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Posts posted by steward

  1. We moved this post away from 4.1 topic.


    As we said before on this topic, we do not see any reason for this functionality. We do not understand why this functionality is needed. Until we have no understanding on this, we can't add it into KVS.


    What do you want to watch? Four 15-second videos or one 1-minute video?

    Users upload "mything pt1", "mything pt2" etc. You see this all the time at many sites.



    I kinda don't understand why you don't understand ;)


    I also don't understand why you need to understand. This is about presenting videos. That is what kvs does.




  2. Any updates on the shopping cart? Is it near release or still just in the planning stage?


    My thoughts...


    1. customers can sell downloads too, commissions like tokens.

    2. videos marked yes/no for can be in a cart. Some can not be sold.

    3. Max purchase amount per customer. This helps us limit chargebacks. New guys limited to say $50. Guys with known histories $300. "known history" is some formula of how many transactions totalling how many dollars over how many periods. (A period is 6 months, the time credit cards allow for a chargeback).

    4. Not interested in coupons, taxes, shipping, discounts, deals etc. Keep it simple to start. One film is one price for everybody.

    5. email hook to confirm purchase. Again very important for chargeback disputes. Sale does not proceed until customer accepts emailed link. Proof they agreed to purchase.

    6. After successful checkout, film is not immediately available. Eg state is "paid", kvs checkout is done. Allow us further processing of download. Let us set purchased items to state "ready".





  3. Custom video table



    Better custom fields. There are not enough of them, can't get best performance with only text data, have to do all kinds of conversion, can't index what I want the way I want.


    Allow us to specify a database, table name, and foreign key field. When you load a video, join it with custom data.


    Now you don't have to implement a complex custom field system. But I can have unlimited and highly customized data.




  4. What about adding this:


    1) option to delogo videos with ffmpeg...



    I asked for custom watermarks. KVS put their idea of custom watermarks into the program, not mine. I still want them.


    If there was a real post-processing hook, we could both do what we wanted: I put them in, he takes them out.


    No further details and explanations and reasons required. We are in competition with each other. He removes my copyright protection. I don't want him to know what my new watermarking is doing.


    It's been a long time since I looked but I think there are two crucial places. One is for watermarking, the other for post-processing. The first never existed, the second is in the wrong (or very inconvenient) place.


  5. Pause upload video


    In some cases it is necessary to suspend video uploads

    (Server upgrades, site migrations, etc.......)


    The upload video page should explain why the upload was suspended


    We get a number of failed uploads for guys who have 2Gb files.

    Guys ask if they can use DropBox instead.




    Not quite the same issue, but might shoot both problems with one bullet.

    Uploads can be resumed no matter what interrupted them, and guys can choose from DropBox etc.



  6. It would be great to be able to upload multiple videos and to become 1 single


    What about existing content?


    Combine existing. User uploaded a series of short clips. Now they all have comments and ratings etc.

    Concat with ffmpeg (specify ordering) and collapse all stats,comments,ratings etc into one entry.



    We get a lot of series. 3-6 uploads called part1,part2...

    That has been going on for years.

    It is tedious to watch them separately, and some are very short.


    At upload time, say "this is part of a series" so it does not get processed immediately.


    But the grunt work of combining is done later on demand (ad hoc) and works for new uploads or existing content.

    User can do it, not just an admin function.


  7. With regard to API for sending emails, I was thinking that using phpmailer + external email service like google is kind of standard for small businesses. Is there any other way? What do you mean by ESP API?


    ESP API = Email Service Provider Application Programming Interface.


    "ESP" has a broad definition and multiple meanings. Most people think gmail is an Email Service Provider, and they are correct. It provides emails !

    You can google for Wikipedia or other pages with "What is an ESP?" But it is best to look at the sites themselves:


    All ESPs recommend *not* using gmail (eg https://app.mailjet.com/support/how-to-set-up-mailjet-s-smtp-with-gmail,110.htm).

    But all that is debatable.


    ESPs are not just for marketing and campaigns. They also handle transactional mail (signup, forgot password, receipt for payment, ...)

    KVS cannot begin to duplicate the services they provide. They keep our member list clean, so we never email anyone that bounced or marked us as spam.

    And more.


    Sample ESP API listed at https://apidocs.sendinblue.com/tutorial-sending-transactional-email/

    That is for SendInBue PHP. GitHub has dozens (hundreds) more (Mailjet/php, Mailgun/Ruby etc etc).


    Adult webmasters can get blacklisted by using scripts that repeatedly send to dead mails and spam traps. I speak from experience.

    We must know when to stop sending (we need to act on the result: delivered, bounced, opened, clicked, marked a spam...).

    Or eventually you cannot even deliver a password recovery request.


    KVS can use cron to batch transactional emails, that makes sense.


    ESPs also batch emails. We can send them the batch in one call. They have algorithms tuned to make delivery appear normal to the outside world, so the site does not look like a spammer.


    End of lesson. You guys probably knew this anyways. The point is this: at whatever point you invoke phpmailer, provide an override or hook. Allow us to use other mailers.


    From your point of view, an ESP is just another php sending system like SwiftMailer or phpmailer. The API can accept a a batch or a single email.


    I now store this information with each user: (a) what notifications have they opted in? (b) when was the last date/time they confirmed/validated their email, and © is it valid now (marked invalid when we get a notification from the ESP that an email has bounced).


    In some cases ESPs can reply with bad news instantly. Or in the case of a previously recorded bad email, we can. So instead of saying "Please check your inbox" we can say "Sorry we were unable to deliver to that email". That is a result phpmailer cannot provide.


    Email deliverability is a huge subject area. From KVS end it is not so complicated. Just don't lock us into phpmailer is all I'm saying ;)


    Thank you for listening.

  8. except for immediate needs (signup and so on)


    Forget cron. No exceptions. Every outgoing mail must go through an ESP API. The SMTP server is not available to kvs. There is no other way to send mail.

    Outgoing mail is sent from a different server.


    All that matters is that you have one point where it can be intercepted, and all the necessary data is on hand at that point. For all outgoing email.


    Hope that is clear.


    An email is HTML format,


    And CSS. The css may be based on Zurb or Bootstrap and may be included or converted to inline. The website page approach sounds fine.

    The styling will not be compatible with the website.


    Thank you for your consideration.


  9. Comments on Mail:


    Reminder to ensure we can hook into this. We are already using third party APIs to send email. Sending from the site is a matter of queuing the message. A cron job does the sending.

    We already have opt-in lists and users have set preferences. We use several different ESP depending on conditions (eg SendInBlue has SMS for account recovery, MailJet has drip campaigns).

    The choice of where you put the hook and how much information is provided can make the transition easy or difficult. We will never go back to SMTP on our own servers.


    Responsive emails for mobile are hard to design, implement and test. There are many third-party services that sell templates. It would be best if we can purchase them if we want.

    Please do not lock us into a proprietary kvs-only templating system for emails.



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