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Everything posted by snqke

  1. Hello guys, I noticed on stats side that we have a big amount of nocookie traffic any one can suggest for us a solution to limit this by robots.txt or anything else... Thanks
  2. Hello, how to list video in homepage that are most viewed and published in last 3days Thanks
  3. when i'd liked to download the video instead of using embed code it give me this log [2024-03-22 16:15:02] INFO Starting new import 60921538 with 1 threads [2024-03-22 16:15:02] INFO Starting import thread 1 -------------------------------------- 7_1.txt [Thread 1] [2024-03-22 16:15:02] Started import 60921538 [Thread 1] [2024-03-22 16:15:02] Import thread has 1 lines to process [Thread 1] [2024-03-22 16:15:02] Started line #1 [Thread 1] [2024-03-22 16:15:02] Grabbing gallery https://www.xvideos.com/video.upkdbhbce64/i_love_sucking_a_dick_before_they_get_foursome_in_my_cunt... [Thread 1] [2024-03-22 16:15:02] Using grabber xvideos.com [Thread 1] [2024-03-22 16:15:12] ERROR: grabber was not able to grab video files [Thread 1] [2024-03-22 16:15:12] Finished
  4. Hello guys, how to disable Redirection to Embed 3rd Party Website like xvideos.com and disable the 5 Seconde PreRoll Ads in the video.. i tried the solution of sandbox="allow-scripts" and the video is not appearing anymore
  5. hello, i just activated multi languages for my website but when i access for example to : https://domain.com/fr/tags/test-video/ i got 404 page not found I want add links for every languages activated Thanks
  6. Hello, i want to know how to change specific video url without changing the title (not changing all videos urls) example old url : https://domain.com/videos/5105/video-name/ new url : https://domain.com/videos/5105/video-name-dyfa1/ Thanks
  7. Thanks for your help, BTW i have website that have webp configured correctly but the images link still .jpg and not webp i think after webp format configuration it will be with webp extension..
  8. i want it to all 404 pages , not a specific page
  9. Hello everyone, I want to redirect all 404 not found pages to my home page can we do this on KVS script ? Thanks,
  10. Thanks for reply , where do i need to place the text error message because i tried to find this message {{$lang.validation.common.unknown_error}} and i didn't find it into the Global block "Upgrade Access", and i'm not able to place the text message {{if $async_submit_successful=='true'}} <div class="success" data-fancybox="refresh"> {{if $smarty.session.status_id==3}} {{$lang.upgrade.success_message_premium_member|replace:"%1%":$lang.project_name}} {{else}} {{$lang.upgrade.success_message_active_member|replace:"%1%":$lang.project_name}} {{/if}} </div> {{else}} <strong class="popup-title">{{$lang.upgrade.title}}</strong> <div class="popup-holder"> <form action="{{$lang.urls.upgrade}}" data-form="ajax" method="post"> <div class="generic-error hidden"></div> {{if count($card_packages)>0}} <div class="button-group"> {{foreach item="item" from=$card_packages}} <div class="row"> <div class="toggle-button inversed {{if $item.is_default==1}}active{{/if}}" data-action="choose"> <input type="radio" class="radio" name="card_package_id" value="{{$item.package_id}}" {{if $item.is_default==1}}checked{{/if}}/> <span>{{$lang.memberzone.access_packages[$item.external_id]|default:$item.title}}</span> </div> </div> {{/foreach}} {{if count($access_codes)>0}} <div class="row"> <div class="toggle-button inversed" data-action="choose"> <input type="radio" class="radio" id="i_have_access_code"/> <span>{{$lang.signup.field_option_access_code}}</span> <script> $('#i_have_access_code').on('change', function() { $('#upgrade_access_code').val('').parent().css('display', $(this).prop('checked') ? 'block' : 'none'); }); </script> </div> </div> {{/if}} </div> {{/if}} {{if count($access_codes)>0}} <div class="row" {{if count($card_packages)>0}}style="display: none"{{/if}} data-name="payment_option"> <label for="upgrade_access_code" class="field-label">{{$lang.signup.field_access_code}}</label> <input id="upgrade_access_code" type="text" name="access_code" class="textfield" data-name="card_package_id"/> <div class="field-error down"></div> </div> {{/if}} <div> <div class="bottom"> {{if count($card_packages)>0}} <input type="hidden" name="payment_option" value="2"/> {{/if}} <input type="hidden" name="back_link" value="{{$lang.urls.payment_action}}"/> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="upgrade"/> <input type="submit" class="submit" value="{{$lang.upgrade.btn_purchase}}"/> </div> <div class="bottom"> <a data-href="{{$lang.urls.upgrade}}?service_id=12" data-fancybox="ajax" class="submit">Get more tokens</a> </div> </div> </form> </div> {{/if}} Also when i place this condition {{if !isset($smarty.get.service_id)}} <a data-href="{{$lang.urls.upgrade}}?service_id=13" data-fancybox="ajax">Get more tokens</a> {{/if}} it show for me like this
  11. We have standard user that clicked on remove/ads button and i redirect to this package " {{$lang.urls.upgrade}}/?service_id=13 and when he choose one of these packages (check screenshot 1) he got error message because he don't have enough token , so i want to custom that popup and add a text "PURCHASE TOKENS" near the button "purshase" and when he click on it it will open the second popup like the screenshot 2 Thats why :)
  12. Hello, I'd like to customize the box for packages that i sell for example {{if $smarty.session.status_id!=3}} {{* do not show this link for premium users *}} <a data-href="{{if $smarty.session.user_id>0}}{{$lang.urls.upgrade}}/?service_id=13{{else}}{{$lang.urls.login_required}}{{/if}}" data-fancybox="ajax">Remove Ads/Get Premium</a> {{/if}} instead of showing the standard box view (in the screenshot), i'd like to create a new custom one and display it
  13. Hello, I'm wondering if we can make a table in the comunity page that show for example the TOP 10 Tokens Earners
  14. Thanks for your reply, it worked for me, But i need something else the user when he purshase the package of remove ads, he will be automaticaly premium member and he can see all the premium videos, but i want him to purshase only the remove ads, and he need to pay token for premium videos, is this possible ?
  15. Thanks for reply, I have 2 billings active CoinPayments and Internal Tokens I already in use when click on token balance it appear CoinPayments Packges etc... But when i click on remove ads it appears the same popup of CoinPayments but i want to display the popup of Internal Tokens and if select 1st package and have enough tokens the user will be automatically premium user (when choose the package) and if there is not enough tokens it will be open another pop of coinpayment to make him purshase tokens
  16. Thanks for your reply, I just added this following code, but it does not work properly <input type="radio" id="edit_video_is_private_2" name="is_premium" value="2" class="radio" {{if $smarty.post.is_private==2}}checked{{/if}} {{if $is_locked=='true'}}disabled{{/if}}> <label for="edit_video_is_private_2">{{$lang.edit_video.field_is_private_values.2}}</label>
  17. Hello, I want to customize the uploader video page for simple user and add the field premium near the private and public (Visibility) and make the verified users to specify the number of tokens for the premium video
  18. Hello, i'd like to link my website to btcpayserver.org i tried to integrate it into my website and i find diffucilties there is any documentation (specifically to btcpay server) or service that i can buy to do it for me ? Thanks
  19. Hello, Is possible to add verified badge to specific user that appear in his profile or comunity page etc... Thanks
  20. Hello, I'd like to display for user Their Token Balance , for example near the upload button in nav menu + button "Buy Token" That Popup a pricing table to purshase them if they don't have tokens. Could you help me on this ? Thanks
  21. i have a lot of these links (as you can see in the screenshot) https://domain.com/search/%EF%BD%91%EF%BD%89%EF%BD%81%EF%BD%8F%EF%BD%8E%EF%BD%89%EF%BD%95%EF%BC%B4%EF%BC%B4/ is this normal ? is this affect my website ? Any one can help ?
  22. Hello everyone, There is any possibility to add watermark on my videos added from hosted file url automatically (the url is mine and i can manage it or added some php script on it).. Thanks,
  23. Hello guys, i need help to create a pop up button near the "Sign Up/Log in Buttons" called "Remove Ads" , and when click on this button it show for us Pricing Table That have "Select Token Purchase Package : Purchase 5 tokens - $5 " etc... and when i select the options it redirect me to payment links and give the user premium package Thanks
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