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Alignment between storage servers on the same group


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I have 2 storage servers in the same storage group.

The second one was added recently, fully synced and perfectly working, then I deactivated it for one day and uploaded few videos on the first one.

Before reactivating the second I synced it again, but from this point I have a misalignment on the two servers. Had to turn off the second again because of HTML5 error : file not found, uploaded on the first, waited 12 hours, sync + reactivation, and I still get the same error on recent videos when I have only the new one active.


How can I fix this behaviour?

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There should never be a problem with activating / deactivating servers. When servers are added to the same group, content is fully duplicated to all of them, even if some servers are inactive. Server status only means that videos are not serving from that server to users, but doesn't mean that videos are not copied to it.

So there is no need to repeat sync operation, sync is only required immediately after adding new server to existing group to sync the old videos to it.

If there are some issues - this is not related to that. There should be something else, please create support ticket with some details.

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