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Everything posted by Serghei

  1. Hi! Thank you for help, also I have used this option: "Truncate video title to:" in Theme setings - video options. and worked
  2. Hi! How to make Videos Title 65 symbols limit? Thanks
  3. Hello! When: "Tube theme 2" will be ready for us?
  4. Hello! is this the <html> tag: <html lang="{{$config.locale|default:$lang.header.default_lang}}">? And on this page: Page component "include_header_general"
  5. Hello again. I resolved that.. I va replaced: "type="text" with: "class="textfield" and it's works. thank you.
  6. I find where to add the code ,but the input field iths looks simple box, it's possible to make it look same like other fields on the edit video page? thank you <div class="row"> <label for="video_edit_custom1">Custom 1</label> <input id="video_edit_custom1" type="text" name="custom1" value="{{$smarty.post.custom1}}" {{if $change_forbidden==1}}disabled{{/if}}/> <span class="field-error"></span> </div>
  7. Thanks, but how to enable costum fields in the option list on video_edit as you can't select them... please see the screen shoots. thank you
  8. Hello! How to add "Custom Field" on add video/albums page, as site users can use it on website , on admin panel when i add a video there it is custom fields, but from website there is not.. thank you
  9. Hello! it's possible to be abble to add clickable links in the content description on view page?
  10. Yes. uploaded on the server into admin/include/htmlpurifier
  11. Hi. Where is the best place for this code {{$data.description|html_purifier:false|smarty:nodefaults}}{{$data.description|html_purifier}} for video view page ? I've added this code into video view page code but didnt worked... thanks
  12. Hi. It's not in the list... could be that the system can't find the geoip instal location? thanks
  13. Thanks Emilia for your help. I am new into this kind of stuff, I dont know how to verify that.
  14. Hi Guys. I have enabled "WYSIWYG editor" for videos and I like it, but if I am ading a link to some words its not working well, its shows the html code on video view page. Can that be fixed?
  15. My server OS is Webuzo I'm using Apache 2.4, MaxMind's GeoIP module installed
  16. Hello! I need help to make GeoIp working ,, can someone how to make it working in kvs, what code and where to add it, PLEASE! Ive tried everyting I found online but not working, I have it instaled on my server but i cant make it to show results in statistics.... Thank you
  17. Thank you guys you are the best. Happy New Year!
  18. Happy New year to all! it's possible to make as video on view page to auto replay one more time?! for example i hove a lot of short videos like 3sec or 10 sec, so I've seen on some websites that videos automatically replay for few times, so it is possible to do that in kvs player?! and how ?! please. Thank you, you guys are the best
  19. Hi! it's possible to have a "Show More↓ " Button or clickable text to expand to read all the text and after to click "Show less↑" and close it? for example the video description text it very long , a lot of tags, a lot of models...... will make the theme to look better. thanks
  20. Hello! How and where to add site description? when i try to find my website on google there is no site description in google search results for my website... can someone tell me where to ad it please?! thank you
  21. and how to hide it if there is no text into the Custom Fields? thanks
  22. I whant to add it like a button, How to show it like a Button on view video page? Thank you Guys you are the best
  23. Hello. How to show Custom Field on video view page? From "Customization" for example: Identifier = Custom 2 and Field name = Link. I have this field on adding new video page, but there is no such field on video view page... can someone help me whit this please! Thankyou
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