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Posts posted by kaopsa

  1. Can you add an option in advertising to display an ad IF

    - it has a specific dynamic http parameter. For example utm_source=trafficsource

    - the visitors comes from google / direct traffic

    Also, could you please add an option to display an ad on second page visit.

    For example on my tube If a visitor comes from google, I would like to display the popunder on second page. Like it does on xvideos.com


    Thank you.

  2. On 12/19/2020 at 4:40 AM, Tech Support said:

    There is a workaround for this with using rsync or NFS mount, so not something we won't to consider as other features do not have workarounds.

    There isn't always ability to have NFS mount. Media files and script/sql files should be separated on different servers.

    My script server have a good config but low hd space because it's not a storage/media server. It doesn't have ability to mount additional disks.

    It weights 650gb already with all thumbs/screenshots and is almost disk full so rsync isn't an option. I need to move my script/sql site on a storage server because the tube script requires to host thumbs/screenshot medias on the same server as script server.

    Imagine if you have a million of videos and albums. You will need multiple terra octets for your script/sql server.

    mp4,jpg,gif... should be hosted on a media server only. Or at least there should be an option to do it.

    Thank you.


    It is actually possible by using NFS mount as described in the article:




    Yes we could use NFS Mount if the hosting service is offering this option for $$. But isn't it basically the goal of a media server to provide hard drive space and bandwidth at a better price we don't need to host any media on a script managed server?


    This is a huge effort, we will not be able to do that for now as it will take +2-3 more months of development and testing.


    There is a workaround for doing this:




    This doesn't help. The purpose is to save some hd spaces on your main server which is usually on more expensive managed hosting. And put all your data ( images, thumbs and videos ) on a media server.

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