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Posts posted by vqporn

  1. Videos Download not working


    [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Started import 44907985 [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Started line #1 [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Grabbing gallery https://www.tnaflix.com/hd-videos/Al...n/video2778309... [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Using grabber tnaflix.com [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] Done [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] Downloading file http://fck-cl08.tnaflix.com/dev8/0/0...3cb738d6dec49c... [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] Done [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] ERROR: invalid video file after download: http://fck-cl08.tnaflix.com/dev8/0/0...3cb738d6dec49c

  2. Error Grabbers in tnaflix.com


    [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Started import 44907985 [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Started line #1 [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Grabbing gallery https://www.tnaflix.com/hd-videos/Alexis-Texas-likes-fucking-in-hardcore-fashion/video2778309... [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:01] Using grabber tnaflix.com [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] Done [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] Downloading file http://fck-cl08.tnaflix.com/dev8/0/018/796/0018796088/Alexis_Texas_likes_fucking_in_hardcore_fashion-720p.mp4?end=1510812177&secure=0177a103cb738d6dec49c... [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] Done [Thread 1] [2017-11-15 23:03:08] ERROR: invalid video file after download: http://fck-cl08.tnaflix.com/dev8/0/018/796/0018796088/Alexis_Texas_likes_fucking_in_hardcore_fashion-720p.mp4?end=1510812177&secure=0177a103cb738d6dec49c


    We added this to 3.9.2.

    There is a global_stats block in KVS which can show many stats from the website, but it was missing members online info. We have added this.


    In order to add this to your site header, please follow these steps:


    1) First go to Settings -> Website settings and enable Synchronize user online status option at the bottom. By default this option is enabled for performance reason.


    2) Then go to Website UI -> Global blocks and create block with name Header Stats and type global_stats. After saving global blocks go to this block editing.


    3) In Header Stats block set template to this:

    <ul class="member-stats">
    {{if $stats.members_total>0}}<li>{{$stats.members_total}} members total</li>{{/if}}
    {{if $stats.members_today>0}}<li>{{$stats.members_today}} members joined today</li>{{/if}}
    {{if $stats.members_online>0}}<li>{{$stats.members_online}} members online</li>{{/if}}


    4) Also in Header Stats block settings you can copy its insert directive, something like that:

    {{insert name="getGlobal" global_id="global_stats_header_stats"}}


    5) Finally go to Website UI -> Page components -> include_header_general.tpl and paste this insert code into the place where you want to show these stats.


    You can do this now, but online members number will only be available starting from 3.9.2.


    Thanks, as I put it to see it from the admin, and the members online does not work because it shows nothing.


    Thank you.

  4. Greetings, you know it's good too and I think it's easy to implement.


    when you erase the videos you ask for a reason, for example if I will delete some videos by dmca that after I delete the video do not get the error 404 and get a message that says:


    This video is not available due to a copyright claim.


    I hope you understand.

    Thank you.


    OK, I get your point! We may need to create "sync content" option which can be executed manually when needed and it will verify all content at the given server and if some content is missing (which is true for ALL content in your case) it will sync this missing content from any other servers of this group. So that you don't need to do that manually with SSH.


    Well, probably this is doable.


    Thank you, I hope you can do so many thanks.


    I think you don't need anything in KVS to be able to use it. They should provide some kind of JS code that you can add into footer or header template and it will automatically load all necessary functionality.




    This is not a good idea. Many customers do not understand completely how KVS storage system works, they are trying to add servers in whatever way they think and this is not necessary the correct way. Right now automatic copying doesn't happen, so it is always possible to fix easily if something is not correctly configured and redo the configuration. If adding new server triggers automatic content copying for 100s GB of existing content, this operation will not be easily undone and somebody may even not notice it.


    Therefore we think that adding automation here will cause more issues, than benefits.

    The situation when you need to manually copy content is rare, it is only needed when you want to load balance content between multiple servers (e.g. 1 or 2 times in a life). While the more common case is when you want to extend storage space to store new content and this doesn't require any automatic copying.


    I did not know how to explain.


    For example I tended 2 servers for storage they were in the same group, hire a more powerful and create a new group, then filter the videos that are in that group and made a massive edition and moved them to the new group where I only have a 1 server.


    If in future I add another server to this new group and I want to copy all the content that has this, I would have to do it manually by ssh.


    And what I say it would be nice to have an option that says "copy this video to server X"


    That would be much easier.


    I suggest them because with the first 2 servers you have to do everything manually with ssh.


    Thank you.


    What is this and why it is needed?


    It is not necessary but it can be very productive, I for example configuere it and I do everything manually, for example when my site has 90 people online I send a notification and they get to connect more than 200, then if this could be done automatically by every video would be great.


    Another thing I would like to have KVS is that if I install a new server for storage I can copy everything from one server to another and create a copy of the exact data.


    Thank you.

  8. You can find them in docs:



    Also if you log in with any user and open debug mode for any page, e.g. (must be logged in admin panel as well to see debug mode):



    You an see all session variables and their actual values for the currently logged user:



    Thank you the debug mode helped me.


    How can I show an array, so that all the data in a table is displayed.


    Thank you.

  9. You can display the number of tokens for the current user anywhere in templates:

    You have {{$smarty.session.tokens_available}} tokens


    For payout request, we will check if we can add it in the future update.


    Where can I get all available commands such as: $smarty.session.tokens_available


    Thank you.

  10. Greetings, I would like the load balancing to be by ping and not having to add the countries by comma.


    That if a user is going to see a video that first reads its ping and is of which server to show it.


    Or to reduce the load, that on your first visit you run a script that knows what your ping is and know which server to display the videos and that every 30 minutes check your ping.


    Thanks for the work.

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