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Everything posted by jungleland

  1. I noticed that Mobile_Detect.php avaliable in admin/include/mobiledetect/ is version @version 2.8.41 that is deprecated according to https://mobiledetect.net/ Maybe could be overwrite it with https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/blob/4.8.x/src/MobileDetect.php ??? Thanks
  2. Dear friends How can i remove final slash in contentURL ?? Now i have this in "include_header_general.tpl" <link itemprop="contentUrl" href="{{$video_file_url}}"> and paints something like this <link itemprop="contentUrl" href="https://www.MYDOMAIN.COM/get_file/3/94f0ce6fc03278abc939eb5bc3dba097/0/963/963.mp4/"> and i would like THIS: <link itemprop="contentUrl" href="https://www.MYDOMAIN.COM/get_file/3/94f0ce6fc03278abc939eb5bc3dba097/0/963/963.mp4"> (without final "/" after .mp4) Wait answer :) Thanks
  3. I used this one date_format:"%F%Z%R%z
  4. Hello. Could you please help with "uploadDate" format? I need it in this format (required by google) <meta itemprop="uploadDate" content="2016-03-31T08:00:00+08:00" /> Now i have this code "uploadDate": "{{$storage.video_view_video_view.post_date|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d"}}", Wait help! Thanks
  5. Hi friend I saw in my site there is a cookie called "kt_ips" that tracks userip. What is this uses for? Can be disabled? I disabled stats and cookie is still there Will you plan in a future a plugin to make sites friendly with GDPR and gives the users the option of decline cookies? Thanks
  6. Thanks, anyways i wanted capitalize text of <title></title> ... not html titles
  7. Is possible in https://www.mydomain/admin/options.php?page=customization for example in CHANNELS add more than 10 custom text fields? (i would need 12) How can be done?
  8. Hi friends If i have this {{$lang.html.videos_by_tag_title}} and in english version is, for example: Videos Tagged with %tag% and for example will become into "Videos Tagged with amateur couple" How could i transform the full tagname in capital letters? (i want AMATEUR COUPLE) Tried with %TAG% but dont works ;) Thanks!
  9. As you suggested i am going to use "age verification pop" as advertisement and i use the filter of seobots to hide it to google and others. Problem is now i must generate different pop versions in another languages to have the text translated. I will use country filter. But browser language would helps a lot
  10. Hi friends. We are working in testing mode to finish the configuration of our website, discovering and fixing errors. Our website will have 7 aditional versions in 7 different languages with subdomains: es.domain.com, it.domain.com etc Problem i see is es.domain.com/sitemap.xml it.domain.com/sitemap.xml they work but the links of the sitemap are not working For example https://es.domain.com/sitemap/?type=videos&from_links_videos=1 DOES NOT WORK (gets 404) How can we fix this?
  11. Umm could you please then add to advertisements the option to filter based on language browser?
  12. How can we add customized translated texts inside html of advertisements? Tried {{$lang.html.pop_html_title}} inside the html box but dont works. Dont "paint" the translated text
  13. And how could i add metaname noindex to page 2, 3, 4, etc ? Should be something like this {{if $nav.page now>1}} <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> {{/if}} ¿?
  14. Dear friends How can i setup to have on mysite.com/2/ my title with <title>My Seo Title - Page 2</title> and in the rest of paginations? Tried this <title>{{$page_title|mb_ucfirst|default:$lang.html.default_title}} {{if $nav.page now>1}}{{$lang.common list.paginated postfix|replace:"%1%":$nav.page_now}}{{/if}}</title> but dont works
  15. Sounds good !! How much time will you need for it? Could we pay for it and have installed asap? Maybe as betatester
  16. It works now. But won't disabling that prevent related videos from the player from being opened in the same window? Thanks!
  17. As i said i need to hide the age verification layer (as an advertisement or not) to main bots (googlebot and others).
  18. Dear friends. I am in testing mode with my website using last version of KVS. I paid today VAST suscription and added the link of exoclick. Problem is the click in vast opens in target self. How can i setup it in target blank?
  19. Hi there. Add age verification layer as and advertisement is a great idea. But i write you to ask help / suggest a new feature. I would like hide the layer to bots. In other sites we use the "X-UA-BOT" header to aply this filter. How could i do this in KVS? Maybe in "restrictions and conditions" of the advertisement you could add "bots" as new user filter. Thanks in advance !!
  20. Hi Tech Support I am using 6.2.0 KVS version and i cant remove the intro from Pornhub Comunity Videos. I use the offset from beginning field and i even tried to add manually -ss 00:00:04 in the FFMPEG options and does not work. My server provider says everything is ok in his side. Can you please help?
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