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Mr. Pervect

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  1. I was misinformed by my webhost. or a miscommunication. I have 500GB worth of content on the S3 server I wanted to import into KVS. When I tried all scenes it got cancelled because of storage issues. But when I did 1 everything went great. I have 2 CDN zones figured, 1 pubic, 1 private. But there are 2 problems: - 1: I get warning from KVS saying "Video source files are not protected from direct access." this is because apparently the links are public. - 2: Host didn't understand that by importing from the url KVS would not take those video's, re-encode them and upload them into another directory. Please advice the best way I can batch import my 24 scenes. They are currently stored on an S3 server as my VPS has only like 250GB. Thanks!
  2. My webhost finally fixed the upload speed in KVS so now it uploads. But now when it's finished my video has been stuck on "In Process" for over 4 hours.
  3. My developer created some static pages for me. I would like to design the content a bit using images, icons next to headers and perhaps embed a video. Is there such a thing as WYSIWYG editor for KVS? Maybe a third party tool to design static pages within KVS? Thanks
  4. I am trying to replace MP4 video's but it puts the old video back after. This is a message from my webhost about purging, ideally I want it to work right from the form.
  5. I am trying to bulk import using Videos --> Import Video but my test with 1 video is not going succesful. The fields are as follows: 1. Source video file (with processing) 2. Video file "MP4 Preview player" (without processing) 3. Video file "MP4 Preview" (without processing) (Field 4 and Field 5 still have "Select") The input is as follows: https://j4kdlsw7.ssl.server.net/contents/videos/0/34/fullscene.mp4, https://j4kdlsw7.ssl.server.net/contents/videos/0/34/trailer.mp4, https://j4kdlsw7.ssl.server.net/contents/videos/0/34/mouseover.mp4 The error I am getting:
  6. Please see another message from my webhost. So If I understand correctly now I can make a list and upload all scenes/trailers/mouseover video's under VIDEOS > Import video's. Then KVS will import and process the video's (Create alternative resolutions etc 1080/720) to our S3 storage. When this is done I can add all relevant information (Model name/tags/publish date etc.) Thanks for your help!
  7. Thanks. This is what my webhost told me. Would you advice this? I should be able to add this through the "Hosted file" section in add video right? And yes, in Storage server I see "CDN / Object Storage Videos" I am only missing the : 1. Add trailer preview field 2. Alternative resolutions etc when I choose to add a video through this field.
  8. Thanks for the speedy reply. That's a shame because I just uploaded 500GB to the S3 storage. What would be the best way to batch upload all the: Full Scenes, Trailers, Mouseover video's into KVS? Thanks again, I love the software you've made!
  9. I have all my footage uploaded to a cloudserver through FTP. How am I suppose to tell KVS to import the individual MP4 scenes so I can "Add movie" from KVS with the right settings (Movietitle, model name, description etc). If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great! Message from my webhost:The latest version of KVS supports S3 directly out of the box, but since we have an older version here we have to do a workaround to make it work with obj storage.On your server we have an application called SFTPGo installed. That app connects directly to your bucket, it opens an FTP port to connect to it and translates the FTP input to S3 calls.Tell them that you need to upload a lot of files directly to Obj Storage, and you don't want to use FTP because it would take too much time, and after they are uploaded you need to know how can you add them to KVS so the videos can be published.That should help them understand this setup and offer a solution to it.
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