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Posts posted by Emilia

  1. 14 hours ago, kaopsa said:

    For example on my tube If a visitor comes from google, I would like to display the popunder on second page. Like it does on xvideos.com

    you can easily achieve this by configuring your popup to only show once per user per hour. If you can't edit it yourself, contact your ad network's support and they can do it for you

  2. Hi,

    So here are my results. These won't be 100% accurate but they do gave me some clarity.

    After 10 days of encoding non stop on all 3 servers here are the number of completed tasks each server finished. I added another server a day later so I'll include that too

    I use video semi processing so for each video I got 3-4 tasks for each video format.

    Intel Core i7-8700 - 1762 total - completed 176 tasks/day on average (10 running days)
    AMD Ryzen 7 1700X - 1134 total - completed 113 tasks/day on average (10 running days)
    Intel Xeon E5-1650V3 - 1342 total - completed 134 tasks/day on average (10 running days)
    AMD Ryzen 9 3900 - 2006 total - completed 222 tasks/day on average (9 running days)

    Apart from these 4 servers I also installed 10 small linux vps with 2 cores, each vps cost me 3.5eur/mo and have completed 40 tasks/day on average. Some of the longer videos uploaded by users, 1hr + did take between 6-8 hours on these small vps to make a 1080p format. But that was expected. But combining 10 of those small vps to run tasks simultaneously I was able to complete over 4k tasks in 10 days for a lot less cost compared to those dedicated servers

    • Thanks 3
  3. On 2/3/2021 at 1:20 PM, Tech Support said:

    1. Ability to specify types of conversion tasks individually for each conversion server:

    This is amazing! I was about to ask for conversion server groups a few days ago like we have storage so I could assign different groups for different tasks.

  4. Hi, it didn't work for me.

    here's my snippet

    {{foreach item="item" from=$data.download_formats}}
    										{{assign var="format_lang_key" value=$item.postfix|replace:".":"_"}}
    										<a href="{{$item.file_url}}&download_filename=mysite_{{$data.dir}}{{$item.postfix}}" data-attach-session="{{$session_name}}">{{$lang.videos.video_details_label_download_format[$format_lang_key]|default:"%1%, %2%"|replace:"%1%":"`$item.title`"|replace:"%2%":$item.file_size_string}}</a>


  5. 2 minutes ago, Tech Support said:

    Most probably you affected other parts of this template that are rendering links for models.


    this is what my related videos block look like.

    <div class="related-videos" id="{{$block_uid}}">
    	<ul class="list-sort" id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list">
    		{{if $related_mode!=4 && $related_mode!=1 && $related_mode!=5}}
    			<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_default}}</a></li>
    		{{if count($storage.video_view_video_view.models)>0}}
    			{{assign var="models_title" value=$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_model|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.models[0].title}}
    			{{if count($storage.video_view_video_view.models)>1}}
    				{{assign var="models_title" value=$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_models|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.models[0].title|replace:"%2%":$storage.video_view_video_view.models[1].title}}
    			{{if $related_mode==4}}
    				<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:4">{{$models_title}}</a></li>
    		{{if $storage.video_view_video_view.content_source.title!=''}}
    			{{if $related_mode==1}}
    				<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:1">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_sponsor|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.content_source.title}}</a></li>
    		{{if $storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title!=''}}
    			{{if $related_mode==5}}
    				<li><a data-action="ajax" data-container-id="{{$block_uid}}_filter_list" data-block-id="{{$block_uid}}" data-parameters="mode_related:5">{{$lang.videos.related_videos_title_by_sponsor|replace:"%1%":$storage.video_view_video_view.dvd.title}}</a></li>
    	{{assign var="list_videos_hide_headline" value="true"}}
    	{{include file="include_list_videos_block_common.tpl"}}
    	{{assign var="pagination_use_load_more" value="true"}}
    	{{include file="include_pagination_block_common.tpl"}}


  6. Update: I've ordered 3 servers to run some tests on. I'll be activating all 3 servers at the same time once the setup is done, they'll be encoding videos from same batch and I'll monitor them for a week. In the mean time I'll just make sure to keep the content coming and in bulk quantities for them stay busy at all times. Thinking about adding 2 active encoders on each server as mentioned here.


    On 10/11/2017 at 12:31 PM, Tech Support said:

    if you use only 1 conversion server for 1 physical server, there will be intervals when your CPU load is 0% or when your network load is 0%. This is a waste of resources. By creating at least 2 conversion servers for the same physical server you will increase its conversion speed and overall resources utilization will be close to 100%. But this doesn't mean that adding more conversion servers here will increase the speed to x2, or x3 - this is just a matter of +20% or +30%. Therefore we think that having 2 or max 3 conversion servers per 1 physical server is more than enough.


    CPU - Benchmark Score

    Intel Core i7-8700 - 13180
    AMD Ryzen 7 1700X - 15622
    Intel Xeon E5-1650V3 - 10382

    I've selected these particular CPUs because their benchmark score is fairly close to each other. Xeon in particular is lower then the rest because I was told that they perform better, so I thought it'd be a nice idea to give it some handicap.

    Hoping for some exciting results ✌

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, phseven said:

    Two servers at so you start - €110 euro.

    Is it safe to assume that you are using 2 servers with Intel  Xeon D-1540?

    What ffmpeg flags do you use for all your formats and how many videos does each encoding server finishes in a day?


    I've always gone with intel's i9 and amd's series, I didn't consider xeons for encoding until now.


    2 hours ago, phseven said:

    So easy choice. If you need info on how to setup  the servers let me know we could help

    Setting up server is fine, thank you. What I'm really after is optimal ffmpeg flags for formats.


    4K -vcodec libx264 -movflags +faststart -acodec aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f mp4

    1080p -vcodec libx264 -movflags +faststart -acodec aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f mp4

    720p -vcodec libx264 -movflags +faststart -acodec aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f mp4

    480p -vcodec libx264 -movflags +faststart -acodec aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f mp4


    As you see, I haven't tried to change the bitrate and I'm not usinf crf or any preset. I just wanted to have encoding done as quick as possible but now I'm inclined more towards getting a good quaity/size ratio.

    Any tips regarding that would be greatly appreciated


    6 hours ago, Tech Support said:

    The most powerful conversion servers are using nvidia graphic cards for conversion:

    Thank you, but I'm going for optimized vs powerful and expensive

    • Like 1
  8. Hi,

    Could you guys give some suggestions of what kind of conversion servers and settings are working best for you?

    I'm currently using local but in the past I've tried servers with amd and i9s,

    with i9-9900k I was roughly able to encode 100 videos in 24 hours for 1080p, 720p and 480p
    with AMD Ryzen 5 I was able to do 40 or 50 in a day for same 3 formats

    -vcodec libx264 -movflags +faststart -acodec aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f mp4 is my settings for 1080p.

    Would love to hear what others are doing and if there's a way for me to optimize is further

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