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Tech Support

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Everything posted by Tech Support

  1. Please check Adding / removing menu items section in this article:
  2. It is many places around theme template, everywhere where avatar is displayed.
  3. Please check with host support where the high LA comes from. Could be: Apache, MySQL, FFmpeg, filesystem - based on that info solution varies.
  4. No, this will not affect admin panel.
  5. Did you reach out their support? We don't know anything about their products, so we can't provide any support about this.
  6. Yes, KVS supports watermarks:
  7. Then you can go to Website UI -> Pages and search for video_edit block there. In video_edit block settings set min_duration = 100000, then nobody will be able to upload videos.
  8. This is a matter of design. There is not issue with CLS on KVS default theme:
  9. Website UI -> Theme settings -> enable videos upload by members.
  10. You don't need to uninstall Nginx, Nginx should be normally used as a proxy on top of Apache for static files (JPG, JS, CSS and video files). Also you can use subdomains for localized versions instead of subfolders. This doesn't require any .htaccess specific rules.
  11. Yes, this grabber is not working right now because yt-dlp is not updated with new URL pattern yet. Yt-dlp is trying to fallback to their generic grabber, which doesn't support multiple quality factors and only provides some single video file. You can delete xvideos grabber and install Default Videos, which should work with grabbing only basic info using yt-dlp generic grabber.
  12. The grabber was recently updated with that issue. Do you mean it is still not working?
  13. KVS doesn't have feature to remove watermarks.
  14. It is not technically possible to use popunder advertising in player. A popup will just open a new browser tab with focus, is that what you need? Then you can just use standard javascript onclick handler to open a new browser tab, but we don't see any sense to add such feature into player settings.
  15. Yes, some grabbers may not work with some videos, because they don't provide full quality video files.
  16. No, it is not possible to change video upload types between each other due to complexity of the logic involved.
  17. To add to this question, these are the .htaccess mod_rewrite rules that do the magic for allowing subfolders being used: RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_REWRITTEN} !=1 RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_REDIRECT_REWRITTEN} !=1 RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2})/(.*) /$2 [L,QSA,E=REWRITTEN:1,E=LOCALE:$1] They translate https://domain.com/de/someurl/ into https://domain.com/someurl/ and add ENV variable REDIRECT_LOCALE = de
  18. Probably somewhere this year, we are quite close to finalize it.
  19. It is not technically possible as far as we know.
  20. You need to modify design and templates to do this.
  21. It is possible to create clip trailers with the settings that are available, e.g. equal parts. But you will have to update all video formats in the same way to get the same files of different qualities. I think this feature is not suitable for your task, as it was normally designed to create trailers of a single quality factor. The batter at the bottom of video is connected to a video content source. Please check Connecting advertising to content sources section here:
  22. Could be done with using template functions. For example use pull_videos option in list_models block to pull a video for each model and display one of its thumb. But makes no practical sense, you will probably see that when you start using it. Probably yes, but expensive because you need to generate and process a lot of screenshots to find out the suitable image. And no guarantee the face it detects will be the actual model face, could be somebody else who appears in the video.
  23. You need to edit Website UI -> Pages -> Index and reorder blocks in template, this is the only way to resolve this.
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