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Everything posted by mixporn

  1. How could I do the pagination of the Categories?
  2. How to display channel videos on the index page?
  3. When the sidebar with categories is activated, it is shown in both the desktop and mobile versions, but how is it possible that it is not shown in the mobile version?
  4. I solved, thanks, and thanks to ChatGPT
  5. This code brings links only from one continuous line, but how to make it go to another line? {{if $lang.enable_footer_network==''}} <div class="network"> <strong>{{$lang.footer.network_name}}</strong> <ul> {{if is_array($lang.footer.network_sites)}} {{foreach item="item" from=$lang.footer.network_sites}} <li><a target="_blank" href="{{$item.link}}">{{$item.name}}</a></li> {{/foreach}} {{/if}} </ul> </div> {{/if}}
  6. Can we ask when this plugin will be updated?.... Because it stay old version of plugin on wordpress.org
  7. Hello, what is the domain name and where do you have VPS at which company?
  8. It's not true, I've been working with Contabo for more than 2 years and I've never had problems with servers or emails, out of 6 IPs, not one is on the blacklist. I don't know to whom these things happen, it didn't happen to me. And yes, there are also people who have never used Contabo's services, but they heard from somewhere or someone that it is bad, and they pass on erroneous information...
  9. I think more efficient and more cheaper are Contabo.com. To them is more cheap VPS ( https://contabo.com/en/vps/) STORAGE VPS ( https://contabo.com/en/storage-vps/) Outlet Servers ( https://contabo.com/en/server-outlet/)
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