.
  15. hi, is there any option to limit that users can only upload for example 5 videos a day? I've looked at member settings Activity awards but I think that's not it. thanks.
  16. OK perfect. I already thought such a scripted script and it has no small chunks I had small chunks on my old website and it works very well.
  17. hi, does the upload subdomain have to be set to apache? can't it be by ngnix?
  18. Hello, I see that you already deleted everything from the web?
  19. thanks, ticket create. problem is flag php that is obsolete for nginx only works with apache.
  20. hello, I installed kvs in example web.com/site folder the front part works but when entering admin / index.php The blank page comes out. What can be? the folders are all good with 777 + 666 files thanks.
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