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How do I configure file uploads via subdomain when running under CloudFlare?


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i'm not sure how to set that so i ask my hosting support team:



Hi i want to configure file uploads via subdomain when running under CloudFlare


For that i want to add


DocumentRoot /var/www/domain.com/public_html

ServerName upload.domain.com

ServerAlias upload.domain.com

AccessFileName .htaccess_upload


Can you please tell me location of file where i can add the above code, Please.



Support team:

Dear Customer


I believe that you want to create a subdomain upload.domains.com and uploads the contents via FTP. You may please note that it is not possible create a subdomain with the same document root as the main domain. The document root for a subdomain should be like "/home/user/public_html/suddomain". It is possible to create this via account's cPanel, and you can create FTP user as well.


If you are using CloudFlare, please make sure to disable CloudFlare mask for the sudomains A record in the CloudFlare panel. Otherwise, the subdomain will point to the CloudFlare's IP, or you can use the server IP instead of the subdomain name while connective via FTP client.




Hi, I think you have not understood my issue i wanted to add this code


DocumentRoot /var/www/domain.com/public_html

ServerName upload.domain.com

ServerAlias upload.domain.com

AccessFileName .htaccess_upload


In apache setting file, can you please tell me location of file where i can add this.



Support team:

Dear Customer


Manually editing Apache configuration on a cPanel server is not recommend and can break the web server. You may add the required sub domain from WHM itself.




Also in second step as mention in this https://www.kernel-scripts.com/en/documentation/faq/#section_faq_infrastructure_q63


want to add this line AccessFileName .htaccess_upload


want to make this file .htaccess_upload and add this settings in this file


php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off

php_flag register_globals Off

php_flag display_errors Off

php_value upload_max_filesize 2000M

php_value post_max_size 2000M


RewriteEngine on

RewriteBase /


Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"



RewriteRule ^uploader$ /admin/include/uploader_nginx.php [L,QSA]



RewriteRule ^upload-video/$ /member_profile_view.php?type=upload_video [L,QSA]



RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/admin/include/uploader_nginx.php.*

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/member_profile_view.php.*

RewriteRule ^.*$ - [R=404,L]



RewriteRule ^.*$ - [R=404,L]


How i can so it?



Support team:

Dear Customer

I've gone through the URL "https://www.kernel-scripts.com/en/documentation/faq/#section_faq_infrastructure_q63" and noticed that the mentioned line is to be added to the apache configuration as per the URL.


We cannot revert the changes within a configuration file like a notepad. We can try to add the custom modification if you still want to proceed, but we cannot predict the extend of any such custom modification in a cPanel environment. Also, cPanel won't officially supports the customized servers. Hence, it is not really recommended.


--------------------------that's all--------------------------


so for now , what should i do or choose? ><?

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  • 1 year later...
hi, does the upload subdomain have to be set to apache?

can't it be by ngnix?


You can try configure via nginx if you can replicate the same rewrites into nginx config. However we do not provide support for nginx configuration, as we are not able to access rewrites and modify them if needed (since this will require root access to your server).


PS: this will not be needed after 5.2.0 update, as we changed uploader to upload by small chunks. For now it is recommened to disable Cloudflare and wait for 5.2.0 update.

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You can try configure via nginx if you can replicate the same rewrites into nginx config. However we do not provide support for nginx configuration, as we are not able to access rewrites and modify them if needed (since this will require root access to your server).


PS: this will not be needed after 5.2.0 update, as we changed uploader to upload by small chunks. For now it is recommened to disable Cloudflare and wait for 5.2.0 update.


OK perfect.

I already thought such a scripted script and it has no small chunks

I had small chunks on my old website and it works very well.

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